
Chapter 151

Over the course of the next two years, Alexander spent that time consolidating his power across the Galaxy. The Imperial Warlords were brought to heel and were being trialed for all the crimes the committed against the people of the Galaxy during the rein of the Empire.

The Trial lasted for a week and was broadcasted all over the Galaxy. Each warlord was sentenced to death because of their disobedience and failure to surrender when Alexander ordered them to.

As a result all the crimes against them were piled up and they were sentenced to death by the brand new Imperial Court. It was a part of the new judicial branch which Alexander had established. Before the creation of the Imperial Court the law was enforced by judges appointed by the local government.

It proved effective and the local government enforced the law correctly while being monitored by the central government on Lehon. But now that the Terran Ascendency encompassed over 80% of the Galaxy they would need a new central branch which would be closely monitored by the Main Government.

Naturally law enforcement officers were apart of the judicial branch alongside a new branch called the Guardian enforcers which would utilize Guardian knights who would work with law enforcement officers to solver crimes, prevent crimes, and stop crimes.

It would give the Guardian Knights a higher public opinion among the newly acquired worlds and give them some experience with dealing with various races and interacting with the public.

Next was allowing the people representation within the Government. Now Alexander wouldn't go full democratic mode and allow them to have significant power over within his government but letting them have things like the ability to create and regulate laws would ease some tension.

But even then the laws would need his approval or approval from one of the Empresses to be made into a law. Though if he or any other of the Empresses reject the approval of the other then he would be the final decision maker.

It could be said that the allowance of this pseudo-democracy was a strategic preemption against future rebellion or discontent.

Though the Terrans held power over most of the galaxy, keeping such vast dominion unified required more than force or fear. Alexander understood this well, and so he employed a more empathetic approach to things. He wouldn't allow people to walk over him but he would also try and understand their problems.

On the military front, he further strengthened his rule by restructuring the defenses of each planet. Rather than relying on a singular massive fleet, he divided them into Regional Armadas, each guarding different sectors of the Ascendency's territory.

This caused the need to promote more High Admirals. Alexander wasn't against this idea as many Admirals had contributed a lot to the success of his campaign and they should be promoted.

So now Alexander was sitting in his office as Ahsoka who had taken up the position of his secretary of sorts had brought him the list of the Admirals with the highest amount of merit and who have been recommended for promotion by Yrena and Yona.

"Here you go Master" Said Ahsoka as she handed him the small hard drive with the list of names and history on it.

She still called him Master since she was still only a Knight but the until she became a Master wasn't long as her abilities were already greater then the average Knight especially after Alexander increased her Midi-chlorian count.

"Thanks Ahsoka" Said Alexander as he plugged the hard drive into his computer. "Cortana start to select the best candidates among the list and also keep in mind for any future prospects"

"This won't be long" replied Cortana as she got to work immediately.

After a moment of silence, Alexander turned to Ahsoka and asked, "How are things progressing with the peacekeeping mission in the outer rim?"

Ahsoka replied, "They are making good progress, Master. Princess Atri and Nera are working tirelessly to free the slaves and restore peace in that region. The local authorities are cooperative, but there are still pockets of resistance."

Alexander nodded thoughtfully. "Keep me updated on their progress. And send word to Lord Maul to provide any additional support they might need."

Ahsoka nodded and made a note of the instruction. She then hesitated before asking, "Master, may I inquire about your plans for the upcoming summit with the planetary governors?"

Alexander leaned forward, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Ah, yes. The summit. It will be an opportunity to discuss our future strategies and ensure unity among our territories. I trust you will assist in preparing the necessary briefing materials for the meeting?" He said though in reality this summit was just to give the planetary governors the idea that they had a voice even if it was an insignificant one.

Ahsoka nodded eagerly. "Of course, Master. I will ensure everything is ready for your review."

Just then, Cortana chimed in, "The selection process is complete, Master. The candidates for promotion have been identified and their profiles updated in the system."

Alexander thanked Cortana and gestured for Ahsoka to join him at the computer screen. Together, they reviewed the list of recommended admirals and discussed potential future prospects for leadership positions within the Ascendency.

Once they were done the selected candidates were instructed to report to Coruscant for their promotion and that they would be reassigned to a new position.

Meanwhile, once that matter was settled, Alexander launched cultural exchange programs throughout the Ascendancy. He sought to create a cross-cultural understanding between different races inhabiting the Terran territories.

This initiative was met with mixed reactions - while some were optimistic about building bridges between cultures and races, others feared losing their own identities amid this colossal fusion.

Alexander pressed on regardless, knowing that such efforts were necessary for lasting peace and unity. The construction of grand museums showcasing arts and history from different worlds throughout the galaxy began under his directive. Interstellar festivals celebrating various cultural traditions became regular phenomena.

In addition he also established an elite intelligence branch called the Terran Intelligence Bureau. Deployed throughout the galaxy, their mission was to track down high ranked terrorist, investigate corruption, and ensure the stable operation of the Government across the Galaxy. These agents were skilled in espionage, combat, diplomacy, and, when necessary, assassination.

The members were handpicked from special forces units across the Ascendency, and underwent a rigorous training program designed by Alexander himself. They would serve as his eyes against potential internal and external threats.

With that in place the internal and external security of the Government would be protected and the people would be able to live their lives without fear of corruption.

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