

So when I approached the kids they gave me a wary look, and it only seems to make them warier after I mentioned I'm a noble, can't blame them though, pretty sure most nobility are dicks, my father is the exception, not the rule, he doesn't seem to have any prejudice against the common man which is good.

The rest of the family though... Well, whatever, back to the kids, they were keeping their distance.

Redhead kid " look kid, you can have some bread there's no need to lie to us…."

Oh right, yeah I guess you would be skeptical of a naked 4-year-old in a dingy ally claiming to be a noble, well alrighty then, plan b

Gideon " I really am a noble, my name is Gideon storm, third son of viscount storm and I'm here to talk to you three about something"

Red head " if you're a noble like you claim why are you naked…."

Gideon" that's because I slid through some sh…...that's not important...What is important is my offer"

Red head " yeah right kid, you think we were born yesterday? I can see through your scam from a mile away, now you're going to tell us you would have your father reward us for sharing food with you?"

Gideon " no what I was going to tell you is that I don't have any friends....wow that did not come out how I thought it would...anyway point being, I'm going to need some people, and I would like you to be those people"

I can see they are still skeptical which is natural in this situation.

Gideon " look just follow me back to my place, I'll prove to you who I am, and we can talk about this…"

They reluctantly agree and follow me back home, again some strange looks at a naked child being followed by some small ratty children, but I don't actually have any money on me to buy new clothes, and I would rather be naked than wear those brown hobo uniforms….

So twist after turn in this clusterfuck of a city and 50ish minutes of walking, we make it to the front gates, and as we approach a guard pulls us up lickety-split, can't have the homeless loitering around the lords' castle…..I get it.

Guard " halt! get back to where you belong you filthy street rats!!!"

Wow that's quite aggressive for an uppity mall cop, and I didn't appreciate how it sounded, but I should be able to score some brownie points with my new potential "people" squad here

Gideon " who the hell are you calling a street rat you overgrown cum stain! I'm just heading home and these fine folk are my new friends…."

He seemed about to blow his top when all of a sudden he seemed to recognize me….. anger turned to fear pretty quickly, I've always been middle class, middle-class trash you could say, I worked hard and had money and a nice home, but I wasn't above smoking blunts on the block with a couple of mates…Never looked down on but never really looked up to, which was fine with me, but normal people seem to fear nobles and I get why but I don't really care for it.

Guard " I'm so sorry young lord I didn't recognize you!!!, and your friends I apologize please forgive me!!"

He didn't even mention me being naked, I'm sure nobles do all sorts of weird shit so whatever but yeah…..

So we start heading inside, I can see the kids are looking at me differently now, no longer lingering skepticism, but I don't wanna say fear but something along those lines so I'm going to have to sort this out.

We meet a maid on the way to my shack and I ask her to bring us a meal, and she takes off to do just that, servants are neat gonna have to get a couple of my own….. ones not on the payroll of my "stepmothers", I know quite a few guards were in their pockets if my memories were anything to go by. no way a young son of a noble who doesn't actively hate him could suffer the abuse he or I did unless they were without the patriarch knowing.

Anyway we make it back to my shack, and the kids have a why are we here look on their faces so I tell them I'll explain inside.

As we get inside, I offer them a seat, it's not massive but it's big enough for now, it has 2 bedrooms besides mine, I say bedroom but it's honestly just a little room to keep the rain out, and I explain who I am and that my mother was a commoner, how my family treated me and I start explaining my goal.

Gideon " so now you basically know what my life is, let me explain my goal, and it's not some grand plan to get me fame and glory, it comes down to, I want to lazy relaxed life with little to no issue, no politics, no other nobles near me, no money problems, just me my mons, a few trustworthy servants and some people I can call on to deal with annoying shit….. visa vi, you…."

I say looking at the redhead kid who identified himself as Rick, as he is the one with aura, a general understanding about aura is 90% of aura users and good, hardworking, and generally friendly people, I'm willing to roll the dice on him, because what were the odds of us both being the 10%.

And then I look at his little sister, Leah, same red hair and golden eyes, and then I look at their friend Logan, black hair, blue eyes, with no expression on his face…..creepy….now that I think about even back in the ally the most expressive thing he did was eat his bread faster as I arrived.

Gideon " I'll take all 3 of you under my wing, give you some Pokémon, show you how to train and care for them and whatnot, but I'll tell you now, I'm lazy, like reeeeeaaaallly lazy and you will pretty much be carrying my ass through life, so what do ya reckon?"

All 3 instantly agreed which makes this whole thing way easier and just after they agreed, there was a knock at the door, the food was here, and as the 3 savaged their food I was picking at mine with a grimace, it was just mediocre, they don't use any spices, butter doesn't exist, they either roast over a fire or boil everything...

Well I'll change that once I get my new place and use my little gift to wow my own taste buds and hopefully not jizz in my little pants, they were vague on that in foodwarz, they say it's a foodgasm but I don't know….seems fishy, I'll eat my first few meals alone to test the waters…

Anyway, with that out of the way, I got 'em set up in the 2 rooms as I got a servant to bring some beds over, god these beds are shit, I'll make some good ones later on…

I didn't make it to the herb shop and I can't be fucked going back into town, so I take a quick bath to wash off any residue shit particles that may have stuck to me, put on some new clothes, and readied myself for tomorrow, gotta get these kids trained by someone.

By the way, the bath, a glorified bucket, fuck I can't wait for my new place to be finished…

And so I went to bed, the 3 went to their rooms, Rick and Leah would stay together and Logan got his own, but all in all a good harvest for the day minus the shit slip n slide

Tomorrow the building begins and I have some training plans for my fish!!..

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