
Put it to a vote

It won't be easy for the pack" echoes through Marcy's head pulling at her new found strength. Why not rip it off like a bandaid she thinks to herself as she catapults out of the bed. Ian reached for her but she is already out the door. Ian hot on her trail running down the stairs behind her and right into the back of her. Marcy had stopped just short of the bottom of the stairs because there in between the front door and the stairs stood Storm and Dexter and they were staring right through Marcy to Ian. They knew they could smell it on Marcy. Marcy held her ground even though she could feel her knees trying to buckle under the pressure. Like a bandaid she thought to herself again. Storm growled and it shook Marcy to the core "office now" he said, but Marcy knew the order wasnt for her. Marcy had never met this man but with his size and sheer power in his voice alone Marcy knew who he was, he was the alpha.

Ian slid Marcy to the side "it will be okay" Ian says never looking at Marcy as he leads the two men to the office. Only then did Marcy look around to see the house full of wolves and all eyes were on her as they slowly jerked to attention and fallowed suit to the office as well. Marcy looked at the now empty living room, she turned at the sound of foot steps. Max walked into the living room holding two cups of coffee and smiling. "Where I'd every-...oh...oh" her face changed from content to confusion and then surprise as she put it all together with one quick inhale Marcy knew she could smell it too. "Sit" Max said handing the second cup of coffee to her and pointing to the couch. "It might be a while" she said rolling her eyes. "Yeah" Marcy responds taking the coffee and sitting down on the couch.

"What are they doing in there?" Marcy asks while sipping her coffee. "Putting it to a vote I assume" Max answers nonchalantly. Marcy almost chokes on her coffee at her answer. She knew it wouldn't be easy but a vote and what if the vote isn't in her favor what happens then and Ian what about Ian wolves mate for life. What if Marcy took Ian's only chance to find happiness because she is selfish!? "A vote? I don't want to die Max" Max laughs at Marcy response. "There are ways they do things around here, they are animals not monsters Marcy. Typically the vote would come before choosing a mate but Ian broke tradition. They aren't going to kill you!" Marcy nods her head more to reassure herself than to acknowledge that she understands "okay". "Fun fact only four human women have ever been blessed into the pack, it's not a common occurrence since we're pretty secretive about what we are. Only one of them in my lifetime. The vote really just evaluates the trust, faith and strength between the two of you" Marcy gave a half hearted smile at her friends facts and reassurance she knew she was only trying to help.

* Slam *

Both girls jumped as the office door shook the house, and loud foot steps approached. Both girls watched the doorway to the living room with anticipation. Storm walked into the doorway and nodded his head at both the girls in a respectable farewell manner before he stomped out the front door. Both girls looked at each other in confusion "what was that?" Max blurted. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out " Marcy kept to her feet and high tailed it to the office door she could hear Maxs protest from down the hall now. Marcy swung open the door of the office to find the wolves in the room now focusing on her as she stood in the door way. "I figured if you were going to make a vote about me I might as well show my face" she says as she slowly stepped into the room closing the door behind her. Moving through the crowd of men Marcy seats herself opposite of Ian. "What are you doing" Ian asked in a low growl. Marcy looked around the room before bringing her focus back to Ian. " I figured if there was going to be any votes about me, my choices and the people I love the least I could do was show my face" Marcy spoke loudly for all to hear as she sat up straight in her chair and crossed her legs.

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