
Dear Adam : Secret of the Heart

Istanbul, Turkey. Ten years ago. Ify and Satria do live there with their parents. Every afternoon they spend a time together for about cycling.

"Sat, I want Baklava," Ify said whining to Satria at that time.

"Okay," Satria always obeyed any small Ify's request.

"I want two," Ify said with a smile showing a row of missing teeth.

Satria immediately lined up to buy at a street vendor near his house. They were ten years old at that time. While Ivy waited beside him.

Every afternoon they cycled along Katip Mustafa Calebi street. They are very happy to spend the afternoon cycling

"Prey!" Ify's orders, whose legs were already sore, waited for Baklava. She looked up at the evening sky that was about to turn to dusk.

After getting Baklava, then the two of them cycled to the city park. They sat together while enjoying their food together.

Ify suddenly distributes her food to a shabby child. She gives the food. Even though the food was already very difficult to get for Satria.


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