
Royal Rumble (2)

Cecilia and I finally made it to the city. There were powerful fighters at every corner we walked in. Cecilia had a tighter grip on me as she looked around. She noticed her people giving her a dirty look. I looked around and noticed everyone giving me a certain look as well.

"Tough crowd huh?" I chuckled.

"They aren't too fond of me because of my brothers. I'm not even supposed to be in the city because I was exiled." Cecilia said and buried her face against my back to hide her face.

"I see.." I said then noticed a man walk in front of Nebula, making her stop. "How may I help you?"

"Emperor Ryoma. Why are you in the City of Selum?" The man asked.

The man had spiky brown hair, gray eyes, and a scar along his nose. He had no shirt, exposing his ancient markings on his body. He wore black martial arts pants and a red belt.

Nebula whinnied and snorted.

"So you are Soren, from what my beautiful mare tells me." I said.

"I am Soren. Prince Soren to you. I see you have our Ex-Queen with you. The knight in black armor has come to her aid?" Soren said and watched me get off Nebula.

"The knight in black armor." I chuckled softly and walked toward him. "Yes I have come to my wife's aid."

"H-Huh?! We aren't married you arrogant bafoon!" Cecilia barked. Her face was completely red from embarrassment.

"Wife?" Soren asked and chuckled. "You would want to marry her when we have Princess Eirine? She's more your type, a submissive, weak, bitch."

Cecilia began to grow angry at Soren's words. "You have no business talking about her like that!"

"Pipe down you feral brute." Soren said then felt my push.

"You have no business talking to her like that. You hold a little more power than someone and you forget who you truly are." I said.

"That's rich coming from you, The Tyrant." Soren said.

"At least this Tyrant, had a reason to fight. A reason to be a dictator. Who do you think united Eyica? Me. My superior ruling had me reigning supreme." I said.

"And yet you couldn't save your brother." Soren said.

I smirked and struck Soren in his stomach. He groaned and fell onto one knee.

"Bow down.." I commanded.

Soren's eyes shined and he bowed to me. "Wh-What..?"

"No one dares to talk about Takeo. Count yourself lucky that I even hit you with one strike. Disrespect me again, and you will know what it feels like to lose your entire kingdom." I said ominously and my eyes shined. I gently rubbed my chest and The Crest of Oblivion shined on my hand.

Soren stood up slowly and glared at me. He yelled and went for a kick, but I dodged it. He tried to hit me with a spinning kick, but I caught his leg. I pushed his leg to the side then hit him with an Ubiquitous Attack on his side. He groaned and held his side.

I crossed my arms and struck him with more invisible attacks then watched him fall to his knees. I heard the citizens screaming for help and a few guards surrounded us.

"Well. If this is how Selum operates, I guess it's worse than I thought. You fools are worse than Yesha. You exile your own queen and call her sister a bitch." I said then chuckled.

"Emperor Ryoma! Princess Cecilia! You are under arrest and under Divine Subjugation!" A Royal Guard bellowed and his Crest of Subjugation shined.

Chains of light began to apprehend me, Cecilia, and Nebula. Cecilia grunted as she fell off Nebula and tried to break out of the chains. Nebula neighed loudly and tried to break out.

"Yes! Take these thugs to the king for a divine execution!" Soren bellowed.

My smirk turned into a glare then I closed my eyes. "You know...arresting me might not be a good idea."

Soren looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "We have you in chains and shackles. You hold no authority anymore! This is for the war crimes you've committed in Eyica! You're a criminal at heart. A villain. Now you come to Uthea to conquer and manipulate! No more. The Empress wills your execution!"

I chuckled darkly and opened my eyes. They shined red and cursed marks slowly formed on my arm. My Crest of Conquest shined above the Crest of Henosis. "She does huh. Well I hope she's watching. Because The Tyrant is going to show everyone why Order is a must. This pathetic kingdom has no order! No Harmony. No Justice. Well I am here to bestow Justice upon Selum. There should be no reason a Queen should have to flee to a lowly village with an assassin ready to kill her."

"How do you know about that?" Soren asked.

"Because I am the one who saved her." I said then broke out of my chains. "Also...if you're going to use Domination Magic, make sure it can't be broken out of through pure strength."

"Guards!" Soren bellowed.

The Royal Guards rushed toward me then groaned as they were blown away from my aura alone. I snapped my fingers and the chains on Nebula and Cecilia shattered. Cecilia stood up and looked at me.

The failure of the Royal Guards empowered my Crest which in turn empowered me. I dashed toward Soren and palmed his stomach. A shockwave was generated then I launched him across a few streets. Soren groaned as he crashed into a building. He fell onto his knees then passed out.

"You all work for me now." I said then my eyes shined.

The Royal Guards stood up and their armor turned black. Cecilia watched in shock and stared at me in awe. She looked at Nebula who was staring at me.

I closed my eyes and exhaled, calming down The Tyrant within. My aura disappeared and the Crest vanished. "I'm alright Nebula."

Nebula seemed happy that I actually controlled The Tyrant. She looked at Cecilia and made sure she was alright.

"We need to get out of this city. We're wanted now. I know a small rural town we can stay in." Cecilia said then hopped on Nebula's back.

"Guards. Disperse and conceal your identity. This is the start of a rebellion. I will strike your king down." I said as I walked toward Nebula and hopped on her back.

Nebula whinnied then spread her wings and flew off quickly. The guards began to quickly disperse and go into hiding as I commanded.


"That was freaking insane what you fucking did! Are you crazy?!" Cecilia yelled as she held onto me.

"I hate seeing kingdoms without Order. Harmony. Justice. Law. Peace. Control. Oath." I said.

"Are those the Seven Morals of Eyica?" Cecilia asked.

"Yes. Every Royalty no matter if it's in Arcania, Genten, Uthea, all Royals follow the Divine Morals set by the Eyican Rulers. Yesha is the Order, the Capital of Eyica. Shiuji is the Harmony. Yascea is the Justice. Dagrax is the Law. Atren is the Peace. Sorien is the Control. Alrean is the Oath. Ascea the Ruler of Eyica when Eyica was first created made these Morals to prevent more wars in Eyica." I explained.

"And you are his Reincarnation. Born with his Crest! You were in the prophecy. A Ruler from another Continent would come to restore balance in Uthea. The Seer of Uthea told all of the Kingdoms about you. Many men tried to fulfill this Prophecy. Most met the requirements of being born with a Crest, being powerful, and being a previous Ruler of an entire Nation." Cecilia said.

I smiled and looked at the clouds. "But they missed one requirement..."

"What is that?" Cecilia asked.

"They have to be me. They don't have a strong sense of Order and Power like I do. The Prophecy said 'A Tyrant reborn from Ascea'." I explained.

"It did...It did say that! Wait so why has no one caught on until now?" Cecilia asked.

"Because I'm so good at acting. I even fooled my Legendary Spirit into thinking I wasn't born with a Crest. Now that it's know of who I am...I am sure most kingdoms are going to be more hostile. Especially the Northern Parts of Uthea. Claire told me they are the worst.." I said.

"Wait so with me in the inn, and our fight...you were acting?" She asked.

I chuckled softly. "No, My Queen. Those were genuine emotions. I mean every word that I say unless it doesn't benefit me in the end."

Cecilia smiled a bit and closed her eyes. "At least you aren't a liar.."

I chuckled softly and watched the clouds zoom by as we flew toward the rural town Cecilia wanted us to retreat to.


Nebula landed in a ranch and neighed. I got off her back and helped Cecilia off. She held my hand and led me toward the house. She walked inside and smiled. I looked around and it was your typical ranch house.

"Sis? Aunt Lily? Uncle Roy?" Cecilia called out.

"Celli!~ We're in the living room!~" A woman called out.

Cecilia smiled and looked at me and wanted me to follow her. I smiled at her and followed behind her. We walked into the living room and noticed Eirine, Lily, and Roy sitting on the couch, watching TV together.

Eirine was a graceful looking woman with an hourglass figure, large breasts, and a visible Crest Imprint on her right hand. She had long curly pink hair, shimmering green eyes, luscious lips with a beauty mole on her chin. She wore a white top with a frilly collar and overalls with a button loose.

Lily was a sweet middle aged woman who seemed to have completed everything she wanted in life. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a Crest in her left eye.

Roy was a strong, rugged looking man. He had a nicely grown and trimmed beard and mustache, messy black hair with a few gray areas, and brown eyes. He had a Crest on his forehead.

"Ehh..? Is that Emperor Ryoma?" Eirine asked and stood up. She walked over to me then stumbled.

I caught her and looked at her. She stared into my eyes, growing lost in them. She shuddered and parted her lips to speak...but grew too infatuated to speak.

Cecilia grunted lightly out of jealousy and separated us. "Y-Yes! This is Emperor Ryoma! I was wondering if he could stay with us while we lay low for a while?"

"Ryoma." Roy stood up. "You were on the news, and we noticed you protecting Cecilia. It takes a big heart to do that. You're free to stay with us under one condition."

"What may that be?" I asked.

"You help around the town, boy. Our family has been running a major business and it's booming! If you want in on the family, you need to be and play a part in the family." Roy said and pat my arm.

I smiled and nodded. "Alright."

"Good. Welcome to the Endellion Family. You must be tired after all that battlin'. There's some leftovers in the fridge and there's a spare guest room upstairs you can stay in." Roy said.

I nodded and watched him walk out to the backyard. I watched Lily get up and walk toward me.

Lily held my hands and smiled at me. "It was very nice of you to help Cecilia, Emperor Ryoma. I will be looking forward to you being with us."

I nodded and smiled at her. "I will do my best, Mrs. Lily."

"Oh no, dear! You don't have to say that. You can just call me Lily." Lily smiled.

I chuckled softly. "Alright, Lily. I will do my best."

She nodded and let me go and hurried to the backyard with Roy.

Cecilia took my hand and led me to the kitchen. "I know this isn't the preferable living condition for someone like you, but at least we have a roof over our heads for a bit." She said and took down two plates.

"I don't mind living like this. Gives me a break from being Royalty even if it doesn't last long." I said with a chuckle and watched Cecilia prepare our dinner.

Eirine inched closer to me, looking at me with much curiosity. She tilted her head and studied my face. "In the flesh...I never thought I would actually meet you."

I looked at Eirine and caught onto her pleasant aroma. I smiled at her and held her cheek, gently. "Yes...and you'll be able to see more of me everyday until my last day..~"

Eirine blushed and held my hand. "Yes..~"

Cecilia grew jealous and slammed the pot on the counter and looked at the two of us. "Separate! Now!"

"Alright. Alright. If you wanted my attention so badly, you could always ask..~" I chuckled and teased, letting Eirine go.

"No need to be jealous~ It isn't my fault he's so hot..~" Eirine purred.

"Shut it! I didn't bring him here so your doting ass could flirt and become all lovey dovey with him! I brought him here so we could lay low from all the heat in the City!" Cecilia barked.

Lily and Roy listened to Cecilia's aggressive barking and Eirine's distressed mewling then chuckled.

"It surely is going to get very lively here isn't it?" Lily asked with a smile.

"Yep, it sure is going to grow a bit more lively here. We needed a little action here anyway..~" Roy chuckled as he watered the plants.

Lily nodded and trimmed the leaves. "Eirine already seems more alive now. Can't wait to see what adventures come from this..~"

To Be Continued...

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