
Didn’t need manliness yet anyway

As I rush to the mirror and pull out the eggs I can see the black one starting to shake, and quickly pulling it out of the incubator so it can do its thing, which causes the shaking to get a little erratic and focused, for 45 godamn minutes.

as I hear a knock on my door, goon 1 aka Rick asks if I'm alright, I'm usually out of the room by now, so I just yell back "Everything is fine!" and I won't be coming out this morning, whether they believed me or not I don't know,  but they still left me alone.

After another 20 minutes of continuous shaking a crack appears on the egg, I can feel my heart rate increasing, and mouth drying, I really didn't think I would be this excited, but I suppose it is my first dog, technically.

The cracks continue to grow bigger and bigger until suddenly a little brown snout pops out, sniffing the air a little before his whole head pops out, eyes closed and mewling softly like any newborn pup and suddenly the whole little doggo beaks through the shell

While sniffing around with its eyes struggling in jittery movements it takes in its new surroundings until it locks onto me, it's legs aren't working yet so it crawls toward me, again I've never been a feelings person, but I couldn't help but "awwwwwww" when I saw him trying his hardest to get to me….my heart melted…..

I waste no time before picking him up, and all I can feel from him are feelings of joy….. my god….. I will murder anyone who even looks negatively in his general direction with an axe…..he's perfect….

He started trying to howl but failing at it, trying to tell me something, I could tell somehow tell he was hungry, and with my food gift I managed to rustle up the best bottle of miltank milk this world has ever seen, its bottle made of plastic with a rubber nipple? Putting that aside I put the nipple in his mouth and he attacks it with gusto, nubbing at it with his toothless maw.

He managed to go through 3 whole bottles before pushing his face into my elbow nook and clonking out… Interesting tidbit, the bottles turn to disappearing glitter when they are finished. weird but whatever.

So I just wanted to sit here and watch him sleep quietly but the plan was instantly ruined by a bang on the door followed by a "zuuuuu"

Turns out Azumarill wasn't happy I hadn't fed her yet, yes it's a 'her' I checked, and I really should have known, if I bothered to even look at her features I would have... somehow forgot I was a master breeder now…

as I tell her to just come in, she wastes no time and waltzes into the hut, grouchy and ready to complain, only to freeze up and look at my arms as she makes it inside, she softly pads over and her hand starts moving toward houndour before I pull him back in a knee jerk reaction, she just gives me a reassuring "azumarill" and I reluctantly let her touch my new crew member.

She's very gentle and coos at him with every gentle stroke, she faces over at me and nods, looking like she is going leave but instead closes the door she left open and sits next to me and watches houndour, who is still sleeping…

We both sit watching the new pup as I start thinking about what I need to do, first I need to make some of that scale salve for Magikarp before his scales get too itchy and he becomes irritable, it's basic herbs from around here should be easy enough to make. Need to visit that herb shop.

I'm going to need a special brush for houndour to keep his fur in perfect condition and it also helps keep parasites away, the anime and games never mentioned parasites, but they exist and the primitive treatment methods are shit..good thing I know the proper methods and how to apply them huh.

But this world barely has combs…. Oh shit I can use one of my 3 weekly items for it, dope

With that planned out, I need money, my own source that is, can't be sponging off the old man forever. I'm thinking glass is the best bet, not to mention I want glass for my place, but whatever. it's either that or booze, this world has rotten grape juice they called wine, or piss in a cup they called mead, I tried both at dinner just to taste test the other night, and yeah….. it's bad…

Man, this world is shit, the food's shit, the drinks are shit, the people are shit, and even shitting is shit… I have to invent a hand pump bidet next to the stone toilet so I don't have to get so messy every time.

But whatever my doggo is here now and all is right with the world, probably gonna move into my place in the next few days, just having some of the furniture made up and a couple of finishing touches, hopefully, everything works the way it should...

made out of stone and wood, the place looks amazing, the stone is polished, the wood oiled, everything looks fancy as fuck, and all my little "inventions" have really made it liveable for me, my goons will move in too, as well as some of the staff here to train them and look after me better... obviously i could look after myself even as a kid, and the fact that my "dad" actually gave me enough to build my own mansion is bananas! 

the fact pops is letting me live alone being as young as I am doesn't surprise me, the guy let me move into a shack out the back at the insistence of his "wife", well at least all this child abuse had led to something positive...

There are a few orphans in town, probably going to snatch a number of them up to avoid spies and teach them how I want them taught, sounds a little groomy sure but...it's a thing in this world, best way to get strong, loyal vassals. if I said that back in my old world people might start trying to connect me to Epstein or maybe the catholic church.

A small howl broke me out of my thoughts, I looked down and saw my pup trying to get down, so I let him down and he started trying to stand up and failing miserably, it's so cute to watch…..

So I guess my next few Days will consist of moving into my new pad, feeding my mons, and heading over to that herb shop, I'm pretty sure they should have some spices too, people used to use spices for potions so, here's hoping

I can see houndour getting mad he can't stand….. wow…my heart is melting…

Well... I didn't need my manliness yet anyway.

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