
Chapter 64: Unimaginable Power: Part 5

Author's Note: This will be the last chapter for today. As I mentioned in the last chapter, this will have no Alex action as it will be focused more on how everyone else in the story is reacting to the danger. The next time I will release chapters will be on Friday with 2 more chapters! You know, I think I am getting good at sticking to my schedule. Anyways, enjoy!


<Back to a place where no beings, except the Divine a.k.a the Gods, are allowed to enter>

(The point of view of Megiddo) (Just in case you don't remember who this was, Megiddo is the real name of the God of Death)

"What is happening over there!"

I was going around doing business as usual down in the Realm of The Dead. I was just sorting out the souls which will reincarnate and the ones which will be used as the building blocks to create new souls when I realized that something was odd.

There was a large influx of souls coming down here from the 10th Origin World in rapid succession, and all of these souls came from humans of the 5th Order. At first, I thought that there was just more people dying today than before but, that didn't make any sense.

There was no large generation of babies born in that world before that could be dying in this age, according to everything Big Sis told me. That could only leave wars or massacres. That world seemed peaceful and, sure enough, a large war hasn't happened on that world for more than 1000 years.

Which only left 1 more option. That a massacre was happening there. So, I went to the Council Room, where only Armageddon was present.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Megiddo?"

"Sir, there is a large problem happening in the 10th Origin World!"

When I say that, Armageddon's eyes open up in surprise.

"I will tell Brother about this."

Sure enough, after only a few minutes, almost every God has appeared in the Council Room. Word really does fly fast here.

"Megiddo, you said that a problem has happened on the 10th Origin World?"

I straighten up and try to look as authentic as possible. I do have some sort of history of giving false reports so, this is necessary.

"A massacre is happening there."

"A massacre, you say? It is natural for humans to fight-"

"No, this one is located in the city where my Hero is located. Also, when I tried to locate the source of the danger, there were many abnormally powerful humans there, some of which had multiple abilities."

"Impossible! We designed that world to only give 1 random ability to every sentient creature there!"

It looks like the God of Gravity isn't taking this news too well. I mean, the older Gods really did design that world where only 1 ability can be allotted to an individual so, having multiples is something that has never happened before.

"I see. Did you perhaps locate the one who gave these people extra powers?"

"No, I am afraid not, Sir. When I tried to, there was only darkness and a singular orb that was glowing bright blue, like some sort of eye."

"Outrageous! Nothing can interfere with a Divine's search! Only Orders 1 and 2 would have had the power to do that, but they are all inactive!"

"Then, our foe is something that exceeds the power of us Divine. Something like a great vile evil. Something like The Scourge."

The moment Genesis said that everyone fell silent.

"But, there is no trace of it's power on that world."

"So, it must be some sort of minion. It's version of the Hero's we choose to save the world."


(Luscia's point of view)


This can't be happening!

"Uncle! We need to send as many reinforcements as possible! The city of Quaran is being overrun by murderous intruders!"

"Miss Luscia, you need to stop..."

"That is the King. He might-"

"Silence! I know what is happening there."

"Then, why won't you listen?! Isn't Quaran a massive asset to the Anastelo Kingdom!?"

Why won't Uncle listen to me!?

There is danger happening there. I was invited to the Royal Chamber by my uncle to watch the Proving, alongside my best friend, Sierra. Everything was going smoothly until the casting device was abruptly turned off when an announcement coming from the city warned that intruders have infiltrated the city. After nearly 10 minutes of suspense, it was turned on again by a girl with silver hair that reflected all light.

The thing that was astonishing about her was that when she looked at the lens of the casting artifact, there were horns on her head and small fangs protruding from her mouth. She then started to shout to someone named Alex. There was no denying the fact that the Alex there was the same one as my brother*.

He shouted back in an uncharacteristically cold voice and she slapped him. After that, so much stuff happened. Like, Alex started to grow gigantic black tentacles from every part of his body.

Those tentacles were the ones he used to move around, except much bigger and thicker. They proceeded to tie up people left, right, and center. And, right when Alex was about to fall, a gigantic red Dragon picked him up and moved him out of the way of multiple Thunder Spear spells.

There is so much happening that I don't know what to think anymore. Like, why is there a giant red Dragon in the stadium? Or, why was there a bunch of people attacking the Proving? So many of these questions were swirling around in my mind until Sierra snapped me out of it by telling me that all my concerns should be shared with the King.

And, that is exactly what happened, but he won't send his forces there.

"Why can't we send our soldiers there to help! Can't we just message other cities to send their troops there as well?!"

"It is not as simple as that, Luscia. Quaran is located on Mount Superacelox in the Atlas Mountain Chain. It is a largely isolated city, with the closest one being nearly 20 miles away. And that is only moving in a straight line. Climbing the mountain will take a few days at most. Lastly, we don't have anyone who can teleport them there either. He is currently on a diplomacy visit to the Kingdom of Etherus, on the Anteo Continent. It will take a long time as the Kingdom of Etherus is located in the Great Spirit Forest, which blocks all magical interference due to having an abnormally large concentration of Mana."

"... So, the only thing we can do is send a relief team, then?"

"... I am afraid so."


*Luscia still considers Alex to be her brother even though they were not related in their past life or their current life.

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