

The body of Alyssia was much lighter after removing everything that had been used to weigh her down and slow her movements during her fight with Garp.

The various restrictions she had placed upon herself had let her feel real danger during the battle and let her struggle for a long time until she learned to reduce her movements and improved her Haki mastery.

Once there was less of a gap in Haki mastery and techniques, Alyssia was able to slowly reduce the amount of damage her body sustained but there were some times where her own self protection was not enough in the beginning.

There were many parts of the body of Alyssia that were full of aches and pains so she had went over to a part of the room where there was a section which had what looked like a large pod that was empty.

There were several levers and dials along with tubes connected to the pod and there was some parts inside that had been hanging inside too.

Alyssia stepped inside of the pod and closed it behind her before opening a small section which acted as a small window to access the outside.

Her hand turned a dial of her choosing which caused a greenish liquid to slowly be released inside of the bottom of the pod at her feet.

The scent in the room had started to become stronger but it was very pleasant and had a strong herbal smell that was very calming to Alyssia.

As it was slowly filling the pod and rising up her body, Alyssia could feel a faint itchiness on some areas of her body where she had suffered some injuries which showed that it was beginning to take effect on her body.

The muscles in her body started to relax a lot and it had gradually made her wish to soak in it to relieve all her tiredness and stress that had been built up during the previous battle. "Aah.."

Once it reached past her knees and was rising up to her waist, Alyssia reached outside of the pod through the window near the top of it and moved closer to a bowl that had been placed nearby.

Inside of the bowl were several fruits that had been brought in much earlier after Alyssia had removed them from the trees.

They were the latest fruits that had been developed that had been improvements made from the previous versions.

The gluttony effects had been greatly reduced but there was no reduction to the overall stamina and energy that had been provided by them so they were a great improvement to the Boin Archipelagos food and fruits that grew there.

Once a couple of small pieces were removed from the bowl and were placed in the mouth of Alyssia, her face lit up in delight and the previous tiredness seemed to decrease over time. "Hmm.. so good!"

After eating a couple of them and seeing that the liquid was reaching up to middle of her body, Alyssia stopped taking any more and reached towards a mask nearby before triggering a part of the dials that seemed to click every few seconds.

It seemed like some kind of timer that had some kind of countdown function before it activated a certain action so once it was activated, Alyssia felt that it was fine to close the window and let the rest of the pod fill up but she did not forget to activate another lever beforehand.

The mask was placed over her mouth and nose which had let her breathe clean air that had been released from the outside tubes that had been turned on earlier.

It did not take too long before she had been completely submerged within the greenish fluid inside the pod and she was seen floating inside of it from the outside due to the see through design of the pod.

Her eyes were closed like she was sleeping and resting peacefully within the fluid until the pod had completely filled all of it.

The timer kept going until it clicked into place and created a loud noise which was followed by the turning back of one of the dials.

The pod had been completely sealed off and the liquid stopped flowing inside so Alyssia was left within to rest up and heal.

The pods of the Germa could not just be applied to cloning or other methods so Alyssia had built one that had many kinds of functions that could be used by herself and others.

Depending on what was put inside, it could become a sealed off experimental chamber or it could be a place use as a healing pod.

Among the available materials and resources, it was not too difficult to a type of fluid that was very effective for healing or relieving the damage caused in battle.

She had it all to herself and had yet to make it available to others so she had been the very first person to make use of it.

The outside world was blocked out to her as she continued to fall into a light slumber surrounded by the greenish liquid.

Alyssia had earned such treatment from all the efforts she had put in so she had told the others to not bother her and spent what little time she had in complete comfort and relaxation.

The Minks natural metabolism had aided her in recovering the lost energy that had been used up especially when she ate the fruits but even her natural abilities would require some time to be able to heal up completely so the pod had helped her speed up that process greatly.

If such technology and resources were made available on a large scale to the Marines or other organisations then it was very likely that it would greatly affect how they were able to train those under them and were able to recover from their injuries.

What she had created may have been something that she had created for her own use but if it was able to be mass produced with a lower cost then it was likely that it could greatly affect the current power balance of the world.

Alyssia had no plans of making such things available to others even if she could make a large amount of berries for them so she had chosen to keep such things to herself or had provided them to those that were close to her.

Upon feeling the effects for herself and later awakening from her slumber, Alyssia thought to herself. 'This should really be made available to others even if the medical solution alone is given put to those close to me.

It should be enough for them to soak in a bath or barrel of it. There is no real need for a pod or anything as complicated as this so long as they soak enough of their body in it and can spend some time submerged in it fully.

The main concern would be that once used, it would be difficult to use again even if the effects remained unless they found a way to seal it away or move it back into a place of storage. A little bit of plumbing could always solve such things though.'

She continued to float within the fluid for a long time while spending some time in her thoughts and going over her battle with Garp. 'I did improve a lot even with rarely using my fists or arms to block or parry his punches.

It did hurt me at times to do so and I did take quite a lot of hits but it did help me to improve my leg based martial arts further to be able to match up to him and others in terms of technique alone.

The added weights and restrictions have brought out my mastery of everything further and pushed me further towards the peak of my potential. Lets see how.. system!'

2 advanced chapters can be found on my Kofi page for Reader tier members. Link can be found in the synopsis! :)

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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