
Chapter 31 ─ Festival (1)

We are finally at the long awaited day.

The festival of the magic sword tournament.

Starting with the crucial question. why festival being a school event?

This event takes place over three days.

Today, Friday, being the last day.

What happened on the other two days?

Well this was developed by a Japanese game company.

So it's a school festival in other words.

Two days full of games for the students.

The classic activities that anime shows about school festival in Japanese schools.

The truth. I was excited, there was even drama, I wanted to cry as they did a performance of the robot kid fighting crime.

Of course, robots don't exist in this world, so they made him a ghost to make sense.

That just leaves the final question.

The tournament.

It takes place on a Friday because we go to a coliseum set up by the academy where over ten thousand people can enter.

This makes people come to the capital to spend.

The economy grows thanks to this.

For that reason, it is an important event that is held once a year.

It gives citizens enough time to raise money and prepare their products to sell.

Enough of the introductory talk.

Let's get down to business.

I was with Rei watching the betting.

Yes, you can bet too.

Turns out this guy wants to lose.


He said "I'm not interested in winning. I'm a duke, my future is secure, just hang out and then I'll call it quits." But worst of all, he would just take away excellent potential knighthood candidates.

The good thing is that there are always secret examiners so they can see the potential of those who lost to give them a chance.

"Rei. are you going to bet on someone?"

This boy replied in his usual depressed tone.

"I don't see anyone I know. I only know Oliver, Isaac, that guy who hangs out with Sig and the woman knight behind Eli."

"I want to make money betting, but I don't know who to back."

In the game this option was available.

The bad thing about it was that your candidate would lose since he always ended up fighting you.

It was a way to make players see that betting was bad.

I said to Rei after seeing a certain name on the board.

"Rei. How about you vote for that one over there?"

He pointed his finger at the name to check if it was the right one.

"This guy? Fionn."

"That guy. He's strong, he'll win since there's no one stronger than him."

"Huh~. I guess it'll be him then."

We went to the administrator who was keeping the bets.

We checked the betting board, there are many names, but the majority of votes goes for Fionn.

"Hey, at this rate I'll make a pittance."

"He's a popular candidate. It always happens."

"In that case..."

I told Rei my idea.

He looked surprised.

"I see. It's a good idea, we get a debt while we're at it."

"I like it."

Rei walked over and pulled out a leather bag.

"Everything to─"


In a room reserved for the participants, there was Sig with Alfred having small talk.

"Do you think you can win?"

"Not really. My intention is just to demonstrate my skills."

The students were preparing physically and mentally for the call.

Sig looked at everyone focused on their warm-up.

"The battle will be close."

Alfred flashed a derisive chuckle at him.

"They're almost all seniors. It's natural for them to be serious, they think their life depends on this. They don't know about the examiners, which is good, but they think it will be the end of them, their loss."

Then he removed that smile to speak to him very seriously.

"Sig. This year's royal knight representative was changed, wasn't he? So the rumors say."

A few days ago, the teachers received a notice from the palace, that made everyone act strange.

After all, they were on the lookout for the arrival of a knight which no one had seen or knew who it would be.

Sig answered him quietly.

"It is as you say, my father said that Commander Sieghart suggested the change, who would have been the representative of the final duel would have been Captain Eisenberg, but he was changed to someone else."

Alfred put his hand to his chin.

"Why would His Majesty do this?"

"I have no idea, but I'm sure something big will happen today."


In the same place, but away from Sig and Alfred, were Oliver and Isaac resting.

"Am I surprised a guy like you isn't warming up like the rest of us?"

"It's simple. If I do, I lose energy and stamina. It's better if my body is rested and in perfect condition."

"What if you lose in the first round?"

"Hey, hey. Are you serious? The first round is to warm up the body, I'll stay away and attack from a distance every so often."

"That would piss off the audience."

"I don't care. I'm the one who will make it to the end. I need to have my health to the max."

Isaac laughed at him.

"That's a good way to look at it. You're confident of making it to the end, but only by a long shot. For my part it's the same, magic power is depleted so I must have as much reserve as I can."

The eyes of both of them focused to a certain person.

"Even if I say I'll make it to the finals I can't say it will happen if I'm matched with him in the first round."

Oliver emphasized to Fionn who was doing pushups.

"I pity you, in my case it may be my turn against Alfred."

"After Rei, that boy has great magical power. He won't be an easy opponent to defeat."

"In that case, both of us must give our best."

"Of course."

At that moment, an alarm sounded, declaring the start of the tournament.


Nadine was in her own room due to the fact that she was the only female of all the participants.

She knew some girls who were also knights, but they did not think of participating due to the fact that it was ridiculous for them to win.

But Nadine thought differently.

She wanted to prove that a female knight was just as strong as a male knight.

Hearing the alarm, she left her meditation sitting on her feet.

She picked up her sword, a sharp wooden sword, so that none of the students would die.

Opened the door...

"I'm going to win, for the princess."


Sig was sitting in his seat reserved for him as a commentator.

The crowd was screaming in exultation.

Eli and Rose gazed in awe at the bleachers filled with people with food, with their families, and most of all, with banners supporting their favorite.

Eli commented about the banners.

"It's awesome. All those people want their favorite to win."

"Part of it is because they bet, but there must be some who haven't and wish the student they support would win."

Rose remembered Rei who told her he was going to lose.

"It's no use for me to want to support him since he will lose on purpose."

Eli told her with a big smile.

"It's true that he plans to lose. But we should still support him, even Nadine will participate, Al too. There are many acquaintances to support."

Rose smiled back.

"You're right. We have to give our encouragement as best we can."

At that moment, the tournament began.

The first participants entered.

Rose and Eli were surprised at who they were.


"Wow, I didn't expect to see you at the start. Fate is amazing."


The first participants were Bertram and Rei.

The bleachers screamed when they saw Bertram enter.

It turned out that Bertram arranged everything so that the first one to fight would be him.

The reason was because he wished to show him some scrimmage.

Many bet on Bertram that he would win.

After all, messing with one of the sons of Bartolt Household is worse than soiling the name of the royal family.

Bertram was a third-year student.

The previous two years he never participated because he was not interested in becoming a knight.

He could use his influence and like his older brother, the firstborn, become a royal knight.

But he doesn't want that.

He's not interested.

He only participated here to defeat Rei.

After that he would see if he would give up or move on in the tournament.

Unlike the others, Bertram's sword was a blunt royal one.

The prince was among those present, therefore, he could not threaten or bribe him.

He could only say "It was the teachers' mistake" and get away with it.

He pointed his sword at Rei.

(Come on. What are you going to do?)

(They must have already warned you about what will happen to you for messing with a Bartolt.)

(Just so you know. Among all my brothers, I'm the calmest and most civilized, my two older brothers are worse and are almost the same as my father.)

(You should be thankful that this happened only because you picked a fight with Finnese.)

(Now what will you do─)

Was what he thought before he realized that Rei moved slowly and came in front of him.

She used her wooden sword and gave him not one, several slaps with the sword.

The audience couldn't believe it, but worse was Bertram who couldn't believe that.

Then Rei wanted to end it.

He raised the sword as high as he could and swung it at his opponent's head.

The blow was so strong that it broke into many pieces and together with Bertram. They fell to the ground.

The referee shouted.

"W-Winner! Redblade!"

They immediately moved on to the next bout.


The fights were going on normally, but there was one person who was looking perversely at the place.

It was Diethard who had infiltrated the coliseum to spy and gather information.

(For now there is nothing.)

(I would venture to draw the early conclusion that Brune is no big deal.)

(Their security is weak.)

(They make a festival to observe an important knightly event.)

(Plus they use wooden swords so they don't hurt each other.)

(We really couldn't take over this country in the past?)

(I'm thinking that the Fraziers were incompetent too. That's most likely the case.)

Diethard stood up and headed for the exit.

But not before sending his gaze in a certain direction.

There stood Rose and Eli talking.



Unlike the games where the fighting could last for hours.

In reality it was different.

The fights lasted a maximum of five minutes.

The tournament started at noon and now it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

There was an intermission of 30 minutes so that they could rest after completing the half.

Some students were tired.

Like Nadine, for example.

Her opponents were seniors.

She was placing a wet towel on her face to cool off.

"Actually this is harder than I imagined."

"I was able to make it, but my body wants to lie down on the floor and not get up."

"Why don't you just do it?"

She pulled her face away and saw Rei with an ice cold drink in his hand.

"What do you mean?"

She asked thinking Rei was putting her down.

"You say you're tired, right? Just get it over with."

He wasn't putting her down, but his way of saying it made her think that he certainly was.

Nadine responded with a strong determined look on her face.

"I wish to win as only then, will I be able to prove to the princess that I can stand by her side."

"Why do you think Eli wishes that?"

Nadine revealed something to him that she didn't plan to tell anyone.

"Because... it was my fault that they kidnapped the princess."


"I was at the party that day. I saw the princess approach the balcony and I didn't do anything. I thought she just wanted to look out the window, there was nothing dangerous about that."

"But after I came back from the bathroom I found out she had been kidnapped."

Nadine clutched her head tightly, she wanted to tear her hair out.

"I was afraid to tell anyone. That I saw the princess approach the balcony, if I had said it I would have been taken as an accomplice and I didn't want to die for a mistake."

"That's why I kept quiet. I know it's the worst thing I could have done, but if the princess didn't show up, I was going to take my life as an apology."

"That's why I must win."

"Only then can I gain the courage to tell the princess and have her see that I became strong so I can atone for my mistake."

"Eli already knows that."

"... Huh?"

Nadine raised her head at that.

"She knows that. She knows you saw her that day."

"She doesn't blame you. Since if she did, she would have ratted you out."

"What's more, she said it was her fault and you shouldn't torment yourself."

"She couldn't tell you because she knows you, that's why she asked me to tell you when I found the opportunity."

Nadine understood something that many do not.

Eli is someone who notices her surroundings and is more aware than anyone else about what is going on.

For a sweet princess, she has the cunning of a fox.

Her legs gave out and she slumped in her seat.

"So she knew all along. She didn't say anything because she thought you'd be looking for some excuse to ask her for punishment."

"I see. I'm a big idiot for underestimating the princess."

"She cared about me, but she knew I would tell her otherwise."

"Really... she's a real friend."

Rei left after completing his second goal in the tournament.

"Now there's only that unfinished business left."


The break ended and the fighting resumed.

Rogue was watching the duels of students other than his son with boredom.

"Even if they're third years like him, it's very disappointing to see how easily they're defeated."

"Worst of all. That Hogan dared to trade me for that guy..."

"What the hell is he thinking?"

Rogue looked over at Bret who was standing looking at the ring.

His thoughts were deep.

(What the hell is the commander thinking?)

(I was having lunch with my subordinates when they told me the commander was looking for me.)

(Worst of all, he said in a relaxed manner.)

"You will be the one to fight the student left standing. Consider it an honor, you'll be able to back up what they say about you with pride."

(What the hell are you talking about, you idiot commander!)

(I never asked for this!)

(I was content to be a captain in name only.)

(I don't want this! I want to go home!)

(I want to go to the bathroooooooom!)

Bret's subordinates were among the members selected to guard the place.

"Unbelievable. The captain has been there since the beginning."

"He hasn't moved at all. He hasn't complained about it either."

"I feel my respect for him is greater than before."

"He must be anxious to fight the winner."

"I'm sure it will be a landslide victory on his part."

Bret inwardly made a face of horror as he heard his subordinates' comments.

(I'm going to get killed by these guys!)


Two hours after the second part of the tournament started.

Suddenly there was an announcement.

"From now on there will be a change in the bouts. Step up to the ring the remaining participants."

The remaining participants of both categories, magic and sword were...

Nadine, Fionn, Alfred, Oliver, Isaac and Rei.

The presenter read a note and looked at the contestants a bit scared.

"T-These moments. The final will be held. The change will be that all the participants..."

"It seems to me that it's time for my turn."

Bret climbed into the ring after going to the restroom.

As he opened his eyes, a booger was running down his nose.

(Huh? Wasn't it already the finals?)

(Why are these guys still here? ... Don't tell me I came early.)

The announcer finished his line by pointing to Bret.

"All contestants will have a no-holds-barred fight against Captain Bret Elliott."

"Whoever can defeat him will earn a recommendation to knight or court mage upon graduation! You can also fight each other to get rid of the competition!"

"If they get out of the ring they lose. If you fall and don't get up within ten seconds you also lose."

"The final round starts now!"

Bret's snot lowered so low that it looked like a suspension bridge.

The students looked on in amazement at the situation.

Each of them commented on this unexpected occurrence.

"I guess this makes for a better chance of winning." (Alfred)

"Fighting a captain is something that very few can accomplish." (Oliver)

"A fight between magic and sword, it's a fascinating duel." (Isaac)

"Just because my opponent has increased doesn't mean I'll give up." (Nadine)

"I wish it had been my father fighting." (Fionn)

"...? That guy I think I've seen him before." (Rei)

Even the stands were shocked by the situation. Rogue laughed at the situation.

"Hahaha. Even a captain would have a hard time fighting so many opponents alone. Not a bad idea this, plus it'll serve to show that guy not to think he's such a big deal."

"Who says you'll be alone against him?"

A voice cut through the conversations as he jumped into the ring.

Carrying his armor and sword, Sieghart walked to stand beside Bret.

"Even for a captain it's annoying to fight so many, I'll give you a hand, Bret."

"C-C-Commander... Will you fight too?"

Bret asked as he returned his large dangling booger up to his nose. Sieghart answered him as he stared at Rei.

"That's right. but I will choose my opponent."

He drew his sword and approached Rei.

"My opponent will be him. You can take care of the rest."

"Sure... Huh? Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And so, the grand finale began.


I leave possible spoiler of what Sieg looks like, his face is still pending, but it's 99.99% sure this is what he looks like: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/7317341

We are almost halfway through the volume.

The next chapter is pure student action.

No doubt the winner of this will be unexpected by all.

The best part is that there will be Sieg vs Rei.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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