
Chapter 235 : Spite

Melissa rushed to Eira and cupped her face in her hands, checking her neck and face for some reason. "Are you sure nothing happened to you?!"

"Mother I'm alright," Eira responded before gently pulling her mother's arms off her face. "What's going on?"

Zander and Zhelimir appeared from the door, and immediately Eira's eyes moved to Zhelimir who looked guilty, had he ratted on her to her parents?

"Eira why would you be sneaking out to the forest when I told you not to go there?!" It was the first time her father had raised his voice at her in anger. What was so bad about the forest that was getting everyone so worked up anyway?

"Father I was-"

"You were going against my word that's what you were doing! What if something happened to you?!"

Melissa placed a gentle hand on Gareth's shoulder to calm him down, "it's alright, let me talk to her."

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