
Not A Chapter But Read Anyways

this chapter is not a real chapter but an update/corrections/future plans so please read to avoid being confused upon seeing something different after this point in the story.

As some of you may or may not be aware of my recent life or schedule, I have not been in the best headspace to write especially with there being many times when my time has been taken up by other things.

I have had to delay chapter releases and in some cases, I may have missed an odd chapter update here or there on my projects.

I guess maintaining it all in my current mindset will be difficult to accomplish plus there is still the option of contracting one of my original novels which will take up more of my time and attention.

Anyways back to this webnovel fanfic, there have been some thoughts about how I will manage certain mistakes or ideas in the future that may affect the story or some parts I mentioned in the past.

Two points I can think of right now that I have been trying to think of a solution to.

The first point was my mistake with Carrot near the beginning causing Carrot to be older than she was supposed.

One way was to delay the date of her appearance making a meeting some time after the original timeline l wrote it as at the departure of Pedro.

Another one was to not be too overly reliant on canon characters since it would seem quite vain of Alyssia and that she is showing favouritism towards the more well known characters in OP.

Having both Tristan and Carrot by her side so early would make it seem like she only wants to get to know the more important characters and that others are far less important to her which is something that I have not being trying to push considering that she usually targets less well known people.

E.g. most characters saved or brought in had minor roles to the point that the effects on the timeline would be smaller like Ann being signed on as an idol or Pascia being saved from her fate of being sold off as a slave at Sabaody.

Moving on to the way to solve this problem is something I thought of when creating a new character.

It heavily relies on there being an alteration to the story in parts involving Carrot whether it be times when Carrot's future or other things are mentioned along with changing a couple of things like her way of talking/responding, appearance and name.


So here is the revised introduction and character!

[it starts off with the same lone young bunny girl standing looking towards Pedro's departure with twinkling eyes that yearned for adventure.

Alyssia had approached 'Carrot' from behind and tried to recruit her as originally wrote but there is a twist.

Most data inputted into the game creation she researched had been involving the main characters and anything irrelevant that may not come up in the game or original story would not need to be heavily researched or put into the data.

There is that plus the fact that she cannot quite recall how old Carrot is at the time-skip is so she does not realise she is approaching someone who should probably not be walking around on her own yet.

There are several similarities while there being other places that she misses at first like the girl being a bunny girl with blonde hair with the a similar coat of white fur, ears and tail.

As the girl turns around, her light blue eyes are revealed along with some small blonde patches on her fur that were mostly covered up by her clothing while her white bunny ears tend to be lopped over a little more than Carrots.

Knowing she has made a mistake, Alyssia accepts her blunder but does not stop in her actions of challenging and recruiting the bunny girl.

Since the character will later undergo the Sulong evolution, not a lot needs to be changed in the later stages since her appearance will be similar to Carrot in her Sulong form anyways.

As for Carrot, she may get some odd mentions in Zou but she will continue on her path unless she happens to make the odd trip out like Milky and Wanda.

Her name is Bunbun and she has an easygoing personality, she is a combatant of the White Storm.

She has a kind of flirty and playful demeanour and is compiled from other bunny characters.

She is much taller than Carrot upon reaching a similar age and continued to grow to an appropriate size thanks to the various things Alyssia provides.]

Click Here For Image & Other Features!


Second point is the Bonney and Kuma meeting, I may have to go back and edit that section a little to help with sorting out the timeline and the Kuma backstory a little.

I may have made some predictions about Bonney and Kuma that were right or wrong which had been used to write those parts.

To be honest, the tragic backstory of them was something nobody could have ever predicted!

I will not be going back to correct those points until probably after I have completed this fanfic and have time to do so but there will be some parts of the story going forward that will change according to the things I have mentioned.

Chapters should be back on time again so long as I do not run into any distractions or problems.

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