

Dear Diary,

Page 230

This is it, by the end of the day the Protagonist would put a sword in my chest. Ending all this suffering I've been through and I'll be back on Earth. It was a nice trip though, I got to experience what it is like to be an idiotic rich fuck boy.

This might be painful, but at the end of the day, I'll be free of this nightmare. Fuck the Overlord and Fuck this world he made.

I'm just a tool! I was just in this world out of my choice, I can't do anything that will deviate from the plot! Or else I suffer.

Anyways! This is my last day! I'm done suffering!

Leonard closed the UV light, he has a diary in which he places his vents and rants about this world.

Eight years ago Leonard was just an ordinary college student, he was about to graduate when he was hit by a truck.

Then he was placed in a novel he read just for fun. "The Supreme Harem Conqueror" he just read the Novel just for shit and giggles, he even dissed it in front of his friends.

Because the Novel is a badly translated web novel from China. Leonard didn't know if that's the reason why he was pulled into this world but no matter the reason, isn't it unfair to be reincarnated as the punching bag villain?

Leonard Heil Marchen was born with the status of a Duke. The world revolves around a monarchy or Hierarchy system, it has nobles and Royals that manage fiefs.

Leonard was a villain in the novel, simply put he was more than a piece of shit.

[Warning: The main plot is starting at 3 minutes]

"I know, I know."

The world also hosts modern technology along with magic, it's quite sophisticated. What's more, is that the world is also in constant danger from the demon king.

Leonard was just a catalyst for the protagonist's and Heroine's love to deepen further. And since Leonard was such a piece of shit incomparable to garbage he only takes humiliation and beating after beating from the protagonist.

He was essentially only there to be a laughing stock for the readers. And that, Leonard, is going to die today after an unknown soul transmigrated to him.

"Oh well, let's just get this done."

Leonard hid his Diary in a discreet location in his closet. It contains notes and stuff that is just either food or a description of women.

Well if you're looking only at the surface. If you shun a UV light into it you'll see the hidden diary that was written with invisible ink.

Why did Leonard write down a diary? Simply because he still wants to remember his sense of identity and a rebellion against the Overlord.

He doesn't mind that someone might see his diary, they wouldn't know anyway. He saw this idea after seeing his sister's UV light from her Lizard cage.

Her sister Lenneza has a lizard pet, unfortunately for the plot to advance Leonard has to kill it.

"Okay, it's time to go."

Leonard took a deep breath, his mana flowed in the pores of his skin and followed his veins like a drop in a raging river.

His heartbeat calmed as he learned and practised Yoga in this world.

"Alright. Time to go home."

Leonard with his resolution stood up and walked out of his room, 3 minutes till the plot started, but that doesn't matter. My only role this time is to cause so much commotion and then fight with the protagonist.

That's it.

He exited the building and saw the car that was waiting for him. Leonard sat in the back seat and spoke.


He could see how indifferent the driver is to him, when the car was traversing he at least was courteous enough to drive slowly. Leonard knows why he's driving slowly but he didn't care.

Leonard enjoyed the scenery one last time till he was on the academic grounds of Illumina Academy, this would be Leonard's last day.

He walked towards the banquet hall with a gait full of pride, his strides were long and wide and one would call an example of a Noble.

"Isn't that Leonard?"

He started hearing whispers but he didn't care, he upheld his arrogant attitude.

"How shameless! After being humiliated he still came here with that look!"

"What does the Duke think of such a son!"

"Tsk! Shameless bastard!"

They weren't even keeping it down. Instead, they were letting Leonard Hear all of those insults.

Leonard, however, has already set his mind on his goal.

'2,000 Evil act points, just that point is enough!'

The graduation banquet started and everyone went silent, in the podium a fair distance away a man with an unkempt beard started talking.

However, Leonard was not in the mood to listen to such pleasantries, so he just grabbed a snack and slowly munched on it.

There were a couple of laughs then and there as the man with a beard kept making remarks and jokes.

Leonard remained indifferent until he finally got the message.

[The Attack of Zurtin Brites has Commenced. Put up an act as the most frustrating, annoying villain and use it as an opportunity to make the Protagonist, Walter, and Yula, Leonard's fiancee and the main Heroine, deepen.

Reward:2,000 points

Penalty: None]

Leonard would've been happy about having no penalty, but knowing he needs 2,000 points to have his ticket back home. The thought of being happy was immediately washed away, if he didn't get the 2,000 points he would be stranded and worse, with a bad reputation…

He didn't dare think about it, the act must be perfect. It must be perfect!

"We call Walter Oreon Felmis the ranked one in the academy!"

Here it is.

Walter walked up to the stage, men looked at him with awe or envy, and women looked at him with both admiration and awe.

'just a few more seconds!'


A bomb went off, the target was obviously the students of the Academy, but Leonard already prepared for this.

He made sure that no students of the academy would be in the spot where they will have severe injuries the moment the bombs explode.


The guards of the Graduation banquet aren't anywhere to be found nor are the higher-ranking professors.

The moment the bombs receded multiple armed men started running in with guns in their hands, running to each student that seems to be a child of a big shot.

"Guards! Guards!"

They had their desperate calls, but alas nobody came. Until the Protagonist Walter pulled his sword out from his inventory, a privilege only a protagonist would have.

"Kill that brat!"

"Get him!"

They aimed their guns at Walter with hostility packed within them, then released a flurry of bullets just to be blocked and sliced in half by the protagonist, Walter.

He weaved and sliced the enemies that has pointed their guns at him, he killed the terrorists.

The various noble children cheered as they saw this scene. But that's not all. The heroines, the harem of the protagonist.

They fought along with the Protagonist, which gave courage to the other students of the academy, and within a few minutes, it became chaos, as the students and the terrorists fought.

However, Leonard has other plans, he made use of the commotion and went to a dead body of a terrorist. He took hold of the pistol and looked at his target.

It was a full moon, and the dark made it chilly.

"A few more."

Leonard closed his eyes and then let his mana flow around his body and coated his heart. He used a technique he made called [Soul Mask Husk] which completely makes him have the presence of a dead person, completely none.

He walked up to the Heroine, a bow user. Her sister, and pretty much one of the main heroines.


"Hey, Lenneza…"

Walter and the other Heroines paused at what they were doing. When Walter saw what Leonard was doing he couldn't help but shout.


Walter screamed in contempt. Leonard laughed as disgustingly as possible.

"What are you doing when there are terrorists menacing the crowds!"

Leonard put Lenneza in a chokehold to make sure she didn't do anything funny, to make Walter more annoyed he placed the gun just on her head.

"I've been thinking, Walter…"

"You're the reason why I'm like this… " he tightened the chokehold on Lenneza "If it weren't for you then nothing would've gone wrong!"

Leonard made sure that he made the greatest act possible, he started having his monologue, which one might consider generic.

"Let go of Lenneza, Leonard! Beg for forgiveness or I might give you the most excruciating pain imaginable!"

After this Walter will go and defeat the Zurtin Brites and then vanquish and eliminate the demon king, at least the world has a happy ending.

"Die you scum!"

A dagger pierced my left torso, Leonard immediately let Lenneza go, and with this chance, Lenneza kicked him away.

"ack!" Leonard let out a pained voice.


Walter charged toward Leonard and sent him flying towards some debris, he hit his back hard and his legs stopped working.

"You fucker!!" Leonard

Leonard was in constant pain, but he endured it. In his mind, he kept himself optimistic about the points he'll be rewarded with after this hard labour.

Walter appeared before Leonard as if he teleported. His face was frowning and full of contempt. He raised his sword and Leonard went to defend using his arms.

The cause? His left arm was cut off.


Leonard let out the most painful voice he'll ever have, he was kneeling whilst holding his bleeding limb as his arm was cut off.

He looks up to look at Walter's near-perfect face. Walter's purple eyes convey loathsomely, He was incredibly handsome and it was protagonist worthy.

He kicked Leonard to the debris exposing his chest as his arms contorted backwards due to the force.

"Die you shameless trash!"

He embedded the sword in Leonard's chest. Piercing to the other side.

'Ah… finally… '

Leonard once again looked around. He saw the satisfied faces of the students in the academy.

He saw the faces of the heroines looking at him with Indifference, disgust, and contempt.

He lived conceited and that's because he had to, now he no longer needed to do that for he was free.

[Plot Ended]

[Evaluating Performance]

[Impeccable! Not only did you play as a third-rate villain perfectly, but you also struggled till the end to convey your hatred! Extra points are added! Reward: 4,000 points]

[You have a total of 52,000 points]

"Yes! Yes!!!!! I did it! I did it!"

Leonard didn't mind the extra since he won't be using those anyway, He doesn't need to buy anything from the Systems store anymore.

He would be back to earth, where he used to live. He didn't dislike this modern world with magic but he doesn't like how he was given the body of a villain and was forced to do evil things.

Well, now that he was liberated from that job he enthusiastically said to the system.

"I use my 50,000 points! Send me home system!"

[50,000 points for a trip back to Earth.]

[Rerouting soul]

Leonard felt his ethereal body lift and zoom across the Cosmo, he enjoys the stars and natural disasters that he encountered.

[Warning! Warning!]


[Unknown Entity has attacked the system]

[Rerouting of the soul has failed.]

[Sending back the soul to avoid destruction]

[System has sustained significant damage, initiating power-saving mode.]


Leonard thought he escaped the grasp of the world on him, but his eyes made him wake up to his reality.

He woke up on a familiar ceiling. He straightened his back once again and clenched his fingers into a fist.


He's back in the world where hated the most once again.

[Plot System Online]


[System is damaged and requires time to re-initiate.]

[Power Saving mode]

[Available Applications: Store]

[System is too weak to Evaluate, So points per Plot point are fixed]

[Re-initiating at 10:000:23:22:82]

Leonard didn't understand the final window, why there were too many apostrophes, then he realized.

He would be stuck there for 10 years.

"N-no way… "


Leonard could only scream in agony.

Kimbap is freshhhhh 4.5/5

Updated, Correction

Bruh_Vistacreators' thoughts
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