
Let’s talk money…

It's the first morning in my new dope ass mansion, I woke up to houndour whining at me and nudging me, looking pitiful, guessing he's after some grub..I slowly groan and lift myself out of my new cloud like bed.

Gideon " alright buddy I'm up…..I'm up, let's get you and the others some food aye, then I can have a shitty breakfast, today is the day start working on some decent food.."

And I slowly get up and walk over to his little bowl I fill it up with miltank milk of the highest grade, apparently miltank milk tastes better the stronger they are….. I really have to sort my self out now I have a safe place to relax instead of constantly being on edge, I don't know shit about my situation.

On my to do list is.

1) find the herb shop for spices and hopefully get a servant to start some herb gardens here, a few green houses would be tight

Need glass for glass houses though….

2) get my new somewhat modernised kitchen up and ready to rumble… to my standards that is, not this worlds standard..

3)talk to father about general Pokémon strength, talent colours, and other Pokemon "common knowledge" that I might lack..

4) also talk to father and get a basic idea of this world, politics, and where our country stands with others.

Knowing my luck there is definitely t be some bullshit war and I'm going to some how get dragged in…

Oh and apparently azumarill lives here now, she was getting bored at the old place and refused to eat the food they gave her, so I guess I got a new guest, she will mainly just float around the lake and wander into the house when she feels like it, but she's strong so having her around works for me.

I walk out to the balcony and look down at the lake, I can feed magikarp and azumarill from here so that's what I do, it starts raining 2 piles of food, again attacked with gusto.

Time for me to take a shower, and oh boy am I excited, I went all in on this bathroom, the shower is in the corner of the room next to the window and it's massive….like 10 people arms stretched out and never touch each other massive….no doors or walls, it's open, it basically just rains from the roof, which is made from a black obsidian like stone…..there is 2 pull down chains that control temperature to the side so you can adjust it how you like it, it's like a warm rain, you can literally walk around in the shower, I love it!

It's super wasteful but honestly does it matter? Pokémon have unlimited water, and it gets topped up daily, but there is so much water in the tank I can leave it on for a week straight and barely touch the amount of water in the artificial water tank/mountain, beautiful gritty black stone covered the floors, with a few drains to take away the water, it was the ultimate shower,

There's a big bath too in the other bathroom, but I always preferred showers, but I will still use the bath from time to time.

Anyway off getting off topic, my father is coming over today so see the new place, not bringing the family for obvious reasons, but I'm sure he will like my style, I also plan to talk to him about glass, I know it's a big money maker, but I don't want the lions share, only brings problems, so I'll take a tidy 40% of the profits….and let him go through all the crap, I'm sure he will agree.

The only issue I have is I don't have a sample, but hopefully I can talk around that, pops seems to be pretty wealthy, but it doesn't surprise me due to being the middle city in between the major coast city and the capital.

So it's still early in the morning, I'm showered and managed to get down breakfast, my standards are so high due to this foodwarz knowledge, if it was me from before I would be ok with it, but not anymore.

I hear some movement outside and walk outside to see pops jumping out of a carriage being pulled by 2 zebrastrike, I walk down to greet him as he jumps out

Gideon" hey pops, come to see the shack? It's only a little bigger then the last one but I'll make do…"

My sarcasm was taken well, he had a little chuckle to himself before pulling me into a hug.

Victor " I'm glad you like it my boy, I know you have had it rough, so hopefully this can make up for it in some small way….."

Gideon " yeah I'm already over it, so don't sweat it, anyway come in I'll give you a tour"

I took him around and he was quite impressed with the style and how things worked, he was taken with the bidet especially, liked the idea of the water mountain/tower, and all around he enjoyed his visit.

We ended our tour in the what I call the lounge room, can't remember what the nobles call it, sitting room? Well it doesn't matter there were lounges and we sat across from each other.

Gideon " father I have a new invention, one that could make a fuck load of money, and I'd like to bring you in on it, I could say it's because we are family and I want to share the wealth but I'll be honest it's more to do with not having to deal with noble shit, and I'll only take 40%"

Victor " how many time have I told you to mind your language over the past week…..you never used to swear this much….."

Gideon "too many?, just let it go, It's part of me now…..it flows out of me as naturally as breathing…"

So with a little back and forth we got down to it, I explained glass to him, even had some plans drawn up to make the furnace needed to make it, and best fire types to maintain it, I kept the materials a secret for now, I trust him kinda, but I don't trust his wives.

We went back and forth for a bit, about Uses for glass, to what nobles would pay, because the common folk wouldn't be able to afford it

Again with a little back and forth he takes me down To 30% but that's alright, that's a hands off 30% where I do nothing and collect the money, I told him I have more ideas for the future but we left it at that as I had a few things to ask him

Gideon " so pops I got some questions about the a couple of things but let's start with, Pokémon potential…."

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