
Chapter 002 | Killing Luca Angelo


Alessandro got a few guys together who are good at shooting and aiming. Lex needs professional guys, not inexperienced guys who would hesitate to pull the trigger.

"Let's go and kill this guy…"

Said one of the Irishmen, he has on a leather jacket with a large skull in the center of his jacket, he also wearing ripped-up jeans and black military-style boots.

Lex can feel an experience aura on this guy almost like he had or has been through war.

"Were you in the military?"

Lex said, he wants to know if he can trust these guys, because they can instantly betray you if the job goes wrong.

"Yes, I'm from a military background, but don't tell anyone…"

Lex nodded and started thinking of some plans, since this guy told Lex that he has military experience, Lex can you use that on his side.

Having ex-military on your side is always a good thing even if, it has certain disadvantages like less money or value.

"Let's get in the cars…"

The car they have is a 1940 Cadillac Series 62, it has a nice light-blue color on the car and some nice windows.


After getting in the Cadillac, the driver drove off towards the location where the high-level hit man is.

"Do you have some information about this hit man?"

Hearing the question, Lex started telling them…

"He is a high position in the Italian Mafia his name Luca Angelo, he is the right hand man of one of the leader of the Italian Mafia."

"If we take him out, it would create unrest and instability in the organization, which will cause them to vulnerable."

Hearing Lex's highly organized and intelligent planning, the hit man were impressed by Lex's plans and information about this Luca Angelo.

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Wall Street

The beautiful blue Cadillac parked out of Luca's Angelo's mistress house. Luca Angelo also has been in bed with plenty of women.

So, Lex took the time to figure out Luca's daily operations, routine, routes, everything his day to day life.

"There he goes…"

Hearing the driver's voice, all of the hit man got their guns loaded with bullets, they have been on assassination jobs before so this is the same.

"Alright boys weapons hot, let's go…"


The group opens the door and shuts it, they all walked quietly to their target with little to no suspicion.

Luca Angelo doesn't have a clue that his death is about to come faster than he thinks, once he was about to get in his car…




Loads of gunshots sounded throughout the streets causing fear and anxiety in the pedestrians, they all ran and covers themselves.


You could hear Luca's screams all over the street.


After the gunshots were over, Luca's body fell down on the ground with bullets all in his body, their was blood everywhere.

Luca's blood got in his car and on the windows, his windows were full cracks and were busted from the numerous gunshots being fired at it.


Blood flows out of Luca's mouth and nose as his pupils dilated and he took his last breath.

"The target has been finished, let's go…"

After completing the assassination, the hit man all ran back to the Cadillac driving away from the crime scene.


The tires leaves a pile of smoke and a tire print as with a big donut.

After they drove away, the civilians went to the nearest paid phone and started dialing 911.

After the assassination here, the Irish Mob and the Italian Mafia will go to war for control and power, and you know those politicians even they will want to get a slice of the pie.

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Next Day

The news of Luca's death spread all over the streets and the criminal underworld, the police are still investigating it.

One thing the police gotten though is, that this job is a planned one and extraordinarily planned one at that.

One of the leaders of the Italian Mafia called a meeting with all of the highly-powerful members of the Italian Mafia.

They're probably are going to discuss about the death of Luca Angelo, his death just as Lex expected causes unrest in the Mafia.

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Italian Mafia Headquarters


One of the leaders slammed their fist on the table in frustration they never knew that one of their enemy can kill Lucia.

"Has anybody found out anything about Lucia's death?"


"No boss, the hit was cleaned all of those guys who killed him were professionals…"

"Well, has anybody figured out who killed Lucia?"

There was a silence in the room, no one knows who could've killed Lucia. Lucia was a powerful high-level hit man so killing it would take skill.

"I think our enemies those, Marino Brothers…"

"It's a chance that they could've done it, those Marino Brothers are barbarians, they would even kill their on mother for money…"

"Since you think the Marino Brothers did it, I want you to start shooting up everything the Marino Brothers own, I want you to start shooting up their Nightclubs everything…"


After coming to a conclusion, the meeting ended with a tense but understandable atmosphere.

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