
Where Is This?

when Izuku opened his eyes he was shocked, he found himself in a place that he could only describe as futuristic or out of a sci-fi movie, and he knew very well where this place was, he was in the very famous i-island.

it's an artificial moving island inhabited by over ten thousand scientists researching Quirks.

It was created thanks to Every company in the world involved with the Pro Hero business when they invested money to create a technological paradise for the research and development of Quirks and support items. I-Island is an artificial moving island created for scientists to peacefully research together. Thousands of scientists and their families inhabit the island's main cities. Scientists primarily research the Quirk phenomenon and develop tools to support pro heroes.

The island was created to gather the world's top researchers to a safe place where their combined talents could study Quirks. There are several countermeasures in place to prevent criminal incidents. The island's security system is on par with that of Tartarus prison, many of its structures are built sturdier than bomb shelters, and scientists cannot leave the island to ensure confidentiality. There had never been a villain attack on the island.

I-Island is also home to the famous I-Expo, a city-wide event that showcases all the island's technological advancements. Pro Heroes are invited by the event sponsors and people are permitted to use their Quirks in public.

It was completely artificial and mostly built from iron. However, the island comes complete with four different cities separated by large bodies of water and natural foliage. There are beautiful beaches, great lakes, and incredible cities to be explored. The island has a residential district, a business district, and schools. The island can only be accessed via plane by entering through the airport.

from what izuku can gather right now he was in the residential district, but just as he was looking around appreciating the place with a smile on his face as getting on this island wasn't easy for rich people let alone a normal person like him so he was quite happy, but that smile quickly turned into a frown when he heard a familiar sound he knew from the internet, it was the security system, and suddenly izuku remembered the situation he was in and how he was supposed to be teleported to his neighborhood since it was the last place he was in, and how he didn't finish what he was about to say to his masters, but now it doesn't matter what does matter is the situation at hand because izuku can see a huge amount of robots coming his way.

"really? it has been only a few minutes since I finished my training and I already have to put it to use?"

right after saying that izuku took his fighting stance and he finally noticed

'wait...why do I feel like my body I smaller and weaker?, and why can't I move it as fast and precise as I want?'

he then took a look at himself and realized something.

'wait don't tell me when Mr. popo said he would send me back in the age he brought me In, he meant with the same physical strength and everything'

'I even have the same clothes and backpack and everything even though most of them got ruined except for my hero journal because of the training and not having spare clothes at the time'

now izuku was truly scared as he wasn't expecting this, he thought that his strength will come back with him but it seems that was just wishful thinking, but there was a silver lining, he still has the techniques of his masters ingrained in his mind, so those robots shouldn't be much of a challenge even with his weak body that isn't good for fighting, he can just use moves that don't exert much force from him...right.

well to his surprise when the robots got close enough for him and he was preparing to attack them he felt as if time came to a halt, he could clearly see all of the movements the robots are about to execute and how to easily counter them.

when countering their attacks izuku made sure that his attacks are not as fast as his perception of time or he would wreck his unprepared body.

one by one the robots were slowly being destroyed not by izuku's attacks, but by their own, izuku knows that his body is not in a state where he could attack directly so his only way of fighting was to use the [Water stream rock smashing Fist]techniques that redirect attacks with double the strength of the original.

this worked for a while until izuku noticed that the number of robots was not dwindling, but it was in fact increasing, and it was increasing so much that izuku knew he can't keep this up, and so he thought that he should run away but as soon as he stopped attacking and took a step back the other security measure in the island took effect, and restricting devices were thrown at izuku in what looked like long blue scarfs that resembled that of Eraserhead the underground hero, and he knew that this scarfs can't be stopped as they are made to be strong enough to bind even someone like allmight, and so izuku just let them catch him as there is nothing he could do to them at his current level, and even at his strongest he wasn't sure he could do something either, but maybe that's something he would leave for the future right now, he was getting taken by the robots and he had to get his story straight so that he can give it to the authorities here and not get imprisoned.

izuku was then taken to what looked like a police station, he was then put in a room that looked like a visiting room but there was no one there to cuff him or make sure that he wasn't going to do anything funny and even his belongings weren't taken, he then heard a voice that told him to sit on the chair that was available in his side and wait for someone to come.

then on the other side of the room a door opened up, from it came a tall man of an average build, with notable wrinkles on his forehead and defined nasolabial folds and tear troughs. He has small sky-blue eyes and short, unruly honey brown hair with two prominent tufts curving outwards from the top of his forehead, a short goatee on his chin, and wide-rimmed square glasses on his face.

He wears a plain dark blue shirt with a single breast pocket, the two top buttons left casually undone and the sleeve-cuffs unbuttoned and rolled up to just below his elbows. He wears a pair of pale gray-blue jeans, a dark belt with a silver buckle, and navy blue sneakers with white soles, decorated with a red stripe near the toe.

to normal people they might not even know who he is but for izuku who used to be a hero otaku especially allmight he knew who this was, it was David shield allmight's used to be sidekick, when he sat down in front of izuku even though they were separated by a wall Izuku couldn't help but get into his fanboy mode, yes he spent 6 years with two old men mostly training but that di6make his habits disappear, and as soon as he locked eyes with David he couldn't help but start blasting him with words.

"Sir David I am a huge fan of yours, thank you for coming here, I have been a fan since your days as allmight sidekick but still followed your development in the field of science even after you stopped working with allmight, also can I get an autograph? pretty please"

David was taken aback by the sudden onslaught of words thrown his way and also by the fact that this kid was Japanese, this might complicate things but thankfully David was fluent in Nihongo, and he said he was a fan, while he was somewhat happy to hear that he didn't understand the actions the kid took and how he got here since he wasn't recorded to have entered the island through the airport, and how was he able to walk around the island undetected.

"While I am happy to hear that kid you still have to explain why did you break the security robots"

"Oh, that's was just because they startled me, and I didn't know why they attack me"

That was a lie, he knew they attack him because he was an intruder, but he was genuinely taken aback and he could only think of fighting back at the moment.

"I see, now for my second question, how did you get here without going through the airport"

David looked serious, if this kid or whoever brought him here somehow found a hole in the island's security system that would make a lot of trouble and might cause an uproar between the scientists that worked in the system, or it might mean that someone from the inside did this.

"I really don't know"

That wasn't the answer David was waiting for but before he could say something izuku continued talking

"I was going home, it's located in mostafu japan and then I suddenly found myself here"

David was dumbfounded by the kid's words, he looked like he was telling the truth, but that didn't necessarily that David could believe him.

"I see, what's your name kid?"

"My name is izuku midoriya, sir"

"ok, wait a moment, we will try to gather some information to understand your situation, and we'll get back to you"

he then left and izuku remained alone in that room, he was sad he had to lie, but he couldn't tell anyone the truth, not because of some higher cause of anything, but because a black genie is out there watching his every move and one of his rules is to not speak about his training, or he could imagine the consequences.

but now all that izuku can do is wait to see what happens.





well I would say this chapter was rushed, it seems I suck at interrogation scenes, and I know there wasn't much to the action but it wasn't the main point of the chapter, but hey at some point I will rewrite the entire beginning chapters so it doesn't matter. (but this chapter will be rewritten soon it just came out so bad I had to do it)

anyway, I think you could guess why I sent him to I-island not only for the harem but also because I feel like it's something popo would do just to fuck with him a little bit.

The next chapter wouldn't take as much time (which I know I say a lot but trust me on this as soon as he gets out of I-island the chapters will become easier for me to make)

(also the pc that I keep talking about is almost coming which will also help in the releases so yeah)

vote, add the library, and seamlessly give this a good review and see you next chapter.

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