
The return of a lost friend Part 4

"Took you long enough. Ah!" Arcee let out a small cry of pain as her wound was stinging.

"I see your mouth is still functioning." Ratchet retorted sarcastically as he starts patching her up as Emily and Bumblebee are giving them cover.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Emily asked as she glanced at the two as Bumblebee beeped in worry.

"She'll be fine. I'm covering up the wound. If I hadn't come sooner, she would've lost a lot of Energon." Ratchet said as he didn't take his optics off what he was doing.

"You can thank Airachnid for that." Arcee hissed slightly in pain as Ratchet gave her a stern look.

"Don't talk. Try to keep up your strength. You should try to be more careful this time. Fortunately this wasn't too severe." Ratchet told her as she stopped talking as Emily agreed with him.

"Ratchet's right. First you miss your shots and then you rush into battle like crazy. That's not you, Arcee." Emily scolded her sternly but her voice held concern.

"Emily, now is not the time for this kind of talk." Ratchet was a little surprised by Emily's scolding but she was right.

"It's okay, Ratchet... She has a point. I let myself go down." Arcee groaned in pain but she had sadness in her optics.

"Arcee, you can't let these thoughts about losing Cliffjumper affect your concentration. If you do that next time, you won't come back alive." Emily told her as she looked at her with a look saying that she doesn't want to lose Arcee.

"You're right. I've lost my focus. When Airachnid talked about Cliff,... I lost it... I'm so sorry." Arcee looked down sadly as Emily just shook her head but smiled at her.

"Don't be. She tried to mess with you. It happens to anybody. Including the best of us." She told her with a soft smile as Arcee smiled back.

The mountain started trembling as everyone stopped what they were doing and noticed that the Dark Energon below them was making Megatron even stronger which was bad news.

"RAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Megatron let out a roar as the Autobots and Emily felt a shudder of fear go through them as they watched Megatron getting more power.

"Uh, guys? Are you seeing this?" Emily asked worriedly as Ratchet, Bumblebee and Arcee got commlink from the others.

"I'm seeing it. I just don't believe it." Bulkhead said through their comm-link as he was trying to keep his balance.

"Doc, mind telling us what's going on?" Wheeljack said as he was getting a bad feeling about the situation.

"The Dark Energon is making Megatron unstoppable." Ratchet told them and this worried Emily as she stood up with determination in her optic-eye as she clenched her fists.

"We'll see about that." Emily gritted her teeth as she started to run to help Optimus before Ratchet or Bumblebee could even stop her.

"Emily, wait!" Ratchet called out but it was too late as she was out of hearing range.

Emily starts running faster as Knock Out And Breakdown get up after they hit each other out just to see Emily running towards them with narrowed optic-eye.

"Look, Knock Out." Breakdown said as Knock Out looked to where Breakdown was looking and smirked.

"Our favorite human pest. Let's go play with her." They both smirked as they took out their weapons.

Breakdown and Knock Out both run towards Emily as Emily sees this and gets ready. Breakdown swings his hammer at her but she dodges it and hits him in the face-plate with a swift kick. Breakdown faints and falls onto Knock Out who groaned as he fell forward and had a hard time getting up.

"Get off me, you immense brute. You're ruining my finish. You'll pay for this, little girl." Knock Out sneered at Emily who gave him a grin and a salute.

"Feel lucky I didn't shoot you, Knock Knock." She taunted before she resumed her run to help Optimus.

Emily starts running again but suddenly Airachnid comes out of the ground and stands above Emily who halted to a stop.

"You're not going anywhere." Airachnid hissed as Emily got into a battle stance.

"Says you, Con." Emily growled at her. She will make Airachnid pay for what she did to Arcee.

Airachnid then tries to stop Emily but Emily avoids her before she does a back side kick jump and hits Airachnid square on the side. After that, she falls to the ground and Emily continues to run but from the skies, Dreadwing starts shooting at her as she starts to dodge them.

"Time to make you pay for what you did." He said as he got his missiles ready.

Dreadwing then shoots two of his missiles as they went straight to Emily who saw them and tried to avoid them. They hit their target and huge thick smoke starts appearing where Emily was hit as he smirks.

"All too easy." He said but he wasn't expecting what was about to happen.

Out of nowhere, Emily jumps out from the smoke and shoots Dreadwing down with her plasma cannons and causes him to transform and land back down on the ground hard.

Meanwhile Wheeljack, Bulkhead and Starscream were still fighting each other. Wheeljack was able to hold off Starscream's claws by using his sword before he saw how Emily beat some cons without any help like a real Wrecker and he got to admit she was really good.

"New kid is good." Wheeljack commented as he looked to where Emily was fighting as Starscream followed his sight and had to admit that the human girl was good.

"She's good." Starscream said before he pushed Wheeljack away.

"But I'm better." He said as Bulkhead ran towards him.

"Now you're gonna get it." Bulkhead said as Starscream just rolled his optics and aimed his missiles at him.

"No you're the one who's gonna get it." He sneered at him.

Starscream then shoots a missile at Bulkhead which explodes upon impact as the explosion knocks him out.

Emily was able to get rid of the Decepticons miners that were shooting at her before she saw Starscream aiming at her and aiming at Wheeljack at the same time and this caused her to growl. One wrong move and Wheeljack is scrap metal.

"No you don't." Starscream smirked as he aimed his other arm at Wheeljack.

Emily aimed her cannons at him and they're both in a standstill and were both waiting to see which one will make the first move.

"It seems that we are in a bit of a standoff, my dear." Starscream said as he watched her carefully.

"So it would seem." Emily muttered quietly as she gritted her teeth.

"Put your weapons down and I might spare your friend." Emily knew that he wouldn't stay true to his word as she narrowed her optic-eye at him.

"You're the one who's about to put his weapons down." She told him sternly.

"Oh, really? You might have new blazing guns but you're not fast enough to hit me and save your friend." Starscream told her but Emily had an idea and started to grin.

"Wanna put this up to the challenge?" She asked him with a grin as he gave her a confused look.

Both stayed silent and when Starscream was about to pull the trigger, Emily was quick and shot twice and hit Starscream on his wing and his arm as he was thrown off.

"Nice shooting. Go help Optimus. Me and Bulkhead will take care of old Screamy here." Wheeljack said, he was impressed as Bulkhead stood up.

"Yeah I wanna hurt him for what he did." Bulkhead smashed his servos together as Emily nodded.

"Very well then. Thanks, Wheeljack, I owe you one." Emily gave Wheeljack a thankful smile before she started running again to where Optimus and Megatron are fighting.

Meanwhile Optimus and Megatron were both still fighting as Optimus is giving it all he's got but the Dark Energon is starting to weaken him and giving Megatron the upper hand.

"How will you keep fighting me? When you can barely stand!" Megatron swung his blade at him but the Autobot Prime blocked it.

"Because I cannot allow you to get your hands on all this Dark Energon." Optimus told him but the effects of being around the dark energon was starting to take effect.

"Very well then. You shall fall by my blade." Megatron was about to swing his blade but a voice was heard.

"Not if I've got something to say about it!" Emily yelled as she came running in with her sword as Megatron saw her and smirked evilly.

"Ah... The little human girl." Optimus glanced to where Megatron was looking and felt his Spark stop when he saw that it was Emily.

"Emily, no!" Optimus called out to her as he got worried since he didn't want her to get hurt.

Megatron punched Optimus knocking him to the ground when he saw that he got distracted and Emily saw that and her optic-eye widened in horror before her blood began to boil in anger. With anger, she began to run faster before she jumped while charging her plasma cannons at full power. When she was about to shoot, Megatron swatted her away which caused her to let out a cry of slight pain and surprise and was sent flying through the air. After that hit, she lands beside Cliffjumper's corpse and lets out a pained groan.

"Fools. How can you stop me? When the Dark Energon around us is making me stronger!" Megatron started to laugh evilly before he was punched by Optimus. Optimus saw how Megatron threw Emily away with a swat of his servo which angered him as he and Megatron began to fight more.

Emily starts to try and get up when she suddenly hears the same voice from earlier.

"Help me... please... too much... darkness... I can't see... the light..." The voice called out pitifully as Emily got confused.

"That same voice again. But where is it coming from?" Emily whispered to herself as she stood up.

Emily starts to look around before she sees the Dark Energon shard that was coming out from Cliffjumper is pulsating like crazy and she realizes two things. First the voice calling out to her for help was Cliffjumper which caused her to become shocked.

"Cliffjumper." She gasped in shock.

Second she found out that the shard was the source of all the Dark Energon in the mountain and she had to get it and destroy it.

"The shard. The shard is the source of everything. I must grab it." She said in realization as she walked to it.

Meanwhile, Ratchet was still patching Arcee up while Bumblebee covered him from any vehicons before Bumblebee beeps in weakness meaning that the Dark Energon is starting to weaken him and Ratchet could see it.

"Keep at it, Bumblebee. I need more time." Ratchet said as he was getting affected by it as well.

Ratchet is starting to get affected by the Dark Energon but he hides it and tries to stay focused on the task.

"I'm okay, Ratchet. You can stop now." Arcee told him as she was starting to feel the same effect as well.

"Yep, yep, yep. I'm the doctor here and I'll say when you're ok or not." Ratchet told her as he was almost done.

Bumblebee keeps on shooting before he sees from afar that Emily was about to grab the Dark Energon shard from the corpse and it causes him to start beeping in worry and horror as Ratchet and Arcee look at him in worry and horror.

"What did you say?" Ratchet asked him with worry and horror as Bumblebee pointed to something not too far from them.

Ratchet followed to where he was pointing and to his horror, he too saw that Emily was going for the shard and exclaimed for her to stop as he was afraid of what would happen if she touched the shard.

"Emily, no! Get away from it!" Ratchet yelled in horror as Emily looked up to where Ratchet was when she heard him as she was confused.

"What?" Emily asked in confusion.

When she turned around as she heard Ratchet calling out to her, she grabbed the shard before suddenly it started pulsating like crazy and the dark energy started flowing around her as it started to inflict pain into her to control her.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" She let out a terrified and pained scream as it caused everyone to stop their battles and look to where it came from.

Everyone sees how the Dark Energon shard was slowly affecting Emily as both sides were in shock and confusion. The Autobots could only watch in horror and worry as the dark aura of the shard was covering her. She was able to successfully take out the shard off Cliffjumper's corpse. But as soon as it did, the Dark Energon in the mountain started to weaken as if the shard was the source. At the same time, she has the shard in her hand and hears the voice of it's very source, Unicron the Destroyer as her optic-eye emitted an eerie purple color when she opened them.

"Use the shard. Use it to obtain my strength. Defeat your oppressors. And become more powerful than anyone. Do it now!" She whimpers in pain and fear as she tries to make it stop.

"No. No... ahhhhhh!!!!!!!" Emily yelled in pain and fear.

"Emily!" Optimus called out to her in worry and horror before he used his comm-link to contact the others and tell them to regroup.

"Autobots. Regroup now." Optimus told them as they nodded.

"Understood. Bumblebee, try to provide us some cover." Ratchet nodded before he looked at Bumblebee as he beeps to say that he will while Ratchet helped Arcee to stand up.

"Hold on tight, Arcee. And don't let go." Ratchet told her as she hissed slightly in pain.

"Like I have a choice." Arcee retorted sarcastically.

The Autobots start regrouping where Optimus is heading but suddenly when they get there, they're all surrounded by the Decepticons as they see that they were outnumbered.

"Ah, bolts." Wheeljack saw this and knew that they were outnumbered.

"How ironic to see that the tables have turned for you and your Autobots, Optimus Prime. Give me the Dark Energon shard and I might let you live." Megatron stood triumphantly as he told his enemy but Optimus narrowed his optics at him.

"We will never surrender." Optimus clenched his servos.

Emily was trying to resist the voice of Unicron as he was telling her to use the Dark Energon shard as she was in pain.

"No... no... get out of my head." Emily groans in pain as she falls down on her knees.

"Your will is weak. Use my power. Do as I say!" Emily let out a pained cry as Ratchet knelt down beside her and tried to see what was wrong as the Autobots and cons looked to where she was.

"Emily, what's wrong?" Ratchet asked worriedly when he noticed that her optic-eye was an eerie purple instead of her light lilac colored indigo eye and her electric blue Cybertronian optic.

Emily spoke up but it was weak and strained as she was trying to maintain control but was losing quickly and they could sense it.

"He's talking to me... I can't... control myself." Emily said with strain as she was slowly losing.

Emily is starting to lose control and was about to use the shard but Ratchet spoke to stop her.

"Emily, no. Don't do this, you do not know what will happen." Ratchet said to her in concern as the Dark Energon around them stops pulsating.

"Knock Out, something's happening to the Dark Energon." Megatron looked around in confusion.

"I think that this shard is the source of its power. Like some sort of battery. Without it, the Dark Energon around the mountain starts disappearing." Knock Out informed him and he grew frustrated by this.

Emily was almost on the verge of using the Dark Energon shard but Arcee stopped her as she looked at her worriedly.

"Emily, listen to me. Listen to my voice. You must fight it." Arcee told her as it seemed that she was fighting to gain control but was losing

"I can't..." She whimpered in fear and strain but Arcee wasn't gonna let her lose.

"Yes you can, partner. You're always there for me. So please listen to me... you can fight it. I believe in you." Emily heard this and was slowly gaining her strength and control back.

"I can... do it." She said as the eerie purple aura was slowly fading away.

"Yes, yes you can do it." Arcee encouraged her as the others were starting to be filled with hope as Optimus watched with hope as he prayed to Primus to help Emily fight it.

"Come on, kid. Don't give up." Bulkhead encourages her.

"Give it all you got." Wheeljack added with a smile.

Emily keeps on fighting the influence of the Dark Energon shard and tries to ignore the voice coming from it.

"Foolish, child, you cannot resist the will of Unicron the Destroyer." This made her more determined as she gripped the shard as she closed her optic-eye tightly.

"Yes I can!" Emily exclaimed as she snapped her optic-eye open as they glowed a bright electric and cyan blue.

A blue light exploded from Emily's body as everyone watched in awe and shock. The light helped release her from the Dark presence that was talking to her as the aura around her disappeared.


The blue light disappears as well as the voice and presence as Emily was able to regain control of herself as she fell down on her knees as she panted.

"I did it. I did it." Emily looked up to her friends and family as they were relieved to see that she was okay now.

"You did it, Emily." Arcee smiled down at her proudly as she helped Emily stand up.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Emily smiled up to her as she regained her balance before a voice ruined the moment.

"Oh, stop doing this, you're gonna make me wanna cry lubricant from my optics." Knock Out got to admit that it was touching and was able to stop the shard from controlling her.

"I found it boring. Let's smash them now." Breakdown rolled his optics at him.

"Decepticons, prepare to fire." Dreadwing ordered.

All the Decepticons are preparing their weapons while aiming at the Autobots as they tense up.

"I don't think we'll get out of this one, Bulk." Wheeljack said as he looked around.

"If this is it, we won't go down without a fight." Bulkhead said as he was worried.

"Decepticons, stand down now." This made everyone look at Megatron with confusion and disbelief.

"But, my lord, we can't let them-" Dreadwing started to protest but Megatron growled at him which made him order the others to stand down.

"All troops, stand down." He ordered as they did.

The Decepticons all stood down as the Autobots were all wondering what Megatron had in mind as they kept their guard up.

"What are they doing?" Wheeljack asked as the others had no idea what was going on.

"I'm not sure." Ratchet said as Bumblebee beeped in confusion but was agreeing with Ratchet.

"Autobots, you are surrounded. With no means of escape." Megatron told them as Wheeljack stepped forward.

"Like this is gonna scare us." Wheeljack retorted.

"Don't do this, Jackie." Bulkhead said as Wheeljack did as told.

"Instead of thinking with your guns maybe you should try to think with reasoning." Optimus knew what he wanted.

"You want us to give you the Dark Energon shard." Emily looked at the shard in her hand knowing that Megatron won't leave until he has what he wanted.

"And if you do, I might consider sparing you." Megatron smirked since he knew what Optimus guessed correctly.

"There's no way we will believe any word you say, Megatron." Ratchet retorted since he knew that Megatron would go back on his own words.

"Seems to me that your leader has a decision to make. What's it gonna be, Optimus? Give up the Shard or face annihilation." Megatron sneered as the Autobots and Emily looked conflicted.

"Whatever you're gonna do, do it now." Optimus glanced at Wheeljack and Bulkhead leaned towards him to whisper.

"We could use your one grenade." Bulkhead whispers as Wheeljack glances at him.

"We could but it could come in handy later." Wheeljack whispered back.

"We could use mine." Bulkhead tried to insist before Wheeljack nudged him since Megatron was eyeing the two suspiciously.

"Be quiet, Bulkhead." Ratchet whispered to them sternly as he noticed Megatron eyeing both wreckers suspiciously.

"What's your decision, Optimus?" Megatron turned his attention back to Optimus as he thought about their situation before coming to a decision.

"If this comes to be our last battle, so be it." Optimus switched his servos into his guns as Megatron smirked.

"Always fighting to the end, Optimus. Very well then." Megatron smirked as he knew that Optimus would keep on fighting.

When Megatron was about to give the order to kill the Autobots, Emily stopped them as she went up to Optimus as they all looked towards her.

"No, no, no, wait, wait! Wait, Optimus, it doesn't have to come to this. Whether we give him the shard or not, they'll kill us all. I think we should give him the shard." Emily told her friends as they were shocked by what she said as Optimus looked at her and saw that she was serious.

"What?" Bulkhead asked in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?! If Megatron gets his hand on this shard, who knows how powerful he could become!" Ratchet tried to stop her as she looked at them and saw that she had worry and determination in her optic-eye.

"Do you have any better ideas?" She asked the medic and it left him speechless but knew that she was right.

They all look at each other and the looks in their optics reveals that they don't have any other plan as Emily sighed softly.

"Didn't think so." Emily muttered and was about to walk forward but Optimus looked at her as she looked back.

"Emily, Dark Energon is very dangerous. In the hands of Megatron, it can become a weapon of massive destruction." Optimus told her as she just smiled up to him.

"With all due respect, I think this time you must trust me on doing the right thing. Saving my friends. No matter the cost." She told him and saw that she was planning something and nodded with a soft smile before turning serious and looking up to Megatron.

"How touching. Now if you would be so kind. Give me the shard." Emily steeled herself as she slowly advanced to Megatron but she stopped and gripped the shard.

"Give it to me. Now." Megatron was starting to get impatient.

"You want it? Go get it!" She looked at the shard before throwing it in the air towards the Decepticon leader.

Emily throws the shard straight at Megatron who dodged it in an act of pure reflex. He tried to catch it but Emily used her canon to shoot a plasma shot. The shot was able to hit its target and destroy the shard as she smirked. Everyone is shocked about the amazing shot as Wheeljack smirked.

"I like her style." Wheeljack grins as he was impressed as they saw the look on Megatron and they knew that he was about to explode.

"RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! DESTROY THEM!!!!!!!!!" Megatron ordered as he was really pissed off. He almost had the shard only for it to be destroyed.

"Open fire!" Dreadwing ordered as the Decepticons started to open fire on the Autobots.

They counter attack before Bulkhead reaches for his grenade and pulls the pin.

"Get down!" Bulkhead warned them and they did as told as Emily ran to them before he could throw it.

He then throws the grenade straight for the cons before it explodes and blows up most of them. Sadly the Autobots are still getting shot.

"Autobots, hold your ground! Ratchet, call the base and tell Smokescreen we need help!" Optimus said as he was keeping Emily from getting hit.

"Right away." Ratchet nodded before he turned his comm-link on to call the base for backup.

"Ratchet to base, do you read me?" Ratchet called but all he could hear was static.

"Communications are down." Ratchet said before he looked up and saw that Soundwave was interfering with the communications.

"It's Soundwave. He must be the one interfering with the signal." Ratchet said as Wheeljack noticed the silent Decepticon.

"Keep trying, Doc, I'll try to take him down from here." Wheeljack told him as he took aim at Soundwave.

Wheeljack then starts shooting at Soundwave who transforms and starts flying to avoid getting hit as Ratchet keeps on trying to call the base for help.

"Ratchet to base, do you read me?" Ratchet said as he tried again and was able to get through.

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