
Doctor Tristan #2

A little later into the night within the slum area of St. Poplar there was a figure that leapt from place to place with great speed and stealth.

It stopped next to an old run down building that looked like an old factory building or work place used for building or fixing larger things.

Many figures were seen inside from above as Tristan appeared above and peered downward through a hole in the ceiling.

Before long she had slipped in through an open window and landed in front of a large crowd.

When she was revealed to those inside, her appearance became more visible as the light hit her.

She was dressed in a weird combat suit which had a mask with a set of metallic vials on them along with a pair of metallic gloves which were the newly modified ERG that had been combined with many types of technology.

The Germa combat suit was combined with lots of Alyssia's large amount of technology which formed the complete suit which protected her from many elements and made use of her abilities to its absolute limits.

One punch was sent forward and it did not even need to hit anyone because it created a large shockwave or impact strong enough to send a strong force forwards.

Her Electro was channelled towards her hand so the electro was absorbed by her ERG and then activated the ERG as it broke down the herbal mixture inside so once it had reached completion and become vapour, she punched out and clenched her fist which released the vapour.

The strong impact carried the vapour forward and many were caught up in the vapour as they were also pushed back by the strong force.

Through experimenting with burning herbs with her electro and with the help of Alyssia, she was able to use her Electro in a way that suited her best and that helped her to have more fun with the herbal mixtures and make better use if her profession as a doctor to aid her in combat.

"Cough cough cough."




The second punch was released within a single instant after the other as she used her thunder impact fist only helped to release another attack of vapour which surrounded her opponents.

They could not put up any resistance against her attacks as they fell into a deep sleep because the combination of the herbs used to make the vapour produced a strong tranquillising effect.

"Who goes there?"

As she knew that she was discovered by others in other parts of the building, she activated her Electro and flash stepped away with the mask on her face which helped her avoid being affected by the vapours.

There were three settings on the mask which were for using stored air during times where air was more scarce, a ventilation system to clean the air and the vapour setting.

She appeared behind someone and stretched out her trigger finger so that her hand was straight and a mechanism activated which made a thin needle extend past the tip of her finger which looked a little wet as if the end had been dipped into something.

The tip of the needle entered the skin of the person she poked and they suddenly fell down without a sound, she kept moving around and continued to subdue everyone.

Tristan quickly identified the leader and then played around with the settings on her ERG then pointed her fist towards the leader.

As she had clenched her fist again, the needle had retracted and was hidden away again while the ERG sprayed the leader in the face and woke them up. "Welcome back but I do not wish to talk to you like this so.."

Tristan then played with the settings and then pointed her fist to him again. "Please be super cooperative."

The spray of vapour hit him in the face and he followed the same patterns as the person before who was under the effects of the truth vapour.

Tristan then started questioning him. "Who ordered you to send someone to assassinate the doctor?"

Her questioning began and then a long night was spent as she chased down the clues gained from her interrogations.

Her visits had been very helpful to track down the main people behind it and they all died from a poison vapour along with the others who were involved while many valuable goods were seized by Tristan, illegal and dangerous goods were burned and those held captive were released.

Any evidence that would link those groups to Tristan and their plans to kill her would be destroyed but the transaction was done by word of mouth and money so there was no further documentation to link her to their deaths.

While she did act in secret and was not discovered, there would always be some kind of special characteristics that will be picked up to identify a criminals calling card or habits.

When the bodies were found, the culprit behind the murders was named after several kinds of poisonous insects until they found a more suitable name for her killing style which used needles and poison to kill before disappearing without a trace to follow.

Even the survivors who were freed did not get a good look at her because she put them all asleep for a short time while she released them all.

Nobody would have believed that the compassionate and friendly doctor was behind everything.

That was not the end of the tale though as there were later several other cases which had the same killing style that appeared within St. Poplar while some had started to be found on some ships which had been floating in the middle of the sea for a long time.

During the time that Alfred was in need of assistance with the recent attacks on the ships delivering the products and materials for the White Storm, Tristan made some trips in her combat suit and eliminated any of the threats that appeared when she was not busy with her job as a doctor.

If there was anyone that played the role of a silent guardian of the White Storm who remained within Paradise then it would be Tristan.

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