
Tougher stuff

-Cynthia pov-

I'm currently sitting in our family manor in the capital waiting for my father and my uncle to come back from a meeting the nobles are holding about something, father wouldn't tell me what but it sounded like it was a serious meeting.

Anna is standing behind me, and some of family's maids are scattered around the room cleaning or preparing lunch for when my father and uncle return….

Just as I'm lost in my thought the doors open to reveal the pair I have been waiting for walk in with their usual grace, and I get up to greet them.

Cynthia "father, uncle, it's good to see you both"

Roy Blaine (father)" it's good to see you back my dear, I know you went to talk about the "bet" your foolish little brother made with that Little brat from the storm house, but you have been gone for two days, I hope he didn't try and push his luck with that nonsense...."

My father was coming up on 45, had short red hair and a red go-tee, was built like a soldier with a scar from just about his right eye brown down to his chin.

Damien Blaine (uncle) " you know our sweet little Cynthia would never be taken in in by such foolery from a commoner, she probably just had other errands to run brother, she's a grown woman so you shouldn't hassle her to much"

My uncle was more on the slender side with red shoulder length hair and always squints so it's hard to see his eyes, he's always been kind to a me but a lot of people call him a snake, but father trusts him so that's all the matters.

So I put on my most deceptive smile I could, I really had to sell this if I wanted this to work.

Cynthia " father , uncle, I have been staying at the commoners house…..but for a very specific reason, which I'm sure you will come to agree with once i show you why…."

My father and uncle's face dropped as I mentioned staying at Gideons house, but that's to be expected

Roy Blaine " he didn't lay a finger on you did he???…..I'd he has I'll wring that filthy commoners neck with my bare hands!!!"

I can't help but think about how Gideon has had more than a finger on me…..3 I'd say….not the time Cynthia snap out of it!….

Cynthia " of course not father I've been leading him on with great success, he seemed to be infatuated with me and I used that to try and get some secrets out of him…..and it worked…."

Without another word I released magmortar, in all his glory...such a handsome Pokémon...oh now I see why Gideon made me release him outside...he's burning the floors, he never used to do that as a magmar though?

My father and uncle just stood there with their mouths agape….I know right? Magmortar is just that impressive!!

Roy Blaine " is that an evolution of magmar!?, it's magnificent!! I can feel the power rolling off him!! How did you manage this historic feat!?"

That's the kind of reaction I was looking for!! This is going so well, the only hiccup could be my uncle who seems to be eyeing magmortar and myself curiously….. gotta play this smart….

Damien Blaine " yes how ever did you accomplish this feat my sweet little Cynthia??"

My uncle seems slightly suspicious but I don't blame him….

Cynthia " well you see, as I said that commoner was infatuated with me, he told me it was love at first sight, so that's why he made the bet in the first place, to try and win my affections.... And I stayed in his manor, and used thinly veiled seductions to pry some secrets out of him, that when when he told me Rhydon wasn't the only secret evolution he knew... besides magmar and rhydon he said he knew a few more...so again I used my charm to seduce him while keeping my distance, I even got him to evolve my magmar for me...though he wouldn't show me how it was done….. it was progress non the less.... I think if I can keep up this charade long enough I'll be able to pry open most of his secrets…. Hu hu hu….."

Gideon never told me about more evolutions and I'm positive he doesn't know any more, knowing 2 already would be to much…..

My father is still fussing over magmortar but my uncle listened intently and he looks...proud?.…. And a bit of melancholy

Damien Blaine " well you've done a magnificent job my dear, and I suggest you keep trying to pry his secrets from him, but you would be on a time limit I'm afraid….."

Cynthia " why is that?"

Damien Blaine " well you see... the meeting we just came back from was a gathering of nobles that commoner had offended or wronged in some way, it was being lead by Viscount Orneal, and we were invited…..and at the meeting it was decided that when the boy sets out to starts building his own territory, that the group of allied nobles would gather strength to attack him and finish him off before he gets to strong…..so about a year from now, as I said you should try your best to get out his secrets before that time…."

Well that's not good….. I still have 2 years on my contract...not to mention I don't think the nobles know of his actual strength…..it won't go the way they think it will…..

Cynthia " you didn't agree to join them did you?"

Damien " oh arceus no….. your father wanted to but I talked him out of it….. it's not worth the time and resources we would waste to gang up on somebody who really hasn't done anything to us besides humble little Micheal a bit, and now I'm more certain of that decision looking at your ...magmortar was it?...I feel like the boy isn't as weak as he appears…..I know he has at least 1 king ranked Pokémon with that monster of a gyarados he some how trained, and that evolved Rhydon would be at least elite rank, he might have some more aces up his sleeve, as well as his father who isn't so easy to deal with…."

You don't know the half of it uncle….. he has 5 champion ranked Pokémon…. With 2 more almost there, not to mention little town, the place is littered with king and elite rank Pokémon.....I want to tel my uncle this but... would Gideon be upset?.....it's best not to risk it…

Roy Blaine " AHHHHH MY HAND!!!!!"

*sigh* father really isn't to sharp, it makes me wonder how he ever became the head of the Blaine family, it clearly should have been uncle, but uncle seems satisfied with it so who am I to complain?

Cynthia " father just because he evolved doesn't mean he's less hot than he was….."

Roy Blaine " sorry my sweet, I couldn't resist, I mean look at him!!, you must do what ever it takes to learn how the evolution works!!!…. What ever it takes I say!!!"

Well this went better than I could have hoped apart from the noble scheme to kill Gideon, everything else went according to plan.

Oh looks like lunch is served….so I returned magmortar to his ball and sat back down at the table across from father and uncle…..

I'm rather famished after all the mental stress so this should be a fine meal, a tauros steak would hit the spot, and father and uncle seem to be enjoying it… so I cut a piece off and


Uggghhh, why is it so dry and tasteless… have I insulted the chef some how?

I try to eat as much as I can but I can't seem to enjoy the food at all? But I'm hungry so what's going on? There has to be something wrong here….

My uncle suddenly looks up from his meal with some worry on his face

Damien Blaine " just be carful though Cynthia ....I've heard rumours of nobles trying to use their daughters to woo him into giving this secrets but those poor noble girls fell to his charms...just don't get to close to him ok?"

That advice made me sweat a little….. so did Anna behind me…..

Cynthia " thank you for the advice uncle, but I'm not the same as the frail young maidens, I'm made of tougher stuff "


- MC pov-

I'm currently sitting in my mansion in the capital thinking about how I want things to go from here on out, in a little while in gong to own 1/3 of the slums in the capital, and I want to turn that into something decent...

I might even turn it into a noble free zone just for shits and giggles, imagine seeing that smug pricks watching from the outside, a place that's nicer than their own….. yeah I think I'm going to do that...

It's going to cause a lot of shit, but it will be funny all the same….and I have an idea where I want my new land to be, it's just going to be a big chore to acquire it, but not impossible.

I finish this bullshit academy in less than a year, but I want to start building my territory in secret before that, get a heads start on everything, I know people are going to start trouble with me soon…..well more trouble anyway, I just gotta be ready for it.

I get a 2 month break in 4 months which is when I'll start looking into my new territory....

Heh, Rick gave me a new Pokémon egg which will hatch around the same time as turtwig, magnemite, noibat and togepi...I told him awhile ago I was looking for a decent sized flying type….. but I got noibat in the meantime and kind of forgot to tell him about it…..oh well no skin off my nose…

It's a rookidee egg, extremely rare in Sinnoh….. I'm pretty sure these are supposed to be from galar right? I haven't heard of it in this world? Could it be it doesn't exist yet or something? Well all I know is they are rare in Sinnoh and corviknight is my favourite flying type.

So I got a few eggs to raise now, which is neat…. Should be fun raising and bonding with some mons again, even though I'm still raising shuckle.

I'm still just chilling after my beat down of that chump and his penguin, shuckles out in the back yard hanging out with his snorlax, bell is rolling me a couple blunts, houndoom is just sleeping next to my lounge chair and gengar is still in my shadow as always….

It was fun dunking on him with a performance though, I was never really theatrical in my first life, but I enjoy it a lot more now.

It's starting to move towards dinner time, and I'm starting to get peckish, so I'll just blast a few blunts, eat some food,have a shower and then head to bed…..I'm kinda pooped

Bit physically but mentally….meh, it is what it is…But just as I was thinking that slumping into my chair, Logan comes in and tells me Cynthia and Anna are back….. I kinda didn't expect them to come back tonight for some reason…I thought they would take a night off after dealing with the Blaine family.

Cynthia walks in with Anna trailing behind her, she walks right in without and fuss and just sits opposite me, she looks a little huffy, did things go tits up with her family?

Gideon " hey, whats got you looking so grumpy? Your plan fall through or something?"

Cynthia " no the plan went fine…. It's just I kinda hungry and the food at the family manor tasted funny today…"

Heh it happens to the best of em, the food of this world is shit at the moment, they just boil everything with salt…..the nobles cook fancier food but it doesn't taste much better I found.

Gideon " well the food should taste alright here, dinner will be soon, since I'm going to to be stretching those checks later, I might as well feed you and Anna a decent meal so you'll have some energy for it, I got some things I want to try on you two tonight"

She seemed to perk up a bit at that with a massive blush, same with Anna, their faces somewhere between excitement, humiliation, anger and joy.....but then she seems to scowl a little again.

Cynthia " that would be fantastic, but I wish you wouldn't say it with such vulgarity…..but I have some news about a noble gathering you might want to hear about…"

Well that sounds ominous, from the way she put it, it sounded like a gather about me.

Gideon " alright, let er rip I suppose"

Cynthia " well you see, my father and uncle were invited to a gather of nobles..."


Minor time skip next chapter of 4 months

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