
Chapter 315 : A cold winter

Elric and Gavin exchanged tense glances, as if asking each other what the hell they were going to do next.

The sliver haired lycan walked towards where his beloved's body was laying so he could pick her up, but Gareth used his light magic to form a barrier abound her.

"Not another step Elric!" Gareth warned, "not until you tell me what you're up to!"

Elric looked up, increasingly feeling frustrated. Couldn't this man see that he was trying to help the woman they both loved and had lost? All this questioning he was doing was wasting precious time.

"Gareth, stand down..."

The eleven king thickened the light barrier around his daughter and frowned.

"Eira is my daughter Elric, I'm not just going to hand her to you without an explanation..."

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