
An eventful weekend

After having taken Ven's contact info and saying goodbye to him, Eden returned to his room.

'I guess Gil is still in a dungeon since he's not here,' Eden thought as he went to take a bath. 'It really looks like he wants to go to the auction house.'

As he said, Gil wanted to go to the auction house to buy himself something that would help him grow. He didn't know what, but whatever was related to nanomancy would be good.

'You also had quite a lot f points already,' Kye said. 'You managed to farm until you got 4 thousand points. And since you already had a thousand, you got a total of 5 thousand. I you continue like this, you will have even more points than what you were aiming for.'

'Right? But I don't think I would have been able to earn that much without Ven,' Eden confessed. 'His harvesting time was decreasing by a little every time we did the dungeon. It's impressive how someone like him was bullied.'

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