
Season of Taste : Happy with you

Sekar started humming. She opened his eyelids and found a man who is very loved at this time. "Good morning my dear!" she whispered.

Brahma is still sleeping very soundly. In fact, he is still hugging the bolster. He looked so happy that his face radiated a light of shade.

The sun's rays began to penetrate through the cracks in the hotel room. But Brahma was still awake.

Sekar started to get down the bed but Brahma's right hand tried to hold Sekar's hand in her arms. "Wait a minute!"

Sekar is now in Brahma's arms." It's already morning. How long have you been in bed? Don't you want to take a morning walk with me?"

"No. I just want to be with you." Brahma insisted on getting closer to Sekar's body so he wouldn't go anywhere. He just wants to spend time alone in the hotel room. "You stay here. Just take a shower later. We'll shower together."


Sekar looked at Brahma.


Alana really can't understand that her name is actually married to another woman. Yet she was eager to maintain a relationship with Brahma. She really couldn't think at all at the time until yesterday she had to go back to getting drunk in a nightclub.

Alana's head felt so heavy when she started to open her eyelids. "Oh my God, why am I here and where am I?" She started muttering then she slowly opened his eyes.

Alana had arrived at a hotel room. She tried to remember what happened yesterday. She hoped nothing out of the ordinary happened. "Hopefully nothing happens!"

Then Alana tried to collect her life. She started yawning yawning because She still felt sleepy.

Alana took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. She immediately got off the hotel room bed to immediately go to the bathroom. She was still yawning because she was actually still under the influence of a little alcohol.

Then Alana stood up and walked towards the bathroom with her two feet. She just remembered that last night he was really very depressed when she saw that Brahma had married another woman. She turned the car around to a nightclub. Then he met her old friend.

Alana ordered red wine which made her feel lost her mind. At that time he was really drunk. She tried to remember what happened last night. But she really doesn't remember at all but she doesn't feel that last night something happened to her.

Alana's footsteps reached the bathroom. She immediately walked to the bathroom and immediately closed the bathroom door again. She began to stare at her face in the mirror of the sink. She started to turn on the faucet. She immediately rushed to wash his face.

Alana immediately took off her clothes immediately. Then she walked over to the shower faucet. She immediately turned on the shower faucet. She started to breathe slowly. She felt the water dripping from the shower faucet very hard. "Why is all this happening to me?" She muttered in her little heart. Even she hoped that someday. She could prove to be able to get back someone who was rightfully her. She is Brahma.


"I'd better take a shower first, we'll have breakfast downstairs in a minute." Sekar said.

"Okay, you take a shower first." replied Brahma who was still yawning because he was still very tired from yesterday's events.

Today Brahma really felt very happy when he could be with and unite with the woman he had loved so much for a long time. He mumbled in his small heart, "Is it possible that he and I will be together forever in joy and sorrow?"

Sekar had gone to the bathroom while Brahma was still on the bed.

Brahma immediately got off the bed in his room. He wished that today could spend time together even though last night failed to do so.

Brahma walked towards the balcony of the hotel room. He looked at the view from above. The sun is so warm. He began to smile as he watched the world begin to change for him. "I'm really happy when I'm with him."


Sekar has finished bathing. Then he got ready to take clothes out of the suitcase for her to put on. She chose to wear a black dress. Then she immediately sat down in front of the dressing table. She started using a light, light powder on her face and applied a light peach-colored lipstick. She also started to brush her hair which was so long and thick black.

Brahma was still enjoying the city air from the balcony of the hotel room where he was staying. He felt very relieved to be able to get through those times. He hopes that it can be forever until he grows old with the woman of his choice. "I will always love you with all my heart." He muttered in his small heart.

Then Brahma returned to his hotel room. He immediately stepped on his feet. Suddenly his eyes looked at the beauty of a Sekar, his wife. He was mesmerized in one death stare.

"You are very beautiful Sekar. I really love you more." Brahma admires Sekar.

Then Brahma immediately walked over to Sekar who was sitting in front of the dressing table. He stood behind Sekar. Seen a sweet smile on the face now blushing radiantly.

"You really are my prettiest girl. Even I will never be able to turn away from you. To me you are everything to me. Brahma began to admire Sekar. He even hoped that now was his last love for now.

"You should take a bath first Brahma. You smell so bad." Sekar smiled at Brahma who was still a mess. While she is already neat and very beautiful like an angel who came down from heaven. "Hurry up and take a Brahma bath. After that, we immediately go down for breakfast downstairs."

"Yes, my dear wife. Brahma kissed the top of Sekar's head briefly. Then he walked to the bathroom.

"Brahma! Sekar could only shake his head at the behavior of his husband on the first day of their marriage.

In their life they feel the roses are starting to bloom. The smell is so make everyone fall in love. They really are like a Goals couple.

Sekar also did not expect that she would marry the man in her past. That meeting took her to a really serious relationship level. Until they broke up in marriage. Even though at that time she knew he was in a relationship with another man, the man did not have the courage. In the end she married Brahma even though Brahma was far from perfect compared to that man.

The man who was in a relationship with Sekar when he was reunited with Brahma was truly a perfect man. Even had an excellent career as an airplane pilot. But mate is never going anywhere. Until finally a choice that really fell to Brahma. Because Sekar judged Brahma by his sincerity.

"I'm really happy with you. "Sekar said quietly.


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