Back in the car, Vincent was staring out the window. His injuries already became nothing but a dull memory. Now that the fight was over, he could actually begin focusing on what he just got himself into. He looked over at the man sitting next to him who was calmly facing forward with a slight smile on his face, relieved at Vincent's victory.
The foreigner adjusted his glasses and spoke up. "Hey boss, give me a thorough explanation of the Kengan Matches."
Ohta perked up and looked over at Vincent with a curious look adorned on his face. He performed the classical thinker's pose before clasping his hands together and responding to Vincent with a question of his own.
"Before that, just how were you able to take all those hits without a problem? I'm surprised that you could fight especially after taking Murobuchi Gozo's special flying knee."
Vincent smirked. "Oh that? Those hits were painful as hell. I didn't take them without a problem. I just weathered it enough. Maybe he should've tried hitting harder?" Ohta just gaped in surprise. He, an experienced Kengan Association member who viewed many matches, should be very well aware on the sheer strength packed into that knee. And for Vincent to say he didn't hit hard enough is a statement with a baffling amount of gall.
So, Vincent elaborated. "I'm not particularly the most skilled fighter around and I'm also not what you would call a striking or grappling specialist who can end fights with speed and grace. I like to get down and dirty and drag fights out to win. I'm a survivor who can take on any amount of punishment."
He told a small lie there, but it wasn't really important. What his boss doesn't know won't hurt him, and this is something that Vincent would prefer to keep to himself.
"But he hit you in the jaw... No matter how hardy a person can be, a good strike there should knock even the Fang out." The Fang? That's an epithet Vincent is unfamiliar with.
But... "Hah! You should watch more matches between crazier fighters. Strikes to the jaws and temples won't keep the truly strong down, and I'm a truly strong individual...well, at least I think I am. I hope?"
That is Vincent's confidence. It's not arrogance, but egoism. He recognizes his own strength and has carved out fame in the underground with his own might. Now it's time for him to spread his name even further in the Kengan Matches and see if there's anyone who can surpass his endurance and kill him.
"Please, one more question and I'll explain everything you want to know." Vincent had no reason to refuse.
"Go ahead."
His boss took a deep breath like he was preparing to ask something serious. "If the flying knee couldn't knock you out, then why did you fake being unconscious up until the ref was about to call the match? I was terrified, you know?"
"Ah, t-that," Vincent stuttered. "I was trying to get a feel for the rules and see if the ref would call a match only when somebody died. I've seen a few rulesets. My bad if you were gonna crap yourself though."
Vincent felt a little bad as he could see the lingering terror still trapped in his boss's eyes. The CEO exhaled a breath he was holding.
"Well, please don't do that again and give everything you have to winning." Vincent responded with a thumbs up and a smile.
'I'll do that again.'
"Now give me the rundown on the Kengan Matches."
Ohta smiled before asking a question. "What do you think the best method to resolving conflict is?" Vincent didn't even have to hesitate before responding. He held a finger out and his smile gained a more peaceful quality to it.
"Sleep it off."
"Corr–Huh? S-sleep?"
"Yep." Vincent said it as if it were a matter of course. "Time heals all wounds and all that jazz, so sleep should settle all conflicts."
'What on earth? I can't understand his thought process.' Ohta shook his head and just continued on as if he didn't hear that.
"The tale of the Kengan Matches stretches back over three hundred years...around the early Shotoku period."
Ohta then began to explain the conflict and strife between merchants in that bloody period of violence where parties waged battles against each other for prestige and money. The escalating violence that left its origin and surpassed its creators It couldn't be stopped or contained.
"And violence that doesn't benefit anyone is just seen as meaningless and bothersome. That is why it needed to be better enforced."
Vincent snapped his fingers and realized immediately. "And what better way to enforce it than to add meaningful stakes to it!"
"You got it! It also needed to be regulated with proper order to keep it from becoming an anarchic battlefield like the old days. So, the current format of the Kengan Matches that's been recognized by a group of businessmen who serve as the Kengan Association Members had its roots from long ago in the past."
"Naturally, there's a leader, right? Something like this can't run long without one."
"There's a chairman who sets the rules and laws of the Kengan Matches, though he can be kept in check by sufficiently powerful factions." Ohta's features slackened as he sighed.
'Like hell that old monster can be kept in check by anyone.'
"Factions now...? This can get complicated quickly." Vincent tried contemplating the deeper mechanics of the system, but Ohta waved his hand back in forth, a negatory motion.
"Don't worry! You only need to focus on fights as of now. You're simply a fighter. If there's anything else that you feel the need to know, I'll either tell you or you can ask me to explain. ...Actually, where are you staying right now? Give me your contact information while you're at it."
Vincent laughed.
"I don't have a Japanese citizenship, so I'm illegally living in the alleyways. I also don't have a phone as of now because I broke the last one." Ohta froze. The back of his neck started to feel very damp.
"So, that's what he meant," he muttered.
"What who meant?"
"Ah," his boss stammered. "It's nothing you need to worry about. You can come stay in a guest bedroom at my abode until we get you properly situated. I'll see what we can do about your citizenship."
It smells like forgery's afoot to Vincent's nose. Oh well, he doesn't have a problem with illegal stuff like that. If he did, he would've never gotten involved with underground fights in the first place.
Not like it's his first forged ID.
The car ride lasted for a quarter of an hour until a large building the size of a mansion come into view. The grandeur and splendorous aura emanating from it speaks of Ohta's personality more than the words from his mouth. It seems he really likes to stand out in more ways than one.
"You got a nice place." Vincent whistled in appreciation the instant he stepped out of the car and reached the gates. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up until he saw the top of the building. His blurred vision didn't really help him with seeing the intricate designs.
He needs these wrong prescriptions to train his vision, but it can get annoying sometimes.
"Haha, I'm glad you like it."
Vincent then palmed his fist. He just realized he forgot something of utmost importance. He swiftly turned to Ohta and gripped his shoulders, his desperate face indicating a topic most grave. The CEO was nervous.
'What is it? Was it something suspicious that he noticed? Does he want to cut away from the deal?"
"Boss, when's my next match? I hope you scheduled it within a week or so because I need to work myself more. The least match was good, but it's not enough."
"Um." Ohta was now trying to think of a way to tell him that he didn't have any matches lined up at all. After the last fighter disappeared, he tried canceling all the upcoming matches, yet he couldn't cancel the one that was happening immediately. That was how he got his boss's help to find a fighter to substitute on the spot.
Vincent narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me you don't actually have any fights lined up."
The foreigner hit it right on the money.
"No, no, no, of course not! There's another fight next week actually, so make sure you get prepared, alright?!"
"Oh...really?" Vincent wore an elusive smile, one eye closed in thought.
The CEO of a large IT company was now panicking. He needed to find a match within a week fast or he might actually lose this fighter.
Wait! He doesn't actually have to worry about that because Vincent signed a contract!
At that moment, Vincent spoke up, like he read his boss's mind. "If I don't get a match within a week, I will actually bail regardless of what the contract I signed said."
The CEO wished his screams could reach the chairman.
He could not squander the opportunity Kenzo gave to him, the person who made him rise to a position right after he was laid off from a job. He owes that man everything, so there's only one thing he needs to do.
He needs to find a match!