
11 years

Changed my mind, going straight to 15 as he doesn't need to be 13 for the story to be interesting, and he and smoke and drink without people thinking he's too young,

Yes it's still young but he's a grown man and 15 is old enough for it.


I slowly and painfully open my eyes, uggghh why is the sun so bright today…. And I suddenly start remembering last night.

Wow that was a big night, we dank barrels bourbon an and vodka, ate a tonne of food and hot boxed the entire reception hall..

Arceus kill me now…..hangovers are fucked, and right here you should be thinking 'but Gideon you're an aura god, and immune to poison, how can you be hung over' well the answer to that my curious friends is Morgan freeman.

Apparently he slipped in the ability to get drunk and high as a bonus I didn't even know I needed, but it came with normal consequences, but it clears up after about an hour of suffering, kinda like punishment i guess. But luckily it's only if I go super hard at it, like try to drink half a barrel of vodka hard…

Oh and Freddie also slipped me a neat little extra, musical knowledge of my old world and a world class voice, basically his voice for singing, and how to play and build any instrument I can think of….. also basically every song ever...I just know them all somehow.

Anyway last night we had a bit of a shindig, not for any reason just some fun, and it blew out of proportion. The whole town got involved…

Yes town.... I accidentally created a village, with all the orphans that came in over the years and decent people with nowhere to go, they just kinda ended up here and we built a small village, granted I made sure everything was on theme with my place, so decent houses, structured properly and what not

Turns out if you're a noble and not a total cunt people seem to think the sun shines out of your ass, the people of this village are almost fanatically loyal to me, and hang on my every word, so I avoid them as much as I can, it sound good in theory but it's hard to deal with in reality…..people takes your words literally and as gospel….not my thing

Anyway last night we got a little crazy and busted out a tonne of booze and food, and I ended up singing for hours, we all really getting into it, and with the old songs on earth people lose their shit..

Luckily the exploud line are natures speakers so there was no troubles there as we had a couple around

And for the drinks, well I knew I would want to drink as I got older and I refused to drink rotten grape juice or piss, so I made a small brewery in the "village" and just made enough for me and my peeps.

I haven't spread anything decent around outside the village because...fuck em that's why…. As I've said before I'm here for me, not everyone else, I'll share with my people and mons, but everyone else can go suck a fat dick

Over the years me and pops, I won't say got closer, but he got out of his funk of letting his child be abused thing, and we partnered on a few "inventions" like proper Cotten and even hemp clothing, not the shitty hemp clothing, the good stuff, between that and the glass has made me very wealthy.

Of course people have tried to steal the secrets, but no one has managed so far, so that's good, maybe I overestimated the people? People in this world as dumb as shit, even the nobles who like to think them selves cunning.

But enough on that, I slowly sit up and rub my face….. it's been 11 years since I arrived, and it's been mostly ups, been having a bit of fun.

I'm not really one who likes to travel or anything but seeing new places in nice once in awhile, went to the capital a couple times, it was....ok I guess, more structured than pops city but the smell of shit and piss ruins it..

But getting off topic again, most of my "inventions" haven't left the village, and I haven't had any trouble from other people yet, well the one bandit group who thought a little to highly of themselves, they tried to attack and were ripped to shreds by houndoom in under a minute.

Yeah my mons have all evolved, let's start from first to last I guess, magikarp is now a kaiju of a gyarados, nearly 100 feet long, that king gene did him wonders, and not nearly as aggressive as I thought he would be, I mean he still gets moody with a loose fang or some unshed scales, not super wrathful, but moody

But he's still my fish buddy, only bigger... he regularly goes on sea expeditions for a fight, he loves him a good fight, always comes back a little battered and bruised, but he always comes back and that's the main thing

And...he's champion level....a powerhouse, I even loaded him up with a bunch of TMs like flamethrower, thunderbolt,ect.

In this world, Pokémon don't just "learn" new miraculous new moves outside of their typing when they "level up", no, you gotta grind it out, months maybe even years of work to even think about getting it down…..or you can magic up a TM that don't exist, and just learn it.

Well he's a little big for the fishman special now, but he can fight on land for himself now so that good.

Next up is the "Goodest boy" who's now a houndoom, and a big one at that, usually houndooms are around 5 foot give or take, horns included, but my buddy, he's around 6'5 taller than me at the moment, but he is still every bit he puppy I remember, loves fetch and laying around.

But seems to hate everything that isn't me or the crew, not arrogant, but just doesn't like anyone else, even the people of the little town he is indifferent to at best.

And he's....also champion level….. 30x growth speed and purple grade talent is no joke, from what pops told me, Pokémon need to go through decades maybe even centuries of hard training and gruelling fights to reach that level…..

We on the other hand trained pretty hard until the elite rank, not super hard but a few hours a day every day. After hitting elite, we toned it down to casual weekend training, so again, 30x growth speed is broken.

But as I said houndoom, he is a big puppy with me, nothing but a big goof who likes tummy scratches….for everyone else, it's probably better to stay away from him

And my last little trouble make is Metagross, standing at 10 feet of lumbering metal crab psychicness, he was a very curious little fella as a beldum and would just wonder off all the time, super annoying but manageable, what was hard to deal with was his "love" ,it was full contact in the form of the only move he knew before evolving…..tackle…. He was very affectionate and loved the polish I made for him, but when he was out of sight , and I felt his excitement grow through our bond I knew…

It was time for hugs…. I instantly have to get into a defensive position because he was coming in hot…and it was so hard to be mad at him for it… beldum don't communicate much outside feelings, and with the bond it was intense, when he was coming at me all I could feel was love and joy….. So I just took it..

Thank fuck he grew out of it when he evolved into a metang, still affectionate but not so full contact and more just wanted to be around, still a bit of an explorer though, wanders off a lot.

And last but not least is azumarill, we formed a proper bond years ago, and she was juiced up to purple with a few orbs, I found out what they were too, but more on that some other time, she hasn't changed at all, just bums around and comes for food.

She's quite friendly with the whole village and likes to bum food off anyone who would indulge her, which some do….

And...she's champion rank... fucking broken, I know but it's fine.

Well i suppose I should talk about the new crew and what's on the agenda for the next little while....

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