
Saving Lythia and Isei (2)

"Alright let's go." Lythia said and looked at Nebula.

Nebula neighed then stopped. She looked at Tsuhori then looked back seeing Takeo standing up. His dark aura exploded and he began to turn into a Corrupted Beast.

"The only thing there is left for you is Death...you have nothing else to lose. So go all out...show them your power!" Chaos spoke in his head.

Takeo roared as he transformed into a demonic creature. Tsuhori used her aura to float Isei over to Lythia. "Nebula get out of here!"

Nebula looked at Tsuhori quickly.

"Just go!" Tsuhori yelled then turned into a human.

"Creiros! Assist Tsuhori!" Lythia called out and a loudly screech was heard.

Nebula flew off and looked back at Tsuhori. She neighed and looked sad.

"Don't worry about me, Nebula. I am my Master's Beast. I won't allow myself to die so easily." Tsuhori smirked and summoned my sword.

Takeo roared and fully became a Corrupted Beast. Tsuhori heard Creiros flying towards them and screeching. Takeo flew towards Tsuhori and swiped his claws at her. She dodged the attack slashed downward. Her eyes were blank as she struck him.

"Don't feel anything...Even if it is Milord's brother..I mustn't allow myself to feel." She said to herself then heard Takeo's pained roar.

Creiros flapped her wings and sent powerful dark cutting waves at Takeo, hitting him and Takeo flew backwards. Takeo stopped himself and growled then looked at Tsuhori and Creiros. My Crest shined on Tsuhori's hand and she looked at it.

"He's corrupted isn't he? His Crest turned black." I spoke to Tsuhori.

"Unfortunately, Milord. I'm sorry.." Tsuhori spoke in a sad tone.

"Mmph..." I sighed. "Listen. Without Nebula, you can't beat him since I'm not there..She needs to strike him down with a powerful purification beam...powerful enough to erase the Dark Crest from his body."

"I know...but I already sent her back to Uthea with Lythia and Isei. It was too dangerous for them to stay." Tsuhori said.

"...Then bring the fight to me. I'll tell you where to meet me. There is an island just outside of Uthea. Take him there. I will be there, waiting." I said.

"As you wish, Milord." Tsuhori replied then transformed into her Mythical Beast form. "Creiros come on!"

Tsuhori ran off on the water then Creiros followed her. Takeo roared then flew after them.

"R-Ryoma? Where are you going?" Rei asked, sitting up on her bed covering herself.

I put in my clothes and walked off. "I need to handle family matters. I'll be back."

Rei watched me walk over to her side and kiss her lips then I left the room. She laid back down and stared at the roof. "Don't die on me.."

Nebula landed on the ground at Volta then Lythia and Isei got off her back. Nebula noticed me hurrying towards her and neighed worriedly.

"It's fine, Nebula. Tsuhori will be safe." I said rubbing her neck then I looked at Lythia and Isei.

"Ryoma.." Lythia looked down a bit.

I held her shoulders then nodded and crouched down to Isei who hid behind Lythia. "You're safe now." I smiled.

I stood up and hurried on Nebula's back then she galloped then flew off. Lythia watched and felt even more worried and sad.

Tsuhori was nearing the island and noticed Nebula flying to the island with me on her back. She hurried to the island and heard Takeo roaring loudly. She reached the island at the same time I reached the island then I got off Nebula's back and noticed Takeo. Takeo stopped when he saw me. Tsuhori turned into her human form and hurried behind me. She handed me my sword and I took it out of her hands.

"Takeo." I started then walked forward.

"Bro...ther..." Takeo said.

"It pains me to see you like this...See you as a Corrupted. Have you forgotten what happened to me when I killed that entire kingdom? I too had a Dark Crest, and it wasn't pretty...but I was able to Master it even though in the end it was corrupting me slowly. I did all I could to protect you from that fate...but I guess I didn't do enough." I said the my aura flowed around my body.

"Brot..her..!" Takeo kept saying.

"Now since you are this beast now...I must defeat you...no...I must kill you to save you. I won't be holding back as much as it pains me.." I said then transformed into my Divine Form and my Eye of Arcane shined. My sword transformed into its Divine Trinity form.

"Why...bro...ther..." Takeo looked at me and I stopped walking.

"Because...I love you. I'd rather have a dead brother than a Corrupted one." I said then glared.

Takeo looked at me and growled then roared loudly.

"This is a pain I should bare. Now come at me, Brother." I said.

Takeo roared then flew to me. He went for a punch then my aura blew him away. I appeared above him then slashed downward and sent him crashing to the ground. He hit the ground and coughed blood. I flew towards him and went for a killing blow. Takeo punched my face and roared. I endured the strike then severed his arm from his body. He roared and blasted me away with a dark beam.

I landed on the ground and Takeo roared in pain from his arm being severed off his body. I looked at him and began to walk towards him once again. "Mother would always stop us from fighting whenever we did fight. Father would stop us as well, but he understood we were merely training. Our sisters also did their best to keep us from actually fighting...now they are gone. If they were still here..."

Takeo released another beam from his mouth. I held my hand out then a barrier protected me. The beam disappeared and I lowered my hand.

"Remember the day after I became Emperor..? You always wished to be emperor or a ruler at least. I gave you your own kingdom to rule over. You did such an excellent job at it that I decided to let you be known as Second Emperor. We had so many good memories." I said then dodged his cutting waves.

A beam hit me and an explosion happened. I swiped my arm then the smoke cleared. I wasn't harmed at all.

"Divine Forms are equivalent to that of a Legendary Beast. The only ones who can beat us are those who have equal more more strength than a Legendary Beast." I said. "You can't beat me, Takeo. You never have...and you'll never get another chance to."

I dashed towards him and the blade of my sword shined bright. I bellowed then spun around then slashed, hitting him and sending him flying in the air. He groaned loudly, coughing blood. I jumped up and slash down, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Arcane's Light!" I bellowed and shot a sword beam of devastating light at Takeo and he roared loudly in pain. The attack had the same properties of a purification beam, but it was ten times stronger.

I bellowed then a blinding light shined and a massive explosion happened and the people of Athirus and Volta noticed and heard it, wondering what was going on. The light dimmed and I looked down at Takeo. The Dark Crest shattered from his forehead then he slowly reverted back to his normal form.

Azusa ran to her balcony and looked in the sky and noticed me flying in the air. "Ryoma..?"

"Mama, what's going on?" Mari asked.

"Daddy's handling business it seems.." Azusa answered.

I descended to the ground and turned normal then fell to one knee, panting softly. After catching my breath, I got up and walked over to Takeo and fell on my knees beside him then held him in my arm.

"Milord." Tsuhori spoke softly.

Nebula felt my saddened energy and looked sad. She snorted softly.

I looked at his face and tears formed in my eyes. "Takeo.." I said softly and clenched my teeth.

"Just let it out Ryoma.." Arcane said.

My tears fell on his face and I silently cried for my brother. I held him close to me and now I was officially the only one left of my bloodline. I felt his body getting colder and looked at him. "I'll always love you, Takeo...Say hello to our family for me..." I said softly then laid him on the ground and used my Crest of Therris to bury him.

I closed my eyes and turned away then walked towards Nebula and the others. Tsuhori held my arm and her ears and tail drooped. She let me go then watched me get on Nebula's back. Nebula flew back to Volta then Tsuhori and Creiros followed shortly after.

Nebula landed at the castle in Volta then I got off her back and walked forward and fell to my knees. My heart rate began to increase tremendously. I fell on my side and began to hyperventilate. Nebula neighed loudly and hurried to me. Rei heard it and quickly got out of bed then put on her clothes then rushed towards the entrance of the castle and opened the door. The guards hurried to me and Tsuhori crouched down in front of me, not knowing what to do.

"Ryoma?!" Rei rushed to me and pushed her way to get to me.

I could barely hear their voices and everything slowly went black. Tsuhori and Rei were extremely scared and tried their best to help me.

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