
Gains and farewells

Alyssia left several books in the room with Denjiro and as she was leaving she said. "I am leaving, I will be taking some of the drinks with me as payment for my assistance. I hope you will not mind."

She placed the mask on her face and then disappeared as she then went to the storage room for the food and alcohol to restock up on her supplies.

Alyssia then left and headed towards where Kawamatsu was imprisoned but then decided against talking for too long since he was quite well guarded and there were usually people visiting near his cell.

She dropped a book inside the prison cell which had some notes and a miniature torch within before leaving.

Her final destination lead her to meet a taller woman which had horns growing out of her head.

Alyssia approached slowly and cautiously then was able to perfectly ambush the woman which was Yamato.

Her nail tore through the top layer of flesh of Yamato with ease and if she had chosen to go for the kill, that would mean the death of the Oni Princess and Kaido's daughter but that was not Alyssia's intention.

Alyssia quickly dropped the blood on her nail into a vial then placed it in her bag. "It is not good to be so unguarded. While I do have the ability to avoid detection, you should have been able to avoid it once I got close enough."

Yamato locked eyes with Alyssia who revealed herself. "Who are you?"

Alyssia smirked as she took off her mask. "My name is Alyssia Lucine, you might have heard of me if you have read some newspapers from the outside world. And you are Yamato or the name you go by.. Kozuki Oden."

Yamato observed and said. "You are part of the Mink tribe? No you look familiar, the current world fighting champion?"

Alyssia nodded. "You are correct!"

Yamato frowned and asked. "Why have you come here and why did you attack me?"

Alyssia shrugged. "Curiosity, a test but also just for a bit of fun. I will not be staying for much longer so I will soon be saying goodbye to this place. How about sharing a drink with me?"

Yamato rolled her eyes. "Fine. You are a strange person."

Alyssia laughed. "You are not so ordinary yourself."

Alyssia's eyes went downward to the explosive handcuffs on Yamato's arms and sighed. 'He really did do it to her. What a jerk father. Shall I take her with me or not? No.. she would not wish to run away from here so it is best to just leave her to her fate for now just like the others.'

Alyssia shared all kinds of stories about her journey in the outside world as they drank together through the night and then there was a detailed book which she passed over. "I know that you have a journal kept safe on your body so I trust that you will keep this safe too. Be sure to study everything and train hard. I expect that you will improve greatly in the future and I expect you to provide me with an excellent battle. We will meet again."

Yamato held the book and looked over it for a while before it was stuffed inside her clothing. "Thank you. I hope that we can meet again in the future as you have said."

They both smiled widely and shook hands but as they released their grip, Alyssia put on the mask and then disappeared. "Farewell."

As she erased her presence and completely escaped Yamato's detection, Yamato looked around and pondered to herself. 'I heard that the Minks had excellent concealment abilities but when combined with that.. it is a very scary thing to imagine. While I did detect her incoming attack earlier as it was about to hit, I was able to notice that there was no malice or intent to inflict a heavy wound so I did not dodge. Was she trying to test my abilities or was there another goal? Hmm.. it does not matter anymore since all I can do right now is focus on improving to prepare for the future.'

Alyssia quickly gathered what she needed for her journey and then headed back to where her bike had been kept. "Time to leave. The twenty year prophecy will not be that far away now. Lets see.. was it four to five months after my seventeenth birthday that the Paramount War happened? My eighteenth has already passed and I have spent quite some time on Zou and Wano. In around three months, one year would have passed and another would remain until the two year time skip ends."

She spent some time unlocking the security on the bike and then made sure it was fully charged with her Electro. "Hm.. where to next? What to do next? What is an important event that may have been changed by my interference? I need more information to be able to better predict what is to come."

As she was leaving Wano she contemplated over the choices laid out before herself. "First I will return home then go over my gains. I will have to decide the rest after looking over the information. My guess is that there may be some changes in the objective of Blackbeard and the battles between the formed Whitebeard pirates and him will not be so one sided now that he does not have the Quake abilities. He may have set his sights on another power but who is his target? Or has he already got what he wanted in the time he has spent in the New World? Is his crew still together or have they lost their trust in him?"

Alyssia shook her head and sighed as she was coming closer to the edge of Wano. "Farewell Wano, I am coming home my babies!"

She shot off the edge and started flying a short before falling downward but the changes to the bike had allowed her a slower descent.

While she had gained many improvements to her skills during her visit and gain some valuable additions to her skillset, her most important gains were the Oni princess blood, the Excite Bullets and the preparations she had laid for the future war.

Although she had not read the whole Wano Arc, she knew that to defeat the Beast Pirates was not possible without some sacrifices.

If a country like Wano suffered too many losses and the scabbards had lost some of their main fighters, the power of Wano would not be able to resist an attack from outside their borders.

If they could get even a little bit stronger and smarter to be able to defeat the Beast Pirates with less casualties then they would have more able bodies that could protect and rebuild Wano.

It was also helpful that her allies were stronger so it would help to reduce the burden of her fellow Minks who were destined to participate in the war.

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