
Chapter 262 : Let me help you

Melissa pushed the door of her daughters room open and peaked inside. "Eira! Eira are you in here?!" She left the room, pulled up her dress and began running down the hallway in a panic. "Gods Eira, I really hope you have not let that man manipulate you..."

Back in the ballroom, Zhelimir noticed the tension that was wafting around the air. Had someone spilled the beans about Eira leaving the party with Elric? 

The blonde hybrid got to his feet ready to go and investigate what was going on, when Janis grabbed his wrist. "What's the matter? Where are you going?"

"Have you seen your brother anywhere?" Zhelimir asked the blue eyed elf while keeping his own eyes on his uncle, who seemed to be giving orders to some guards. 

"No I have not," Janis responded. "He said something about going to look for Eira remember?"

"Could it be a possibility that Jacob may have tipped off the king on Eira's whereabouts?"

Janis also got to her feet, "why do you ask?"

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