

The rain falls hesitantly, the sky covered in a gray that is as ruthless and grim as the day.

A woman stands by a bus stop, impatient frustration is written all over her face. It seems she has been there for a while now. The rain finally stops hesitating and starts falling mercilessly, the woman is now forced to leave the bus stop and seek shelter. She rushes and gets her

shoes wet as she splashes through the streets. Finally, she arrives at an alleyway which is covered by the extended roofs of two surrounding buildings.

As she pants with relief she leans against the wall exhausted. Suddenly she hears the sound of a bottle hitting the ground and looks to that direction, her eyes scan the origins of the sound, she then sees a man staring at her. It was as if he was undressing her with his eyes.

"Hello, why don't you come closer?" Asked the man

The woman could feel the menace leaking out of him

"No, it's okay, I was about to leave anyway-" the man caught her by the hand, she could feel his grip tightening and instantly fear vibrated up her spine. Her palms became sweaty. She tried to resist but it was to no avail, as soon as the man forced a needle through her thigh. Her eyes widened, her knees felt heavy and her vision began to blur. As she collapsed to the ground she could only make sense of the devious smile of her attacker.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be just fine." Those words sent enough terror to widen her eyes again. She lay down hopelessly as he tore her clothes right off of her and started fondling her thighs and chest. She began to scream her lungs out for help.


"It's no use, no one's gonna hear you." The man was right. She screamed as loud as she could but the rain only suppressed her cry so that it wouldn't be carried to whoever was close by.

But that's all she could possibly do, even so, eventually she got tired and her voice refused to come forth, so she lay there hopeless while the man got what he wanted. Finally the man began to rape her, she got another jolt of energy that forced her to scream, but instead the man's hand is forced to her throat and she ends up choking, his ruthless grip envelopes her neck and it gets tighter and tighter. With every breath she tried to take she could feel her lungs close and collapse. She wanted to breath so badly. But instead her life kept slipping away until her eyes rolled backwards into her head, and she blinked one last time right before falling unconscious.


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