
Chapter 320 : Golden band

Gareth heard Layla screaming from a distance and turned to Renly, nervousness riddling his every expression. "I hope we're not too late... come on, this way!" he kicked his horses' side and galloped towards the scene.

When the two men emerged into the clearing, Gareth halted his steed and gasped at the sight in front of him. Shadows were swirling all around his daughter's corpse, her body floating in mid air as gashes of wind tossed the debris around in all directions.

The elven king quickly hopped off his horse and started making his way to his daughter, when he caught glimpse of the hysterical lycan prince being held down by his weeping mother and wounded father.

His eyes moved back to his daughter whose body had started shredding up into hundreds of little shards of light, whirling around with the wind that seemed to be getting more and more violent.

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