

Moving quickly through the streets of the new capital of the underworld Lilith, I arrived at the central command building for the entirety of the national army.

Which I long ago named, The Pentagram.

The building is also shaped exactly how its namesake is by the way.

Giving the guards a quick nod as I passed by them I moved through the corridors of The Pentagram and headed directly to the meeting room on the 10th floor.

The highest floor of the The Pentagram.

My office is on the 8th floor by the way.

Moving on, after reaching the top floor I headed into the secure meeting room I had constructed for highly sensitive occasions, just like the evil pieces matter I am about to discuss with my top officials.

Entering the room I already saw four people sitting, waiting for me.

The first of my Strategic Military Advisor, Falbium.

As usual he is sitting in his chair, pillows all along his back, sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

But once the meeting get started he'll weigh in. This guy has trained himself to listen in his sleep. Meaning he can be even lazier. Now he doesn't even have to be awake when important meetings are taking place unless the matter is extremely serious, pertaining to life or death.

I mentally sighed upon seeing this.

How Falbium is so lazy and even still alive is anyone's guess.

I actually pray for the future of the Glasya-Labolas clan with him as their next head.

Anyway, moving on from Falbium the person sitting right next to him is a female. She has dark-skin, golden eyes, silky black hair, and a great body that men and some someone would kill each other over just for one passionate night with.

The name of is dark-skinned goddess is Sargatanas Sabnock.

(Image Here)

She is from the same clan as Sairaorg's bishop Misteeta which is an extinct clan in the future. But thanks to my intervention that will no longer be the case.

Sargatnas is the general who is in command of all the northern forces within the national army. She one of four generals who I assigned to watch over the cardinal directions of the devil territory.

All of whom are part of a special group of military officials I created to advise, and also hold power in the event that the title of Asmodeus changes hands.

I have named it Octagram.

The eight members who are a part of Octagram are as I just said a moment ago, the four generals in charge of watching over the cardinal directions of the devil territory, special military advisor which is the position Falbium currently holds. Finally there is the head of the military police, the leader of the The Order of The Black Knights, and finally the head of military intelligence.

A fine group if I do say so myself.

Anyway, Sargatnas isn't just a pretty face. She is also exceptionally srtong. Having extreme mastery over the clan trait of the Sabnock clan.

[Power over Metal]

Using their clan trait members of the Sabnock clan can produce any kind of metal. As well as shape the metal they produce into various weapons. Guns, blades, axes, you name it and the Sabnock can most probably produce it. They can even use their power to control and manipulate any existing metal around them within a certain range. I've even heard master of the Sabnock clan trait can rust metal with just a touch of their fingers.

So yeah, Sargnatas is packing some serious power.

But she is also very level-headed, which makes her perfect to watch over the northern territories within the devil-claimed part of the underworld. That's because the territories of the Fallen Angels border us devils to the north.

Meaning Sargantas regularly has to deal with them.

But since Azazel personality hasn't changed from canon and neither has most of his cadre from the investigation I've done into them over the years, there have been no major skirmishes. Even so, Sargantas is the perfect choice, since she is not a warmonger or a staunch racist.

That's why I gave her her position, because I know she won't fuck things up.

Moving on, the other two people currently in the room are not part of Octagram.

No, they are something even better.

They are my apprentices.

That's right. I've taken two young apprentices under my wing.

The first of them is Reynard Phenex.

When Eugeo joined the army, Reynard followed right alongside him. They are best friends just like their fathers after all.

Anyway, while Eugeo joined the military police Reynard came to me and did something I had never seen the kid do in his entire life. He bowed his head and asked me to mentor him. When I asked him why, he said it's because he wanted to become a super devil like me one day. Kid told me he thought I was cool, and that if he got stronger he could fight stronger opponents and enjoy himself.

I deadpanned when he told me the last part. But the rest I liked. Reynard has a good head on his shoulders and the determination to overcome anything, so I decided to agree to his request and take him under my wing.

His parents were fine with it too by the way.

Which I very much appreciated.

Now when I bring their son over to the dark side and turn him into a pervert they can't complain one bit.

A task I have already begun doing.

The same with my other apprentice.

Who was already quite black-hearted and deep into debauchery even before I decided to mentor her.

My second apprentice is a female.

She has long white hair, and dark black eyes. As well as ghostly-pale white skin. At the moment she is dressed in her usual attire, an all black dress, wearing a grin on her face.

The name of my second apprentice is Echidna Dona.

(Image Here)

She is actually a rarity in the current world. Due to the fact that she is a half-devil. Her father being the devil with her mother being a human witch who opened a portal to the underworld decades ago and found herself deciding to stay.

Which was a complete accident by the way.

From the way Echidna tells the story, her mother was simply trying to make a magician pact with a devil, but messed up the spell and it ended up reverse summoning herself to the underworld like Jiraya did to the Toad Mountains when he was a good.

The story was not hard to believe.

For centuries human magicians have been making pacts with devils, in order to gain knowledge and power. Even before the AD centuries of Earth hit. In fact the only reason the normal population of the human world even has an inkling about the pacts made between humans and devils is thanks to Johann Georg Faust and his contract with Mephisto Pheles. As well as other famous occultist throughout history, but Faust and Pheles are the heart and soul of the matter.

I've actually met Pheles.

It was once twenty years ago.

He came to the underworld when we new Maou asked him to because we wanted to meet with him and formed friendly relations between our society and his magician organization Grauzauberer. Which even now is one of the most recognized and powerful magicians organizations on earth. Not to mention Pheles is the head of the magician council.

We wanted to get in good with him, so we invited him for drinks so to speak.

To put it bluntly he's really strange.

After he arrived he looked at each of us Maou and gave us each a strange smile when he did so. When his eyes landed on me I felt like he was trying to look into my soul.

Though considering he is one of the oldest devils remaining alive along with Zekram, it's no wonder he's a little out there.

Bottom line is the meeting with well and we formed friendly relations with Mephsito and his organization.

I was even able to get some books on other magic systems from different pantheon which I gifted to Meredy. Since she is a bit of a magic nut.

Now back to Echidna.

Her family entered into the Belial Territory right after the Civil War began. Then once it was over Echidna eventually started making a name for herself within Belial territory. Not only for her gifts in magic particularly her specialty curses and hexes, but also because she was born with a sacred gear.

Trick Vanish.

The sacred gear with the ability to seal an opponent's power. Basically a sacred gear version of [Worthless] when you think about it.

So the moment I heard about Echidna I went to see her and her family, and the rest is history.

She and I get a long really well, since we think alike. I have to say she is my best apprentice when compared to Reynard. After all, she has learned to completely embrace the dark side.

But that's not to say Reynard isn't making progress. He is getting there. And really, that's all I as a teacher can ask for.

A smile on my face I went to take my seat at the head of the table.

Reynard sitting on my left.

While Echidna sat on my right.

"Master, good to see you after so long. "Echidna told me.

"The same to you." I told her. "So, how did you like the northern front of our territory?" I asked her. Because for the past three months I've had Echidna stationed along the northern borders so she can learn to deal with fallen angels. Whether through fighting or diplomacy.

"It was very informative master." Echidna said. "Very informative indeed." She told me again, her smile getting wider as she did so.

I gave Echidna a wry smile after she told me how much she enjoyed herself. That's because whenever her smile gets bigger I know that means something difficult must've have happened. Since she is a sadist just like me, and her favorite past time is torturous experimentation or very strange erotic sex. The latter of which she told me about herself even though I didn't ask or want to do know.

Like I said, she is my best apprentice.

Turning from Echidna I looked to Sargatanas for clarity on what might or might not have happened while Echidna was on the northern borders.

Since she could just be screwing with me.

That's one of her favorite past times as well.

Sargatanas sighed when I looked at her. "Boss, not only did this apprentice of your instigate an orgy with two entire squads she was put into command of, but she also experimented with her curses, hexes, and sacred gear on a squadron of twenty fallen angels we captured. The latter of which were a small radical group of racists. I checked with Azazel so you don't have to worry about anything coming of it." She explained to me.

I nodded at her words.

Once I did I moved to deliver a punch right to the top of Echidna's head. My apprentices have becoming greatly familiar with my 'Fist of Love and Punishment' over these long years they have been under my wing.

For anything they do something stupid or something that makes me proud I deliver the most sacred fist right onto the top of their skulls.

"Ow!" Echidna cried, rubbing the top of her head after I delivered my punch. "Master why?"

"Don't ask me that you horny witch." I told her, punching the top of her head again. "You can't go around having an orgy with those under your command, and you certainly can't experiment on captured prisoners. You cannot do the former because those people need to focus and not be staring at your ass while you are working. Only do that when you are all off duty. As for the latter, make sure those fallen are really guilty before you being experimenting on them. Or do you want to cause an incident with another faction while you are jumping the gun?"

"Yes master, I understand." Echidna told me.

"Good. Learning you are." I said, using Yoda's voice.

"Master, when are you going tell us why you talk like that at times?" Reynard ask me.

"Understand in a few centuries you will. Patience you must be until then my apprentice." I told him.

Giving him the same answer I gave him every time he asked me why I talked like Yoda.

That's because I don't want to ruin the masterpiece that is Star Wars for these two. No, that would be blasphemy against its great creator Georg Lucas.

I cannot do that to such a wonderful man who gave us Jedi, Yoda, and Baby Yoda.

I sooner die than desecrate his work.

This I swear!

"Right." Reynard said. "So anyway, why did you call this meeting so suddenly?"

"We need to wait for the others to arrive before I can answer that." I said.

Then right after I did the doors opened and six people entered the room all at one time, the doors closing behind them after they did.

Two of them are Albedo and Sirius. The former is the head of the Black Knights, meanwhile the latter is now the head of the Military Police.

Moving on from them, there is the shotacon walking right beside Albedo.

He is the same height as Serafall, and has short grey hair and yellow eyes.

(Image Here)

His name is Moss Trillz. The head of the military intelligence. He is also a common devil, who despite his size is very good at his job.

Moving on from him, there are two more males and one more woman.

The woman has short golden hair and brown eyes.

(Image Here)

Her name is Macaria Agares. She is the general in charge of the southern territories and the southern front. A place rife with dangerous beasts, that Macaria and the soldiers under her command regularly hunt to protect the devils living there.

She is also the niece of Killian Agares. After her parents died during the Great War he took her in and raised her.

But even so, she does not let political means affect her duty and responsibilities, seeing as the Agares clan is a member of the Great King Faction. I trust Marcaria completely.

Moving on from her, the first male has long dark hair arranged in a ponytail and matching dark eyes, along with a handsome face.

(Image Here)

His name is Zabal Abbadon. A member of the extra demon house Abbadon, and also the commander of our western forces.

Zabal is smart, charming, cunning, and above all else strong.

The last one being slightly more important than the rest because of the simple fact that the devil race is bordered by the Realm of The Dead to the west. Meaning that front is a hotbed for Hades and his Grim Reapers.

Which is another reason Zabal is so important for that area.

Because if Hades ever decided to try and fuck with the devils, Zabal can just come and retrieve me using his [Hole] power and teleport me there immediately to confront the ruler of the Greek underworld.

Finally we have the last man. He has short blonde hair and tan skin, along with a handsome face.

(Image Here)

His name is Hyrian Calamitas.

And despite standing 200 cm (6.56 feet) tall he is a physical fighter, but rather an expert on magic and fighting from a distance. He is also a common devil.

Everyone took their seats.

Once they did I sealed the room, and activated several monitoring spells just in case someone tried to listen in on us.

"So boss, why did you call us all here?" Macaria asked me.

"As usual, you words are as uncloth and unrefined as ever Macaria." Zabel said.

"Ugh, what was that? You want to die?" Macaria asked Zabel, turning to look at him with cold eyes.

"Please, I would like to see you try and kill me." He said to her, not backing down even an inch.

Invisible sparks began flying between the two. Seeing this I sighed.

This always happens when those two are in a room together. Ever since I named them cardinal generals three decades ago, they always get at each others throats when the situation isn't serious. I actually think that might be because they like each other.

"So annoying." Reynard said, clicking his tongue. Zabel and Macaria then turned to glare at him. "Stop looking at me, you two should just fuck and get it over with." He bluntly said.




I heard crickets as no one spoke for several moments as Reynard's statement. We have all thought that about these two at one time, but never said anything since we thought it would just happen on its own.

But Reynard has the right idea I think, the two of them need the push.

And hopefully this will stop their arguing going forward.


Oh who am I kidding, no it won't. But at least if they start having sex maybe the arguing will decrease.

I hope.


Moss cleared his throat, breaking the super awkward tension in the air. "Let's get back on track. Boss, why did you call this emergency meeting."

"Yes." I began. "Let me explain to you all about this new invention that lord Beelzebub presented in front of Ars Groetia today. They are called the Evil Pieces." I began.

I then explained what the evil pieces were, along with everything else that was discussed about them during the Ars Groetia session today. As well as my own ideas and concerns about the pieces.

When I was done, silence reigned again.

But this time there was a tension in there not present before.

"It looks like we're going to have to shore up our defenses on all fronts." Sargatanas said. Breaking the silence this time.

"Yes." Hyrian agreed. "We will also need to increase security around these evil pieces and Agreas itself. If someone were to get their hands on the crystals and try to re-create maou Beelzebub's invention..."

"The consequences would not be pretty." I finished.

Which is exactly why I called this meeting.

"Hades is not going to like this." Zabal said. "Him and his grim-reaper legions usually keep to themselves, but he already doesn't like us, and once the news of the evil pieces breaks across into the rest of the supernatural world, there is a chance he might lose his shit and attack us." He said.

Voicing another concern of mine.

I looked at Moss. "Moss, what is the likely-hood that Zeus and the other Greek Gods would back up Hades if he launched an attack against us Devils?" I asked.

By the way, for some strange reason other than Hades all the Greek Gods of this world look like the versions I saw in a Netflix animated series I watched right before I died, called Blood of Zeus.

Have no idea why, but I'm not going to question it.

"From what sources we have in their pantheon I think it would be unlikely for the other Greek Gods to support Hades if he attacked us. Not only is Hades still not on good terms with his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, but at the moment the Greeks are more worried about dealing with the spread of Christianity and the church into their territory to really focus on anything else." Moss explained.

I nodded.

The information Moss gave me is the same thing I heard from Serafall when the Maou's met for a private conference a few months ago.

Since Greece is located so close to Italy, the central power of the Church faction on their, and with Christianity expanding so much into the human world at the moment, they are worried about their borders shrinking more and are trying to prevent that.

Which is good.

Because that means if Hades does attack after the evil pieces become public knowledge, then we can beat his skeletal ass black and blue without any blowback.

"Azazel will more than anything want to study the evil pieces to figure out how they work." Sargatanas told us.

Not like any of us are going to disagree.

Everyone in the room knows how Azazel is after all.

I really need to get around to meeting him. I think it's time now.

Moving on, we discussed several more possible scenarios of attacks once the evil pieces were introduced. But I also asked for Octagram's input on several new laws I was going to get implemented now with evil pieces in play.

Then once I did I adjourned the meeting.

Sending everyone on their way to prepare for the storm that was about to hit our race.

But we are not going to sink. We are going to weather it and come out the other side unharmed.

On my title as a Maou I swear it.

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