
11 word song title

Hello my friends, inconsisten author here.

So the past couple weeks have been quite eventful. To get it started I want to talk about the song I am listening to right now, which makes this writing slow as I keep bobbing my head while typing.

The sond is by one of my favorite Japanese metal bands. My favorites being Undead Corporation, Unlucky Morpheus, Myth & Roid, then Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas....

Man the fuck is it with Japanese metal bands having such long ass names. Anyways this song is made by Imperial Circus Dead Decadence. You wanna know the name of the song....

Yomi Yori kiko yu, kokoku no deung To homura no shojo. Which is also a 8 minute song, though it's pretty good, one of the singers sounds like Jotaro from JoJo bizarre adventure season 3.

Other than that, I saw Thor, Love and Thunder in IMAX a couple weeks ago, it was a damn good movie. Christian Bale played the main villian Gorr, and holy shit he killed. One of the scenes he was monolouging sounding like an actual madmans words, it was amazing.

I also took a break a week back to rest and than this week I'm writing 1 chapter for Infinity X Infinity everyday. And honestly I don't feel over worked, I feel perfectly content and happy.

Who knew not spending hours playing games and drowning in self hatred was healthy.

Talking about Infinity X Infinity, you might've seen it on the front page lately. Thats right, my book was put in Editors Choice tab, as well as being put in the New Troupes tab.

Which led to me getting 110 collection in 1 day. ONE DAY. Is this what if feels like to be a big boy? Though I guarentee you I've gotten another 30 in the past 22 hours since my daily report.

But you want to know the most exciting part, I got an oppirtunity to accept a contract from Webnovel. Basically meaning I got an oppurtunity to gain money from this stupid hobby of mine! Though I didn't accept it.

Im going to be honest with you guys. Im a fucking teenager man, I'm still in highschool. Schools starting up again in 3 weeks. I could juggle school and writing but that would probably burn me out.

And how would I explain this to my mom? My mom has direct access to my bank account and knows my entire transaction log. Meaning she would see my influx of money (possibly) and be suspicious of me.

I know my parents love me... but how am I suppose to explain this? I write novels on the internet, what if they tell me to stop? I love doing this with a passion, to stop writing would make me start becoming depressed again. There are too many variables for this. So I was thinking.

I will wait 1 year, if my book blows up, I can accept my contract and say that I want to write as a job.

Its just weird. The thought of even telling them makes my anxiety flare up. Just thinking about it has my heart rate up to like 120 bpm man, how would I tell them if just thinking about it makes me nervous...

Whatever, I'm gonna play some games so I can forget about it. Goodnight

Edit: I just got the notification, an extra 95 collections in 24 hours. fuck yeah man.

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