
Season of Taste: Sekar must accept reality.

A year later Sekar and Brahma still have no child. Then they both tried to go to the obstetrician.

There Sekar discovers the fact that it will be difficult for her to get pregnant due to PCOS. This made Sekar very down.

"Already! You don't have to think about it. Insha Allah everything will be fine! "Brahma is trying to convince Sekar that the world will never end despite the doctor's verdict saying that the pressure will make it difficult to get pregnant.

Sekar just stayed silent while looking at Brahma's face. She didn't know what else to do.

"Why don't you ever feel what I feel, Brahma. After all, we've been married for almost a year!"

An argument broke out between the two of them because of the doctor's verdict. Brahma tried to try to convince Sekar that God would answer the prayers of those who were earnest and tried.

"Not to mention you're always being dishonest with me!"

"You mean?" asked Brahma looking at Sekar.

"I know that you are no longer working in that company! But you are instead working as a waiter in a restaurant! You also only gave me this amount of money!" Sekar showed fifty thousand rupiah in front of Brahma.

"This money will never be enough to cost you and me! Especially for treatment to the gynecologist! I'm tired of you! It's useless for us to maintain this marriage!" snapped Sekar looking at Brahma with a fairly high tone.

"Sekar!" Brahma tried to try to get Sekar's mood back.

"I want a divorce from you. Because it's useless for us to survive but no one can defend it! You can't even give me a decent life! What are your thoughts now?!"

"Sekar, don't think like that because of me..."

"You cheated on me too! The proof is that you care more about Alana!"

"What are you talking about Sekar? You should have seen with your own eyes that I never cheated on you. He is just a thing of the past for me!"

"You said he was just a thing of the past? Sekar laughed a little mockingly at Brahma. "How can you be that close to him if there is nothing?"

"Didn't you go out with Zafran yourself?!"

"Why are you linking up with Zafran?" Sekar looked at Brahma. "Zafran has nothing to do with our ruined marriage like it should be! "

The household of Sekar and Bhrama began to heat up. Fire fights often occur because of a misunderstanding between the two of them. Even today Sekar left the house where they rented.

"Where are you going Sekar?" asked Brahma.

"I can't live with someone like you! And I'm tired of living with you! We'll meet in court later! "

Sekar had already called an online taxi to go. She left Brahma's rented house because she felt she could not sustain a marriage. She has no reason to stay because love is not everything.

Bhrama tried to stop Sekar's steps but Sekar pushed him away. "Let go of your hand because I don't want to marry a man like you. I can't stand this poor life of ours!"

Sekar pushes Brahma to the ground and he immediately gets into an online taxi. She left Brahma. Even she doesn't want to stay, after she learns something from the mysterious sender.


Brahma was so frustrated that he began to throw away all his belongings. He couldn't hold back his emotions. He even blamed himself for not being able to make Sekar happy.

"Why did you leave me, Sekar?"

" What about the dream of both of us to live in harmony and full of love? "

"Sekar!" Bhrama shouted with all his might that he could not live without Sekar.

Brahma decided to leave the rented house. Then he intends to migrate to Jakarta. He was tired of all the life that existed in the city he lived in now.

Brahma had already packed some of his things in the rented house. For a while he lived with his mother in a small house.

Brahma sat for a moment on a sofa in the guest room where his mother lived. He tries to reminisce some pieces from Sekar. For the past few months the two of them had been fighting every now and then, even if it was just a small mistake.

"I'm so embarrassed when I see that your friends are already successful with college degrees who can apply for better jobs! But instead you work only as a restaurant waiter!"

"Sekar, Shut your mouth!"

"Why should I shut my mouth? Because it's all true that you're really useless to me! It's useless for me to survive in a marriage like this but in reality you are not clear like this!"

"Sekar you should be grateful...."

"It's useless for me to survive with a useless man like you! Difficult life and mediocre income! How can I stand living with a poor man like you!"

"You shouldn't have to talk like that Sekar! We Married to worship...."

"But I'm tired of living poor like this! Even I can't enjoy traveling with my friends who can buy some branded goods and can hang out at the best cafe in this city! "

Brahma just kept silent because he really couldn't make Sekar happy for now. But he will struggle to get a high paying job.

"It's useless that our marriage has to last until now! I'm also tired of constantly arguing with you who can never understand me! Maybe we are not compatible anymore and we should end this relationship immediately! "

A hand grabbed Brahma's shoulder and Brahma looked back.

"I know this is very hard for you. But I'm sure that you can handle all this well. "

Brahma immediately got up from his seat and hugged his mother. He felt devastated as a husband who loved his wife so much but had to leave him.

"No matter what happens, mom will always be there for you. And mom always supports whatever is best for you. "

Brahma wept in his mother's arms. Even he couldn't get the words out right now. He was devastated when he lost someone he loved so much.


On a terrace Sekar's house is talking to a man. Then she served two cups of hot coffee.

"Are you sure you will take this decision? "

Sekar just nodded in agreement because she felt that her decision was the best.

"Do you still love him? "

Sekar just remained silent and did not answer a single word.

"Think about it before you make a big decision. If you still love him then fight for it. "

Sekar was silent.


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