

After the data is displayed I activate my lightning speed and started to speed learn everything that's is on screen.

After reading and understanding all the data I deactivate my lightning speed.

So it does I just need to make her DNA strong enough so it can absorb my DNA and erase human DNA completely which will at least make her a half Goddess. I thought.

After thinking about it I take out a poll of Dionesium from GOB. I have 3 different versions of Dionesium which depend on their purities.

first, the purest version will make you ageless immortal and all the needed superpowers like super strength and super speed, very high-level regeneration make you smarter, and many things, and this one was taken by Vandal Savage.

The version which I going to use, which works like the first one just gives you the same amount of powers but just less strong and will revive anyone instantly without affecting thair minds.

Then there is the last one which doesn't give any powers and takes much time to revive and also affects the mind of revived being. And this is Lazarus Pits used by Ra's al Ghul.

I first created a small force field size of a gym ball

and then started to create the purest Star that I can create that can release the purest form of non-ionizing radiation without releasing much heat. Inside the force field.

As without this, her DNA will be not strong enough to survive a battle with my DNA and her DNA doesn't need to fight it just needs to survive so her DNA and my DNA can combine. Once this happens I am sure her DNA will be able to absorb any kind of radiation and because it's a god's DNA I am sure it will not only give her a great boost but also new powers and as gods, we are Magical creatures so it will give her defense towards magic which is one of the greatest weaknesses of a Kryptonians and also give her powers to use Mana while

making her a Demi Goddess. I thought.

While I am doing this everyone looked at me with fear and curiosity as to why and what I am doing.

but I ignored them.

After I am done creating the star it looked like a newly born white star.

This was shocking to Jor-El AI as I am sure never seen someone create a start just out of nothing.

after creating the star I take out the dead body of Lois lane which shocks Martha and Jonathan as they asked fearfully.

Martha: wt what ar are doing with our daughter.

Jonathan: Yea yea le leave her to don't try an anything.

After hearing them I just look at them and see my blue eyes shining they become stunned and close thair mouths.

After they shut thair mouths I place Lois' body inside the Dionesium poll after I place it her body started to revive at a very high speed it

change her skin become white her body mess increases her hair and nails grow back as her body started to move from her finger to her legs, as ten seconds later her eyelids started to move and then nest she opens her eyes and scream.

Lois: Clark Clark it's me, it's me please come to Senses.

While this was all happening everyone was looking at eyes wide open as it is a miracle their dead daughter just come back alive.

While they were looking at Lois I was looking at her

womb as I saw her come as her whole body create from just some pieces. As her hand legs face grow back and ones Lois comes alive she starts to absorb the radiation from the newly created star but very slowly.

As Lois looked around but before she started to open her mouth I transfer all that happend after her death.

After she saw this all her mouth is wide while fear in her eyes as I also showed her my encounter with superman.

After 5 minutes later she ask.

I laugh and said.

Zeus: I don't want anything if I need something I take it so shut your mouth I will be taking My new daughter but as you are her original mother so as a token of thank you I will leave you alive so please don't force me to kill you and take her.

After hearing me her face lost all its color and she places her hand on her belly but she can't do anything. So I don't waste any time and put her to sleep and then use my telekinesis and place her on the bed and started to cut open her stomach while everyone watched with tears in their eyes.

After opening her stomach I take out the baby girl who was sleeping and alive with my created sun.

I then hug her and said.

Zeus: Dont worry baby now new dad is here and I will never let you hurt.

While I am going this Lois regeneration kicked in and started to heal her and in just some time she was healed.

I then cut a finger off her and take some blood from it then seeing she is not healing I cast a healing spell.

Zeus: Heal

As her wound closed I then take out a tube filled with the purest form of Dionesium from GOB and place her inside and then place the star in front of it

And have it concentrate all the non-ionizing radiation in front of her tube and then create a force field around them.

As I looked around I saw everyone was lost as to what just happend So I looked at Jor-El and said.

Zeus: Jor-El scan my daughter's DNA and show me.

After hearing me he looked at me with a complicated expression but still did as I hold 3 lives that superman loves too much.

As A small mechanical arm grabs DNA and places her in front of the scanner as all the needed data appears in front of me.

I have time so I didn't go into my lightning-speed mode and read her DNA with time as this takes me more than 2 hours and after reading all the information I looked at her as she was still absorbing the radiation.

And Lois has woke up and stood beside Martha and Jonathan while she was crying and they tried their best to give her comfort. But I don't care about her as she has nothing special when comes to anything from charter to her virginity I will mold my universe Lois into a good wife and make her mine

as I don't need to build a harem of the same females as there are unlimited versions of her and any of my wives outside of Dc Omniverse from DxD to Percy Jackson to Records of Ragnarok to Blood of Zeus, to Saint Seiya, and many many more. So there must some differences like My Future daughter Wonder Woman Diana, to earth 3 Power Woman, from Supergirl to Powergirl they are different in their own rights they can be called twins but not the same person.

So I don't care about her and superman with many superheroes already here and are trying to break force fields even Batman with his team is here as he also trying his best to get in even Raven is here she is trying with her magic.

But it will not work as my force fields were not made with science but with my divinity, so the effect will be the same if you use magic or science or strength if she wants to break in she needs to let loose her demons which will she never without life-threatening situation and who can come in is without legs as legs are still healing I thought.

Notice please read it.

A long chapter that you wanted.

Some rules.

There is in this multiverse or any dc multiverse there is only One God Out there

So only One Zeus One Darkseid and one high Father out in this multiverse that we read about.

If you ask any questions in the comments I will try my best to answer them thanks for reading.

please comment and give some power stones.


Please, please please please please please please please please please please comment, please, please, please 



Marvel and DC have a Friendly Rivalry

While geeks wage war over which company is the superior publisher, both sides are actually quite amiable to each other. DC has tried to sell to Marvel when it is in a slump, they've made several crossover arcs together and there are no hard feelings when one copies the other like with Thanos and Darkseid. As a matter of fact, Marvel creator, Stan Lee once worked for DC! In 2001, he released a series called Just Imagine, which featured Lee's own take on Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and more!

Have a read through our Marvel vs. DC debate and let us know which comic always wins you over!


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones 

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✌️ Peace ✌️ 


Notice please read it.

A long chapter that you wanted.

Some rules.

There is in this multiverse or any dc multiverse there is only One God Out there

So only One Zeus One Darkseid and one high Father out in this multiverse that we read about.

If you ask any questions in the comments I will try my best to answer them thanks for reading please comment and give some power stones

GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts
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