
Chapter 3

Weird, I am pretty sure I had not slept with some sort of small animal on my chest.

Oh that's just Laura... back to sleep then...

Yeah like I could actually sleep now, the question was how I'm supposed to get out of the couch without waking her up?

"You are awake." Guess this takes care of that.

Laura was still in the shirt I had lended her last night but just as last night, it did nothing to cover her legs and any movement risked her exposing her ass and pussy. Not that I was complaining. Though…

"Pretty sure that I gave you my bed last night." I said but the question 'da hell are you here for?' was implied. And it was implied very strongly.

"Don't care. You're warm." She said curtly and once more, I had to stop myself from hugging the cute little murder machine in front of me.

But in the end all good things must come to an end so I used my powers and let Laura fall through me and onto the couch as I got up, trying to not care much about her rather angry pout directed towards me.

In the end her anger was forgotten as she saw me walk towards the kitchen. We still had enough to make a proper breakfast for Laura and I needed my Oreos.

Note to self, buy enough Oreos so that I can swim in them Scrooge McDuck style. I would also need a mansion with a pool for that too. But as blasphemous as it might sound, Oreo pool was not important at the moment.

I had a lot to do. Lot to plan.

I was now a part of the Marvel universe and a small check throughout the internet showed that I was not in the good old MCU where a Burning Martian could one shot pretty much anyone but Thanos with Infinity Stones.

Instead I was in a universe that was far closer to the comics. A universe where the Fantastic Four were already famous due to their battles against Dr Doom and Avengers were already a thing. Consisting of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Antman, Wasp and Captain Marvel; no Hulk though. And Captain Marvel was still in her swimsuit with thigh high boots phase. They seemed to have had several adventures against villains like Graviton, Kree and Hydra among many others.

So yeah, not MCU with just mutants but actual comics universe.

As I put more food on Laura's plate for her to devour I started to think about the most obvious things that I should do. There had been lots of threats to the Earth in the comics and also lots of tragedies but what I wanted to deal with was the ones that could have been avoided. I was happy to let the Avengers punch enemies like Galactus, they were good at that.

After thinking a lot there was one incident that I really wanted to stop. An incident that had almost send the mutants to extinction.

'No more mutants.'

No way I was letting that shit happen, especially since I was a mutant now.

The other most obvious problem was the Civil War the heroes had. There were probably other and more important things to worry about but my knowledge on the comics were not exactly the best. Shame since I had no idea how to deal with Civil War event since as far as I was concerned, only Ben Grimm had the right idea during that event.

Sure I was pro Captain America while reading it but when the chips were down, both sides sucked. So I probably should think of something to stop that shit show.

Or move to Canada. People in Canada were supposed to be nice right? They were unless heavily biased American TV shows lied to me.

There was also that thing where Martian rip offs of Marvel had invaded Earth and replaced important people, like Antman and Spiderwoman. Though I could probably deal with that by telepathic scans even if doing that as a routine sounded very tedious.

I was starting to think just taking over the world would make dealing with all this shit easier, no wonder Doom always tries to do it.

"More." And I got side tracked again. With Laura presenting me her plate that actually looked cleaner than the ones that I just got out of the washing machine. Either I was a great cook or this girl was a seriously talented eater.

<POV Change>

Charles Xavier was a simple man with a not so simple dream. He wished for a world where humanity and mutantkind could live together in peace. He dreamed of a world where his brethren were not hunted or experimented on simply for being who they are.

Unfortunately his dream was one that was opposed by both mankind and by fellow mutants.

It was almost like a new mutant hate group would form with every sunrise and the actions of his old friend Erik, nowadays known as Magneto, definitely did not endear them to the humanity.

It's not like he did not understand why his old friend was so hostile towards humanity, Erik was a man that had lived through arguably the worst of humanity and that had left the man… jaded, for a lack of better term. And the fact that the first mutant hate group coming to existence was before he had decided to become a terrorist, cause that was what he was doing no matter how much he calls himself a 'freedom fighter', made him believe that he was right even more.

Though his actions in the recent years had been far less like the man he used to know. More than once Magneto had blackmailed, threatened or even brute forced mutants to join his cause. But none of those actions were as difficult to understand as the decision of sending his daughter to a mental institution.

Young Wanda was a case where Xavier had been tempted to use his powers to go against the law more than any other time. The young troubled girl was not getting good care from the institution and her powers made such treatment even more dangerous.

But in the end he could not. If he decided to use his powers in such a way it would be almost like admitting that his dream was impossible. Not to mention doing so would get the attention of the organizations like SHIELD and other less than pleasant fellows. Something he could not afford at the moment. The X-Men were not yet ready for such conflict.

Which was why he was trying to find new mutants. Hoping to find a new student who might be the answer they were looking for. Am unrealistic expectation but still possible since there were mutants with great powers like Ororo or possibly young Bobby Drake.

It was also the kind of lofty goal where he would find many other mutants and offer them a home along with good education.

Though such plans were postponed as Cerebro found a mutant whose signature sent a sharp pain through Charles' head. A mutant, a powerful mutant. Which meant only one thing, Xavier thought as Professor X reached out to two of his staff with his telepathy.

'Ororo, Logan; please ready the Blackbird. We have found a new student.'

They needed to reach this mutant before Magneto.

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