
Chapter 5 :Trouble starts now

Akira pov

I went to the gym to flex. It's important to do non-magical activities once in a while.

<scene change -gym>

There don't seem to be any teachers assigned to the gym, just a bunch of equipment that everyone can use. I see several large rubber balls; if I can organize some people together, maybe we can play dodgeball.

Dodgeball is funny, you can hit someone and get away with it, who doesn't like dodgeball.

"Well, hello there " A female voice called me

I turn to see who is speaking

Who or what is that?


The girl looks like an older student with some bat-like wings with a smirk and flirting tone in her voice.

She's dressed like a student, but I am sure I didn't see her at the orientation...I would have noticed /

"Why do you have wings," I said straightforwardly.

She smiled heartily and said

"You are new to this, aren't you "The female said

"well, mommy didn't allow me to interact with people other than her, "I said excitedly

"Well I can't blame her, if I have a son as cute as you, I won't allow him to interact with anyone other than me, "The female said with determination


She then extends closer to me, wings extending slightly to catch the air.

"You have never seen anyone with wings before, "The female said

"well I saw them in books, "I said with confidence.

"What a lovely bookworm you are, "The female said

Can she stop flirting already .or is it that she is just being friendly? Well, many people talk like this but it seriously creeps me out.

But anyway let's talk to her I want to ask some questions

"But really, I don't know how things work. Is that normal, for born-wizards to have wings?" I said

"Normal? I would rather not have you think of me like anything so ordinary ."The female said

"Wings can merely be a fashion statement. They are available at the local store if you would like your own " The female said

"I can buy wings? " I said

"Yes and no. You have to find the truth yourself " The female said

"and my name is Emily ....Emily Vaillant What is your name cutie " The female said while licking her lips with hearty eyes

*sigh * Just ignore it Akira

"Akira ...Akira Ashford .." I said

Well my last name changed compared to my last name Akira Fukuhara ..ah the old times

She takes my hand and bows over it , wings fluttering behind her back

"A pleasure to meet you, "Emily vail-whatever said to me

She did the whole noblewomen gesture, lifting her skirt off and bowing again.

It will work on others but for me *meh *. Let's get on it already. Let's speak my mind

" 'Emily's Which means 'striving' and 'eager' -that's sort of an unfortunate name, isn't it? .especially with those wings, people might think you are a devil ``.I said

"I am sure you know better than to judge people by their appearances, "Emily said to me confidently

I am sure a lot of people would disagree and even I don't agree with it. Appearances are everything

"You don't know me," I said

"I know the important things. You are a freshman student, an innocent young man caught up in a world you don't understand "Emily said to me with confidence

3rd pov

After hearing this statement a certain young girl who is stalking Akira consistently is chocked

"Does she love him too? Is she stalking him too ?. Is she a threat ? Should I eliminate her?" lotus evergreen muttered to herself

It further motivated her to stalk Akira more and to protect him from other 'bimbos'.

She wanted him all by herself, she even prepared a lot of things organized in order to achieve her goals.

Lotus agreed with Emily that Akira is an innocent boy who is not aware of dangers and must be protected from the world. The thought of Akira relying on her makes her giddy and she instinctively releases succubus aura arousing her fellow male classmates. Which made her classmates hate her more and avoid her, as a result, making her lonely making her a loner.

She didn't care about any of that, she just wanted one thing most In her life, to be with Akira and bear some children with him . She didn't care about anyone else

But Emily is clearly an obstacle in her plans, she is panicking and anxious about what to do.

Akira pov

She is repeatedly being flirty again

"you are dazzled by sights you never thought possible, and completely unaware of the dangers you might face, "Emily said to me with a scary face

"What dangers?"I said ignoring her face

"You could lose your mind here. or your life OR worse," Emily said to me while looking at a corner glaring at that corner

I heard a girl Shrek from far away, the voice sounded like lotus. Oh no, but anyway. Back to the topic

"Not everything is as it seems, especially your teachers, "Emily said to me


I knew I was right to think that, but why did they misguide us? I knew being balanced in all magic is important but they told us to focus on one magic.

Let's ask her

"What should I do ?"I said

"Be cautious. Attend at least the first lecture for each style of magic as soon as possible. Pay attention to what they tell you, and what they don't "Emily said to me in a motherly tone

"And don't believe what you might hear, "Emily said to me

That contradicts everything. Somewhat helpful

"You better get on physical training. You will need your strength next week " Emily told me.

"What happens next week, " I said.

"you will find out, " Emily said to me in a flirting tone.

She winks at me and walks off the sports equipment office.

Today is the day where Akira will lift weights and he will become strong.

I said with determination.

For this time, I choose white as per Emily's instructions, Let's see what I will find.

<Scene change, white magic classroom>

When I arrive at the classroom, I find Professor Pom standing by the chalkboard.

"Good morning, stars shine! "Professor pom said.

Ew with this again.

"You will need to sit down before we can start, but take your time to relax and be comfortable. That's very important when working with this particular style of magic "Professor pom said.

Taking her at the word, I yawn and stretch before I settle into my seat.

"Not that comfortable, dear "Professor pom said.

you need to be specific.

"To some people, white is the absence of color, a black canvas. In the non-magical world, white is a complete spectrum, all magic combined into one "Professor pom said.

"You already explained that professor, "I said to her.

"Oh my, my memory is getting hazy, forgive these old hag students. Now, where are we ."Professor pom said.

"White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes. Practitioners of white magic have been given titles such as wise men or women, healers, white witches, or wizards. Many of these people claimed to have the ability to do such things because of knowledge or power that was passed on to them through hereditary lines, or by some event later in their lives. White magic was practiced through healing, blessing, charms, incantations, prayers, and songs. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic."Professor pom said.

And there I lost interest.

"Though not exclusively a female pursuit, modern white magic is often associated with stereotypically feminine concepts like that of a Mother goddess, fae, nature spirits, oneness with nature, and goddess worship. In modern stories or fairy tales, the idea of "white witchcraft" is often associated with a kindly grandmother or caring motherly spirit. The link between white magic and Mother Earth is a regular theme of practitioner Marian Green's written work." Professor pom said.

"In his 1978 book, A History of White Magic, recognized occult author Gareth Knight traces the origins of white magic to early adaptations of paleolithic religion and early religious history in general, including the polytheistic traditions of Ancient Egypt and the later monotheistic ideas of Judaism and early Christianity." Professor pom continued.

In particular, he traced many of the traditions of white magic to the early worship of local "gods and goddesses of fertility and vegetation who were usually worshiped at hill-top shrines" and were "attractive to a nomadic race settling down to an agricultural existence". He focuses in particular on the nomadic Hebrew-speaking tribes and suggests that early Jews saw the worship of such deities more in terms of atavism than evil. It was only when the polytheistic and pagan Roman Empire began to expand that Jewish leaders began to rally against those ideas."Professor pom did not give the hints to stop.

Early Origins of white magic can also be traced back to the Cunning Folk."Professor turned it into a history lesson.

Is it too late to change classes?

I lost interest in it, it was too much for me so I slept. I am so deadbeat by now.

COmment anything readers .My story is so underrated it isdemotivating me further '

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts
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