
Sword of Unicron Part 3

Emily exited the portal and was now hovering over the sands of the Mariana Islands. It was deserted and it was perfect for a little diving expedition. She went behind some rocks and started to change into the equipment Ratchet gave her. She came out and hid her clothes somewhere before going waist deep in the water. She tensed slightly, feeling herself being watched but when she looked around, she didn't see anyone. She shook herself before putting the goggles on and putting the breathing tube before diving down into the water unaware that two bots disguised as a boat and submarine were watching her curiously.

She was around the coral reef when her body glowed. She let out a sound of surprise before the glow disappeared and she was now wearing a special diving suit with the Autobot insignia of her right shoulder. Her face was covered by a glass that prevented any water from coming in. She couldn't help but grin excitedly as she found it amazing. First the battle back at Greenland, then this? How cool is it?!

'This is so cool! I can't wait to tell the others back at base!' She thought as she then continued to swim forward.

After an hour or so of swimming, she stopped as she noticed she was now at the entrance of the Mariana Trench. She breathed shakily before she heard Ratchet's voice through the comm of her helmet.

"Ratchet to Emily, Emily, do you read me?" She then answered quickly.

"Yeah, I hear you, Ratchet. I'm about to enter the mouth of Mariana Trench." She had to prevent any nervousness from entering her voice as Ratchet seemed to be typing something as a scanner appeared and it seemed to pinpoint the direction of the sword but the beeping was faint.

"Alright, I sent you coordinates to help you find the Sword of Unicron. Just be careful, Emily. We'll be watching you." Ratchet informed her as she nodded. She took a deep dive before she swam forward and dive down in the trench.

The scanner beside her optic-eye was beeping slowly as it was telling her to go deeper. She bit her lip before swimming forward as a beam of light came from the side of her helm and helped her see better deeper towards the trench.

She was only halfway through the trench when her body began to shiver slightly. She let out a shaky breath as it came out as a slight puff of smoke. She shook herself as she ignored it the best she could. She could see the bottom of the trench and she floated in place and looked around as the scanner was beeping loudly. She looked around her before the beeping became louder and she looked down in front of her and found the sword as it glowed faintly. She smiled as she turned the comm link to tell the others.

"Emily to base, I found it." There was cheering from the background and she guessed it was Miko and Bulkhead as she could hear Bumblebee making whistles and beeps of happiness.

"Great. Get it quickly so I can bridge you back to base." She nodded and swam towards it. She stopped in front of the sword as it glowed a little more before reaching for it. She grunted as she pulled it with strain and was able to pull it out.

"I got it!" She exclaimed happily before starting to swim up but was having difficulty with the sword being heavy.

As best as she could, Emily is trying to swim to the surface with the sword of destruction. Suddenly she sees a torpedo coming her way from the corner of her eye, she swam to the side so she could avoid it as it hit the walls of the trench. She starts to look around with slight fear and anxiety before she sees something swimming towards her and starts to panic at the sight of a shark. She noticed how the shark looked and it looked almost robotic but the dead giveaway was the Decepticon Insignia on it. Which meant that this was no ordinary shark, it was a Decepticon and this wasn't good news at all and not one bit.

"A human girl? Let's see if she can dodge this." The sharkticon whose name is Hammerstrike spoke as he had an toothy smile

Hammerstrike then transformed into his submarine mode and launched 2 torpedoes as they were heading straight for her. While holding the sword, Emily tries to avoid them the best she could but she gets cornered by the wall with nowhere to swim. She turned around with fear in her eyes as the Decepticon was closing in on her slowly.

"I've got you now. Now to make sure you don't get out of here alive." Hammerstrike starts to charge up to launch another set of missiles as a tear falls from Emily's eye as she asks herself if this was how she was going to die.

Just as Hammerstrike was about to launch another set of torpedoes, a laser hit his side, causing him to revert to his bot mode as he looked at his attacker. Feeling her head getting a little dizzy as her body was slowly succumbing to the cold water of the trench, someone came towards her and grabbed her by the arm and caused her to snap out of her daze and look to see who it was and to her surprise it was a diver. She followed the diver as the diver helped her swim up to the surface while glancing back to the battle between the sharkticon and the submarine as the mysterious submarine was keeping the sharkticon busy and buying them some time to escape. After reaching the surface, Emily and diver swam towards a red boat and got on its deck as Emily started to catch her breath. Meanwhile beneath the water, the submarine was still keeping Hammerstrike busy and seeing that he can't seem to stop that transport, Hammerstrike decided to fall back.

"This isn't over yet! I'll be back for you!" He yelled as he transformed back to his shark form.

Hammerstrike starts to swim fast to lose his mysterious fighter until he is nothing but a dot in the ocean water and out of sight. After the sharkticon was no longer in sight, the submarine left as well and headed up to the surface. In the meantime the diver and Emily were able to get to Mariana Island with the help of the red boat pilot. Once they arrive there and at the beach, Emily is finally able to catch her breath before looking to her rescuer.

"Thank you for saving me back there." She told the diver.

The mysterious diver takes off their breathing mask to reveal themselves to be a girl who appeared to be around 17 years of age.

"You're welcome." She told Emily with a smile who smiled back gratefully

The captain of the red boat came out to see if their guest was okay and he looked to be 19 years old.

"Is she alright?" He asked the girl diver who shrugged.

"I think so. Are you hurt or something?" She shrugged and looked at Emily when she asked. Emily shook her head since she didn't get hurt thanks to the mystery girl.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks again for saving me back there." She shrugged before another voice was heard as the submarine came up to the surface beside the boat

"Rest assured, young civilian. You are safe now. And will be receiving proper aid." They look at the submarine, the two people with her with knowing smiles as Emily was just confused.

The mysterious submarine came out of the water as it opened the dome shaped roof from it, a kid around Raf's age or maybe around 11 came out of it.

"Everything good?" The kid asked as he got down from the submarine

"Thankfully yeah." The girl shrugged as she held her breathing piece in her hands.

"It's all right, you guys. She's the one we were looking for." This made Emily confused and surprised. Why were they looking for her? Did someone send them?

"You were looking for me? Why?" She looked at them in confusion as she was lost in what was going on.

The sound of gears and metal shifting was heard and Emily couldn't help but be surprised as the mysterious submarine transformed before her and revealed himself as an Autobot. So there were other Autobots?

"Because Optimus called us. He said we needed to find you and make sure you were ok." This surprised her even more but it made her heart flutter with warmth. Optimus was worried and called them to help her? She couldn't help but smile softly at the thought.

The red boat transforms and reveals itself as another Autobot, much to her surprise as she couldn't help but be in awe at the sight of great allies.

"Good thing we found you." The submarine Autobot grinned at her as she waved to him.

"Your name is Emily right?" The kid asked as he looked up to her as she looked back.

"Yeah... um, who are you?" She asked curiously as the kid stretched his hand out towards Emily to help her get up. She accepted the help and stood up.

"My name's Cody Burns." The kid now identified as Cody introduces himself.

"Call me Cody. These are my brother and sister, Kade and Dani Burns." He introduced the two teens with them as she nodded her greetings.

"Nice to meet you." Dani smiled at her as she smiled back.

"Hey, I'm Kade. How are you doing?" Kade reintroduced himself as Dani, Cody, Heatwave and the other Autobot rolled their eyes at his antics.

"Fine... I guess." Emily replied as she gave him a deadpanned look.

"How come a beautiful girl like you is here all alone?" Kade put an arm around her shoulders but she ducked and moved out of the way while holding the sword of destruction in her hands.

"It's a long story. I don't mean to be rude but you're making me feel uncomfortable. Plus I'm a year younger than you." She told him as she put a hand on her hip with a deadpan look as he stuttered.

Heatwave snickered silently about what she said as he was starting to like her attitude and personality. Even Cody and Dani are laughing at that.

"She called you old." Dani continued to laugh.

"She got you." Cody snickered in amusement.

"Very funny. Ha ha ha." Kade gave the two annoyed looks which only made them laugh harder.

"I never thought I'd see this coming." Heatwave added as he couldn't help but smirk.

"Keep talking, Heatwave." Kade grumbled while crossing his arms

Heatwave rolled his optics before using his water cannon on Kade and blasting him with a shot of water and soaking him to the bone. Kade let out a cry of surprise as he got soaked completely down to his socks and it made Cody and Dani laugh even harder as Emily couldn't help but giggle at this.

"Not funny, Heatwave!" Kade yelled in annoyance as he shook some water from his clothes.

"It was to me." He shrugged his shoulder plates with a playful smirk.

"So your name is Heatwave right?" She asked curiously as the laughter died down as Heatwave nodded.

"Yes it is." Heatwave smiled down at her.

"So who are you?" She asked the other Autobot who looked to almost be the same height of Optimus, maybe a bit shorter.

"My name is Hightide. I'm an old friend of Optimus Prime." This caused Emily's eyes to widen in surprise. The robot in front of her was an old friend and ally to Optimus?

"You know Optimus?" She couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"Yes we've been through many things together." Emily couldn't help but smile at this.

"I see. So did Optimus call you guys just so you could find me?" She asked them as she looked at the two Autobots and their three human friends.

"Yes, he told us everything. After you left the base, Optimus contacted us right away. Knowing that we would be the only ones that are able to save you. Thank the Allspark that we came right on time." Hightide told her as this information made her smile even more.

"Yeah. One more second and that Con would've blown me to bits. What was that thing anyway? And how come he looked like a Shark that carried a Decepticon insignia?" She then brought up the question that was bugging her as Kade, Cody and Dani looked confused at this.

"Shark?" Kade asked in confusion.

"Decepticon insignia?" The youngest of the group asked in confusion since they never heard of it before.

"Yes I saw it while he fired his torpedoes at me." She couldn't help but shiver slightly at the encounter

"Hightide, you've known this thing. Know anything about it?" Heatwave asked as Hightide nodded.

"I'm afraid so, lad. What you just saw was a Decepticon and not just any Decepticon. He's Sharkticon known as Hammerstrike. He's very lethal, especially in the water. Heatwave was able to drive him off but he'll come back. That's for sure." Hightide told them as Cody came up to him with confusion in his eyes.

"Um, Hightide, what are the Decepticons?" Cody asked curiously and in confusion as Emily's optic-eye darken slightly at the thought of the Cons.

"The Decepticons are a group of robotic beings like Autobot and the complete opposite and are filled with warriors with the desire to conquer and destroy." Hightide told them as they became worried

"That doesn't sound good." Kade muttered as he started to become worried.

"Maybe it's not that serious." Dani tried to reassure them but after seeing the look on Hightide, Heatwave and Emily. It was really serious.

"It is bad. The Decepticons are a serious threat. Trust me I know what I'm talking about." She clenched her hand into a fist as she gritted her teeth as she thought back on her battle with the Cons. Especially against Megatron.

Heatwave noticed she pronounced the Decepticons and noticed how her expression darkened. Emily noticed their eyes were on her and shook her head slightly.

"I'm okay. Let's just say the Decepticons gave me a bad experience." She looked at them as she smiled slightly.

After a few hours, Dani gave Emily something to dry off and gave her clothes back that Kade found and gave the 19 year old a smack to the head and another shot of water from Heatwave's water cannon after he told her that she smelled like roses. She got to know quickly before seeing that it was getting dark.

"I better get going now. She stood up as she put the sword of destruction on her hoverboard.

"Will we see you again? We could hang out sometimes." Dani was a bit saddened to know that she had to leave but was hoping to see her again.

"Sure. I'll try and ask Ratchet to open a ground bridge to you guys." She smiled before turning on the earpiece of the goggles.

"Emily to base, anyone there?" She asked before the sound of Ratchet's voice was heard and he sounded worried.

"Emily, is that you?! Thank Primus you are okay! We've been getting worried when you didn't answer for the past couple of hours!" She frowned slightly at this but she smiled after as she looked at her new friends.

"Yes, Ratchet, I'm okay. I got the sword and was helped by a couple of new friends. Can you open up a ground bridge? I wanna get cleaned up before I smell like saltwater." She can hear the sound of typing before the familiar green portal opens up a few feet from them.

She looks back to her new friends with a smile.

"I'll see you very soon, okay?" She offered her hand for a hand shake. Dani smiled and shook her hand.

"Hope to see you soon. And say hi to Optimus for us." She nodded as she pushed the hoverboard towards the portal.

She gave them one last look as they waved goodbye. She waved back in return and went through the portal. The portal closed up behind her as they watched it.

Back at base, the others were waiting anxiously for Emily to come back. Ratchet was watching the portal anxiously while Bumblebee was pacing nervously as Bulkhead was fidgeting slightly. Optimus was worried since she hadn't called in a few hours while Arcee was waiting anxiously for her to arrive while the kids were also worried.

The sound of footsteps made them all perk up and Emily came out of the portal with the sword on her hoverboard and a smile on her face.

"I'm back, guys. Whoa!" She yelped slightly in surprise when Bumblebee scooped her up and held her against his chest-plate as if hugging her and she couldn't help but smile and pat her hand against it.

Bumblebee lowered his servo down and let her get off before Raf hugged her around the waist and she hugged back.

"I'm sorry I worry you all." She pulled back from the hug as she looked at them.

"The important thing now is that you have returned safely, Emily." Optimus told her with a smile as she smiled back.

"Also thanks for contacting Heatwave, Hightide and their friends to help me, Optimus. They really came right on time." She told him as the other Autobots knew who they were and couldn't help but smile.

"Now, young lady, I believe that you need to get clean from the sea water. You better clean up now." Ratchet then gave her a stern look as she laughed nervously and started to go to where the bathroom is located in the base while Arcee went with her to help.

Optimus walked to the hover board and picked up the sword but it wasn't reacting to anything which confused him. Maybe it will once Emily comes back after getting clean. They finally have the last and second sword of the Allspark, the Sword of Unicron.

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