
Julian Was Just...Julian

Izzy had been slightly insulted at first despite knowing how blunt her friend could be but the latter half of his list surprised her. Especially the last item on it. 

"You think I'm fun?" she asked. 

Julian actually laughed. "Izzy, talking to you is the only thing in my life that is fun."

That certainly mollified her. No one had ever told her that before though she often suspected that Roz felt the same way. Which made sense considering how alike her two friends were. 

"Oh. Thanks? Or should I be saying you're welcome here?"

"I think either one would be appropriate," he said with another laugh before growing more serious. "Does anyone else know about this?" 

"Roz does but not to the same extent you do. I gave her less details and she doesn't know my old name," Izzy admitted. 

Surprise flickered across his face. "Really? Why tell me the whole truth then?"

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