
Kuoh (3)

the moon is high on the sky its a full moon making contrast with the dark sky of the nigth but there is something strange about this moon the moon is blood red and gives an pale moonligth to the world

corpses of both demi humans and humans are laying on the dirty streats of a city ,the roads are only iluminated by the moonligth so its very dark like some sort of crappy horror movie

the copses are roted and filled to the brim with magots the stone roads are painted with guts and blood of diferent collors

the houses are closed with plants and some metals like some sort of barrier that was made on the spot the houses themself are old and destroyed but nothing some work dont fix there are plants sticking from the destroyed ground that seam to be destroyed from under itself

these plants are either coverng some parts of the old roads or are in a way that look like its trying to enter the houses and shops if you look closely at the plants you can see some runes or details that seam to be closed eyes

sudenly a sound of runing and screaming are heard on the normaly quiet streats

as a adult that is fat but is runing with great speed from something as he keep looking at his back like someone or something is chasing him

he looks at the corpses that are scatered on the streats with no emotion like this sort of thing is normal

his noble like clothes are sticking on his fat body like glue as he is sweaty

his fat face is covered with blood but there arent any injury on his face or him in general

he looks at the place where he is

and gulps a little as his pale face becomes even more pale but a ray of relief and hope apears on his blue eyes

he then looks at the home with less defense and encounters an shop with little to none protection with only a plank securing the door

he then punchs the wood plank making it fall apart as he looks at the locked door and says


as a white light shines on his hand as he puts his hand on the lock and the white ligth passes from his hand to the door lock after some miliseconds a key apears on the lock

the man then turns the key as he enter the strore in a rush

the store is dark without any form of ligth

its farly old with nothing but dust and insects roming around the shop but the man closes the door in a rush but gently to not cause any noise

and then closes the door and locks it

he sits on one of the cornes of the shop that is on complete darkness

sudenly he hears an childish but cold voice

"you really think i didnt have the guts to enter the cursed section"

the fat man turns his head to the other side of the store as an kid wearing an black military hat and some casual clothes leave the darkness

the man pale face becomes even more pale as his alredy rougth breathing just become even more shit

the man sudenly blinks his eyes as the kid apears in front of him

he looks at the kid with fear and says

"c-an yo-u j-ust k-iil m-e"

the man says with fear as his fat body shakes violently

the kid just looks at the man with and cold face and says

"we can only truly learn things by the pain"

the kid says as the kid picks the fat man by the hair and drags him outside of the store as the fat man screams and tries to figth the kid back but is futile


students are walking to school normaly on the streats of kuoh to the best school of kuoh the Kuoh academy

an school that was only for girls but became open to all genders some time ago

but that makes the number of boys and girls on the school a bit diferent as there are a lot more girls than boys

the school is old judging from the design of the buildings

on the gate of the academy we have two grups of people on that have only 2 peole and one that have 2 people all these are girls and they have somekind of hostility as the two groups are looking at eachother with anger and disgust

at this point of the day the students alredy got into the school as the only one left on the gate is the student concil president Sona Sitri or Sona Sitori

a girl using the uniforn of Kuoh academy she has short black eyes and violet eyes she is also using glasses

then there is Tsubaki Shinra

a girl with long back hair and orange eyes

both are looking at the other group with a sligth anger and disgust

the other group have a tall white haired girl with red eyes she is just looking at the road with an stoic face without even giving any atention to the other group

and the other is an normall girl with short black hair and violet eyes similar to Sona she is looking at Sona and Tsubaki with disgust and anger

soon Sona said with sligth anger in her tone

"what are you doing here Shiro"

Sona says while looking at the white haire girl

without looking at Sona she responds with an stoic voice that seams almost bored

"im waiting for someone"

Shiro says while looking at the streat with an intense gaze

This didnt go unoticed by Sona as the deduced that the person that she is looking for is important and considering Shiro personality and way of doing things she can assume that that person is important to her

while Tsubaki and the dark haired girl are looking at eachother with a sligth bloodlust

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