

After I sent my guys off to do the thing, I only spoke a little more with pops, Kane and Leo before the latter two took off back to the castle

I know I just ordered a whole bunch of death and destruction, but I don't feel bad for doing it, i have to be this way if I want to live my life how I want... I know how noble society works, kicks to the nads for the weak and rimjobs for the strong, but one thing has me a little confused, I turn to pops who is sitting across from me.

Gideon " why didn't you try and persuade me to stop? You know the noble faction are going to assume you're involved right?"

Victor " because it's inevitable.... I've watched you grow closely from the day you were injured by Richard and Kyle and changed….. I know you have been preparing for something, I wasn't sure what, but something... now after tonight I can make a guess as to what you wanted"

Gideon " yeah I want to live in peace but I'm not stupid enough to believe people will let me have it for nothing, as I said before, if I have something they want, they become worst than bandits….so ima have to slap a bitch or two before they start to get the message"

Victor " indeed, just please try to keep your brothers out of it....I know it will be aggravating but I ask you all the same"

Gideon " yeah, as long as they don't take it to far, I'll leave em be, but that's all I can promise….."

After that morbid conversation me and pops head off to bed, but I don't get any sleep, I'm busy waiting for my crew to finish up their night job….


Viscount Samson Orneal POV

Uuuggghhh, why is my mind so fuzzy, I…..think I was doing paperwork, but I seem to be on the ground, and why am I so wet…..

It wasn't until I fully came into focus that I noticed fire…..it was my mansion in the capital that was on fire….NO!!, I have to many important things in there!!!!

Samson " luxray, jolteon! Help put out the fire quickly!!!"

But there was no response…. They are never far away from me why can't they...…and then I see them...laying there behind me...the wetness I felt, wasn't water…..it was blood...oh arceus...what have I done to deserve this.

They were both king rank, my family's strongest Pokémon, how could they both be dead…..

I spent a good half an hour between watching my house burn, and grieving over my lost friends, I don't know who is responsible for this...…but once I get back to my lands and organise my forces, they will pay...oh how they will pay…..



It's early morning, and my gengar, houndoom and metagross, just got back, I didn't sleep a wink...doesn't matter how confident you are, something could always go wrong, and I just couldn't keep myself from worrying about the possibility of something happening.

But they all came back without a scratch, metagross seemed a little tired, mostly due to having to teleport over a dozen times with heavy loads over distances that would take literally months to travel….

From what I got from them, they spent the majority of the time searching for and killing "tamed" mons through the orneal lands, and there were quite a few apparently, so it took time.

They ended up killing over 1000guards and soldiers apparently, a few king ranked mons that weren't in reports, a lot of elite and scores of advanced mons, it was a massacre.

Took almost everything that wasn't nailed down in the castle of any value, Logan got reports on their businesses and their dirty dealings, mostly human and mon trafficking.

And the wealth they piled up in their castle was impressive over 50,000 just in gold coins, to put that in perspective, a family of 3 could live pretty well for about 6 months with 1 gold coin, and live frugally for a year.

That's not even counting the jewels, jewellery and other miscellaneous items.

Another 15,000 ish gold coins from the house in the capital, not to mention about 20 eggs that were under pretty heavy guard, but there was 1 egg in particular that was hidden away, according to the viscount it's a noibat egg, well I guess that's my first dragon?

Well anyways all the loot got dropped off in little town with Logan, I'll check out the eggs later and divvy them up to ever can use them, I'll keep the dragon though….

Another good thing about this raid, one that I wasn't even aware of was evidence of who attacked, normally you would connect a giant houndoom, and metagross to me, but apparently metagross did a little fucking around in the survivors minds and it looked like they were attacked by bug types….

I didn't even think that was possible but turns out it is, metagross knew my dislike for the bug simps and figured why not build leads toward them, good job bud.

Well everything turned out well for me, and I didn't mention people connecting gengar to me is almost no one knows about him. Kind of a hidden ace in the shadows type deal.

So even without a night of sleep I still feel fine, but that goes away as soon as I realise I have to go back to "school", dude, fuck that place, I have to find the minimal attendance required to test out in a year...sigh

Well no helping it, shuckle won't be ready for training for a couple weeks, he's just a bit bigger then a fist now, it he'll get there and I can't wait for that moment.

Even if we can't train physically yet doesn't mean I can't help him train other things...…


Bob the builder pov

My word that is a lot of gold....we just finished moving all the things our lords metagross dropped off all this night, gold, jewels and various items, and it was a lot, it would almost fill a castle, i didn't bother asking where it came from because it didn't matter, it now belongs to our lord.

I still remember our first meeting quiet fondly, when he was just a child, he came into my old workshop about building a home for himself with what we now call blue prints…

I still remember how scared I was when I found out he was the lords son, and how I spoke to him, I have seen commoners killed for less.

But he just took it all in stride and it fell off him like water off a psyducks back. It didn't take long to build the magnificent home, nearly a week, and what a work of art it was, and still is to this day more than a decade later.

It took me and my family about a year afterwards to move to little town, which at the time was just a few houses near a lake, but over the years it increased slowly as the lord took in the less fortunate to give them work and place to call home.

And year after year it increased little by little until it formed little town, which the lord told us was temporary but we call it home anyways, I wouldn't doubt a single person here would pack up and move to wherever

The lord decides to build next.

I don't think he even realised him self the protection and luxury just his existence provides us common folk, between the free jar of vespiquen honey once a month to the fine Cotten and silk clothes he has us wear, to resources and training he provides to everyone's Pokémon.

Little town is a true sanctuary for the lost and looking for purpose, it comes as no surprise that everyone and I mean every soul in little town is loyal to Gideon storm, myself included.

Over the years he invented wonder after wonder, wether it was food, alcohol, ways to train Pokémon or make better food for Pokémon, even architecture he just seems to be an endless abyss of good ideas.

And it seems he has a way with even wild Pokémon, as over the years different rare species of Pokémon have chosen little town to settle and live amongst the people, with the Munna line seen the most.

The little things were apprehensive at first but the warmed by quite fast, and they settled in comfortably... almost to comfortably, Nowa days it's not uncommon to see a muuna in your house sleeping on your things if you leave a door or window open, without a care in the world, but it's hard to be mad at them after all they do for us.

It would be no surprise that the less the fortunate would have trauma and damage of some sort when they arrive, but muuna being a Pokémon of pleasant dreams slowly eases them out of the darkness, more often than not you see the muuna slipping in to sleep near the vulnerable, you would be surprised at what a constant good night sleep will help you cope with.

I know they helped me, one of the reasons I moved here was my daughter was attacked and almost raped by one of the gangs in town, she managed to escape, but I didn't sleep well after knowing it could happen again, so I asked the lord if I could build a home near his and he said "fuck yeah you can, always good having someone who can fix shit around"

And it gave me peace of mind knowing my family was truely safe here.....but the gangs of the city tried to get their fingers in this place through the years, always without any success, they even went as far as launching a full scale attack under the guise of bandits, but the lords houndoom showed no mercy and left no survivors, and to make sure it didn't happen again his houndoom and metagross left in the middle of that night to make sure there were truely no survivors…..

No gangs have tried to interfere since…

Our lord is truely a man of great character and the town has lost its spirit now he's away for a year, but he promised us that he would have his own land by the time he got back and we should be prepared to move, we are all giddy at the thought, though it's a shame to move from this paradise we are sure our lords land will be even better….

We can only wait…. So we train our skills and Pokémon for the day he calls upon us….

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