

I am very happy to be able to talk with Jihan. That girl really made me fall in love. He spoke as if there was no burden. Even though he told me about him being hit by someone. But he said it very lightly. I think she is a strong girl. I'm actually curious about his job. Why did he have to be so scantily clad. I think the clothes she wore when I met her for the first time weren't very good for a girl of Jihan's age. My car is moving at a slow speed. But suddenly a black car overtook my car very fast. My car almost got scratched. I stay focused on the street. But at a crossroads. I saw Jihan who was running fast. While the car that overtook me came out two big men and the man ran fast to Jihan. I saw Jihan being dragged into the car. Suddenly I just followed where the car was going. My heart is really messed up. I'm afraid of Jihan's condition. Why did they do that to Jihan? My sports car drove fast on a less crowded street. I passed several shops and tall buildings. The black car now stopped in front of an empty building. I'm pretty sure the building really isn't working anymore. I try not to be seen by them. Because if I directly meet the person in the car. I'm sure I can't fight them because they are two big guys. I saw Jihan who covered his mouth. The straps are also on the wrists of both hands. Oh my god he really is in big trouble. I took what I could. I took their license plate number as well as the building. They then entered the building. I got out of the car and looked around. After that I feel safe. I sneaked into the building. Jihan was held by the two men tightly. Jihan looked rebellious by shaking his upper arms. Jihan's face is really pitiful. He cried and asked them to release him. I hid behind the door. I saw Jihan whose eyes were crying a lot. I'm so sorry to see Jihan's suffering. Now another man came in front of Jihan. The man snapped at Jihan and Jihan pleaded with the man who was his father. Jihan pleaded with tears in his eyes. He would even kiss his father's feet but the father was so disgusted.

"You're so mean Jack! You're not a father to me! You're the devil Jack!" Jihan exclaimed while crying loudly. Jack immediately slapped Jihan's face with a loud sound. I really want to help Jihan because he looks so miserable but if I go to help him. It's very unlikely if I can take Jihan away from all of them. "You must realize that you are a night butterfly. You can never escape from me Jihan!" Jack's face reddened with bulging eyes. I was very surprised to hear what Jack said. A father who is supposed to protect his son. Instead plunged his own son into a black hole. Jack continued to curse with harsh words at Jihan. The girl was speechless because her lips had been bloodied by Jack's punch. Jihan's cheeks were full of tears that kept flowing. It broke my heart to see Jihan being treated like that. Jack threatened Jihan sharply then after that Jack and the two big men came out. Jihan's condition was very weak in a chair that was tied together with his small body. Now my eyes are on the bad guys. They had already left this empty building. Soon I was running quickly through the dirty dirt floor and very dirty walls. "Jihan ..." my voice was hoarse because I couldn't bear to see Jihan who looked weak. "Aslan?" The brown eyed girl's face was surprised to see my arrival. I hugged him who was sitting on a chair while being tied up. My body seemed to be able to feel how much Jihan was suffering. I feel very close to Jihan. I feel she is a woman who should always be with me. Immediately my hands opened the rope wrapped around Jihan's body. I opened it with great care so that it could open. Finally I was able to firmly untie the rope. I tried to help Jihan to stand up. "Are you strong enough to walk?" I asked warily. Seeing Jihan's limp face. I don't think he's able to walk. "I'm still strong Aslan. Let's get out of this place," said Jihan with a frown. His voice sounded hoarse. AkuI immediately took Jihan's arm to walk together.

"Tidak ada yang melihat kita berdua kabur 'kan?" tanya Jihan sembari menghentikan langkahnya. Ia melihat ke segala arah gedung tua ini.

"Tidak ada Jjhan. Aku yakin sekali. Ayo kita jalan lagi," ucapku meyakinkan gadis yang malang ini.

Kami berdua berjalan melewati bau yang begitu membuat perut ingin mual. Bau busuk air yang menempel pada tembok. Pengap begitu kami rasakan. Sekarang kami menuruni anak tangga dengan hati-hati. Akhirnya kami berdua bisa keluar dari gedung ini.

Aku membantu Jihan untuk masuk ke dalam mobil sportku. Dia segera menyender di kursi mobil dengan mata tertutup. Aku yakin sekali dia pasti sangat kesakitan.

Aku mempercepat laju mobilku. Sesekali aku melihat wajah Jihan. Dia menutup mata. Aku rasa dia pingsan. Karena saat aku mencoba membangunkan Jihan dengan menepuk-nepuk pipinya. Dia sama sekali tidak merespon. Aku berusaha lebih mempercepat mobilku.

Setelah rasa khawatir yang mencintaiku. Kini mobil telah sampai di depan rumahku. Aku membuka pintu mobil dengan cepat. Kubopong tubuh Jihan yang lemas itu.

"Apa yang terjadi, Aslan? Siapa gadis ini?" tanya ibuku yang kaget.

"Nanti aku ceritakan, Bu," ucapku sambil terus berjalan menuju ke kamarku.

"Dia pingsan, Bu. Apa yang harus aku lakukan?" tanyaku dengan bingung melihat wajah Jihan yang pucat.

"Ibu akan ambil teh hangat dan minyak angin," jawab ibuku dengan cepat lalu keluar kamar.

Aku menyentuh pipi Jihan dengan lembut. Jempol tanganku mengelus-elus nya. Wajah manis terlihat jelas. Bagaimana mungkin sang ayah tega melakukan kekerasan secara fisik dan batin pada gadis yang terbaring di depanku ini. Ya Tuhan, aku sangat terpukul melihat keadaan Jihan seperti ini. Kulihat salah satu ujung bibirnya terluka dan salah satu matanya juga terlihat lebam.

Masih terlintas jelas di benakku saat Jack sang ayah mengumpat dengan kalimat kasar kepada Jihan. Bagaimana wajah Jack dengan marah sambil menampar kasar pipi yang tak berdosa itu. Aku tidak akan membiarkan Jack melakukan itu lagi kepada Jihan.

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