
Chapter 42 ─ Different Goals

Outside the door of the ministers' hall, stood a young man hearing everything.

Blond hair pulled back and bright blue eyes. Good physique and who was also the future king. The crown prince, Sigurd von Brune.

"Sig, I don't think we should eavesdrop just because there are no servants around."

"Al, you don't understand. This is important to me as a future king."

Answering the crown prince was a young man with features like his feminine voice, tall and slender, long orange hair tied over his shoulder and beautiful amber eyes.

Belonging to a viscount family, Alfred Bacon is Sig's best friend.

Al and Sig were here under a request from the academy to the palace, because Sig was the prince, he could enter floors forbidden to many.

That's why the academy asked him to come.

As they were about to knock on the door they heard the commotion.

Sig opened the door a little, Al was also looking at the same place as the ministers.

"Gentlemen, remember this is for the future of the country, we must put aside our resentment with the church."

"What have you been talking about for a while now!"

"Don't you understand that, if we pay the church what they spent for no reason, we would have no money for emergencies!"

"The worst thing is that we have no obligation to pay them. In any case, we should use the money in supporting the kingdom in cases of a crisis. Not in indulging the whim of money wasters."

"I understand your point, but isn't this the reason we are this alienated from the church?"

"Remember that even if within them there are such scum as Harrisburg it does not mean that they all are. Among the spendthrifts you say, there are those who really wanted to help others."

"Under that concept they should help our citizens not foreigners. no?"

"It is as you say, but remember that our country had already been helped in the past by foreigners and we never complained, did we?"

A young minister was making several ministers bite their tongues as they dialogued.

He is 21 years old, green hair that covered his left eye while the right side was combed back and blue-eyed.

His name was Ulrich Bartolt and he was the second son of the Bartolt family.

A family of barons who have a lot of power in different sectors of the country including the knights.

For Sig, those people were not trustworthy, after all, the Bartolts got more power inside the palace when the late traitor Harrisburg was the prime minister.

They closed the door and then walked back.

"What's going on Sig?"

"Al, what that minister said was weird."

"Which part? As much as it pains me to say it, he's right. In the past we were helped by foreign countries like the republic."

"It's not that. The way he tries to get everyone to agree with him is weird."

"Do you think he's a church sympathizer?"

"Whether he is or not, he's very suspicious."

Al raised his hand to make a joke.

"If you're so suspicious, just figure it out on your own, right?"

"Well, getting into church territory is annoying so it's not ridiculous the idea."

"It's a good idea actually."

"... Huh?"

Al was petrified when Sig gave him that answer.

"W-W-Wait a minute Sig. it was a joke. a joke that wasn't serious!"

Al was sweating, but Sig wasn't.

"Thanks for the idea, I know who can help us with that."

Sig ran off.

"Stop Sig, I said it was a jokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Al chased after him so he wouldn't do something crazy.


At a certain knight's base.

Two young men were carrying on a cart large boxes.

One of them was a young man with shapely muscles, short spiky green hair and hazel eyes.

Oliver Bennett, son of one of the royal knights.

At his side holding the reins of the wagon was the son of the chief court magician who was a count, as well as belonging to one of the Four Families of great name in the country after the royal family.

Isaac Ashton of short stature and slender build, short hair combed to the sides of dark blue and green eyes with a sharp look through his glasses.

Isaac asked Oliver.

"Is it really necessary for the academy to be in charge of carrying out something that doesn't concern them?"

"According to what the professor told us, the knights need the help of the future blacksmiths since the steel the students get as adventurers is cheaper than that of the professional blacksmiths."

"Using students for something like this... is the situation that bad?"

"Hahahaha I don't know what to tell you. I just know that it's good that they're taking us into account to help."

"Hey, it's one thing to help and quite another to take advantage of them."

"Ah, here we are."

The boys arrived at a knight headquarters that is not part of the royal knights.

There were many such knight headquarters to help in certain crises.

The headquarters they came to was called the Purple Rhino cavalry.

"Their name is very strange."

Oliver argued, Isaac gave him a light jab in the rib to keep him from speaking.

A knight approached them.

"You're the students who brought the weapons, aren't you?"

"Yes. We were sent by the academy."

"Come in."

The door opened and they entered.

After being directed where to park for the knights to lower the weapons.

They got off and waited for their captain to sign their sheet that they had received everything.

Isaac noticed something and commented on it to Oliver.

"Hey, don't you think it's weird."

"What does?"

"Look over there."

Isaac pointed to the side, Oliver saw it and understood what he was referring to.

The two of them watched as the weapons being lowered by the knights, the knights were taking them to a totally different area, not to mention that the number of knights was small for that amount of weapons.

"It's weird, maybe it's for training?"

"Even if it's as you say, it's still strange."

"Why would you want so many weapons being small numbers? It seems very strange to me."

Before Oliver could respond, the headquarters captain approached.

A young man of about 24, shaved head and his eyes were brown. He had no eyebrows and his expression was serious as a rock.

"Thanks for your help guys."

"It's nothing, emm."

"Heinrich. Heinrich Baltort, the eldest son and heir to the Baltort family."

The two boys were surprised to hear the name of that family.

Rumors said that the Bartolt family was a horrid family that sought power at the expense of ruining others.

There were more horrible rumors surrounding them.

But Heinrich's expression confused them.

"You must be tired. Come eat with us."


Oliver asked in amazement.

Heinrich nodded after removing his helmet.

"Sure, it was a lot of work bringing all that stuff, wasn't it?"

"You guys deserve a break."


Oliver nodded, Isaac was quizzical at that gesture of kindness, but he was right.

They were tired and hungry, the three of them went to lunch.


Inside the dining room, Oliver and Isaac were eating a plate of rice noodles.

For some reason Isaac could see how the other knights were staring at them.

It seemed strange to him that.

Even Heinrich who invited them to eat wasn't eating.

After they finished their meal, they gave them both a drink.

Again Isaac noticed that the men seemed to laugh.

"Did they like it?"

Heinrich asked.

"Sure, it was very tasty."

At that point.


Heinrich started laughing.


Accompanied by his buddies.


The boys didn't understand what they were laughing at.

"They did, they really did."

"I was waiting for this."

"Hahahahaha, what idiots they are."

Heinrich stood up and explained to them.

"You see, this is normal for us. Any visitors that come we have to make them eat."

Isaac asked.

"It was poisoned!"

"Of course not." Heinrich replied very seriously. "Actually we had horse food to give to you guys."

The boys spat and vomited the instant they heard that.

Then Heinrich added.

"Your water was what we collected what we bathed our horses with. You should be thankful that the joke was less strong than the previous ones on my father's orders."

Isaac showed his displeasure.

"They will pay dearly for this mockery!"

"Who cares!"

Heinrich replied picking his nose and placing his snot in Isaac's hair.

"Even if he wanted to report us nothing would happen."

"You guys are scum!"

Oliver shouted angrily.

"That's not how a knight should behave! You're soiling your name with that childish way of being!"

"Childish... you say."

Heinrich approached Oliver and used his body to throw him and place his hands around his neck.

"That's how knights really are kid. That's why academy brats who think being knights is a great thing end up dead, go back to your mother's skirts."

After that, all the knights came up and spat on the boys.

As they left the place, anger flashed in their eyes.


"Eli, are you?"

Sig and Al arrived at the academy, they went to the tea room that their younger sister always used with her friends.

No one was there.

They walked around the place looking for them, after turning a corner, they ran into Zoey.

"Ah, excuse me. No, it's good timing."

"Do you happen to know where Eli is?"

"Yes. The princess is in the infirmary."

"In the infirmary!"

Both boys exclaimed.

Sig grabbed Zoey's shoulders.

"Did something happen, what happened, is she okay?"

Zoey was being shaken by the prince and Al stopped him.

"Stop Sig, we need to hear what she says."


Zoey's eyes were in the clouds, but after recomposing herself she said.

"T-The princess isn't hurt or anything Your Highness. The thing is..."


"... Seriously."

They arrived at the infirmary and saw Eli rubbing her stomach.

"O-Onii-sama, my stomach hurts."

"Princess, I told you it wasn't a good idea to eat so much!"

Nadine exclaimed without letting go of her hand.

Sig walked up to Eli and whispered in her ear.

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, please."

"I don't see the problem─ Gyah! My stomach!"

"Princess hold on!"

Leaving the screams of Eli's stomach pain aside, Sig approached Emma who was on the side waiting.

Sig whispered to her.

"I need your help, can you listen to me for a moment?"

Emma replied without changing her expression.

"No problem."

The two walked out of the room and Sig told her bluntly.

"Emma Alanson, your family has served mine for generations, I need your help, would you lend them to me?"

Emma lifted the uniform ends of her skirt.

"No problem your highness. You will be the future king, it is normal for me to serve you."

"Thank you. Our goal is simple."

Al covered his face as Sig uttered the worst words anyone could hear.

"We are going to infiltrate the church."

After being called Rei by Sasha, we left Eli and the others in the room.

We went to a room where Sasha's father was.

She told Rei about the current situation in the country and what they needed to avoid it.

Rei smiled evilly.

"Hoh~. So you want my help, right?"


"You think you'll get it for free after saying you don't want to be my woman?"

"... Are you seriously going to make me say it?"

"I'm a simple man."

Rei said after crossing her legs.

"If you were my woman, I'd do it no problem, but since you're not... why should I help you?"

Sasha's reddened expression to want to hit Rei was obvious.


She shouted.

"I'll be your woman."

Rei stood up and tried to kiss her, her father being on the spot.

She put her fingers in Rei's mouth as if it were a cross.

"But there will be three conditions."


Rei and I said.

Sasha listed the conditions with her fingers.

"The first one is; just like Princess Elicia, you must give your unconditional help to our family."

"The second is even more important than the first; you must respect me, first and foremost. If I do not wish to do anything unusual that you have at the moment or I am not in the mood, you must not force me to do so as it would be a violation of my being. And believe me while you sleep I would cut that for you."

Both Rei and I swallowed saliva upon hearing that.

"S-Stop talking nonsense. How could I force you to do something you don't want to."

Sasha stared at him with a face that didn't believe what he was saying.

She suddenly smiled.

"The last one is the hardest to follow as it will mark whether you can actually accomplish the first two."

"You must achieve friendly relations with Gabino."

All of us present shouted.

"What do you mean?!"

"Sure. We will pass through Norden since behind that kingdom is a connection to the sea, so we will make treaties with foreign countries."

"But currently I heard that Gabino is hostile, it's a very important place for trade, so, if we go, you might kill them by accident and we don't want that."

"For that reason I want you to promise that you will achieve a friendly treaty with them and achieve a promising future for our country."

Her father's mouth dropped open.

Knowing Sasha, it's obvious what she wants.

She doesn't want to be Rei's mistress or even concubine.

Nor does she want to be a trophy wife as I feel she thinks she would be that.

This is a trap, it is impossible for Rei not being a minister nor a civil servant to have knowledge for diplomacy.

"Well, is that all it is? I can make it."

"You really can!"

Everyone's eyes almost jumped out of their faces upon hearing that, mine too.

"A-Are you serious?"

"Gabino is a country named after the land of spices and exotic fruits that grow in the desert. To enter there, you need a merchant letter approved by someone inside, it's not an easy thing as you say."

"Never mind."

Rei replied to Sasha smiling.

"You said you'll be my wife if I can get good relations with us. I will."

With that smile, Rei marked his goal.

Will this even end well?


I'm leaving Emma's fanservice because it's time for the thieving cat: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/31928509

New chapter dear readers.

Things are starting to turn on little by little.

Sorry for the delay, but I had a little problem that cost me time.

As a curious detail, these new characters are actually the 2.0 of characters that appear in my novel Ixion.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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