
Chapter 42 : How did he know that name?

*What in the world had happened last night?*

The silver haired prince looked down at his palm, slowly turning it from side to side as if expectating a set of sharp claws to protrude from his fingers like they had the previous night.

Nathan was sure he was not dreaming, and he knew it wasn't a hallucination either, the torn clothes that he had been wearing and the claw marks on the library balcony railing was proof enough.

The prince had read about this in books when he was younger, folklore books of people who would turn into monsters, they would grow fur, claws and a tail and would take the form of giant wolves. He thought those were just made up stories but after seeing his reflection last night, he was sure that he had turned into a some sort of ware wolf.

The door of his room swung open abruptly, much to Nathan's displeasure, "Who dares enter my chambers unannounced!"

"Settle down little brother, I came to insure you're still alive."

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