
Raijin Island #2

There was a hint of anger in his voice as he saw Liushi laying helplessly there. 'They must have added something to make him sleep this deeply, this idiot..'

The person revealed a crazy look as madness was in their eyes. "Doing? Doing? Hahaha. We are offering sacrifices to the thunder god for protection! The god will protect us from the outsiders! The god is angry! Listen! He needs more sacrifices!"

Jester sighed. 'I think I get what is happening now… sigh'

The people of the island were driven crazy by those that had visited their island many times as they were invaded each time someone passed the Red Line, often times they were pirates that had come and many lives were lost.

Their belief in the thunder god was also a big problem that controlled their actions to sacrifice others that arrived on the island so that they could continue to keep the thunder gods protection.

Their ill feelings towards any outsider and their faith had created a twisted cycle of events that had turned into them sacrificing any visitor that arrived on Raijin Island.

If they were not killed and sacrificed by the first trap which was the gifted umbrella then they would use whatever they could to catch their enemies off guard before tying them up to the sacrificial platform.

As the thunder strikes come from above as usual, they would be attracted to the poles and a lot of the electrical energy would travel up the wires connected and kill those who were tied down.

The people of the island continued to do the same action because it helped them protect themselves from outsiders and it had been successful many times but they also believed that the thunder god was helping them so long as they continued the sacrifices.

In fact it was just a natural thunder storm that appears on the island all year around and they did not understand the science behind it all so they had mistaken something completely natural for a god.

They also did not know was that while they had set up many alters to help with the sacrifices, the protection from the thunder strikes that did not land on them did not come from the gods mercy and thanks but was because the alters and other structures were attracting the thunder away from hitting their homes and people.

Their faith lead them to believe they were being protected and spared from gods wrath due to their faith and sacrifices but it was just science that was protecting them and due to their lack of knowledge from the outside world, they were unable to figure that out.

After doing the same action of sacrificing many people while watching many innocents pleading for their lives before dying, some of their beliefs may have been faltering or they had been forcing themselves to ignore it all so that they could remain safe and without feeling guilty so many were driven mad by the crazy situation they had created.

There was also a lot of fear as the people living there cannot go against the majority of the people on the island so they could not voice their doubts about whether what they were doing was truly right or wrong.

However none of that mattered to Jester as he had been left with the task of protecting the crew from danger. "Get up!"

He started kicking those on the ground and dragged them away from the primitive thunder attracting sacrificial alters

The thunder clouds started to make rumbling noises and warning signs went off in Jester's head as he dragged them away but suddenly K1 appeared and examined the surroundings. "Excellent! A perfect opportunity!"

The little eyes flashed excitedly as K1 quickly made its way towards the sacrificial alter and then its back opened as a small metal object that had some similarities to an electrical pole or coil came out and extended as many wires were wrapped around it. "Blast incoming! Evacuate the area!"

Not long after the thunder came down and hit the poles around K1 while a large amount of it had hit K1 while the electricity had spread from the surrounding poles and wires as it was attracted towards K1.

Most of the energy that usually got absorbed into the ground was attracted to K1 while the rest of it travelled deep into the earth.

K1 was caught in the middle of the blast but as it dispersed, tiny sparks came off it but it had remained undamaged as the lights became much brighter. "Fully charged!"

As Jester had come back towards the room while dragging Liushi as the others had woken up with an electrical prod from K1, he was greeted with the sight of many beaten up people while some had experienced electrical shocks and passed out.

K1 followed behind and explained. "The natives of the island turned hostile while you were away so we were forced to put up defensive measures. K1 released a strong electrical blast to the surroundings and subdued many enemies which is why K1 needed to recharge!"

Jester sighed. 'Overpowered robot dog.. crazy strong little kid with dangerous plants as weapons… a girl who can create illusions.. a girl who does not miss when she shoots who also has a wide range of trick arrows..and many more people to support them.. sigh.. how could they possibly lose?'

Yvie looked over towards Jester while in her hybrid wolverine form and grinned. "Welcome back! What happened to him?"

Jester sighed helplessly. "The big guy let down his guard and got captured.."

Sunila frowned. "It had to be the simple guy that let the team down."

Ann laughed. "Ahaha! It was fun but what do you have in mind for these people? They do not seem too sane."

K1 came forward and spoke. "Recommended action! Tie up the natives of the island and get more information. You must carry out the following tasks while not making a bigger mess on the island so that we can leave peacefully without further conflicts. Recommended interrogation and negotiation tactics before taking any other action. Communication is important! Reform.. reform!"

A little later they started carrying out the task of talking with the natives of the island and started to try to reach a mutual understanding of each other as they started their Raijin Island reformation plan while others travelled around the island and set up many different thunder capturing devices so that the energy could be kept and stored away to provide power to the generators and many other tools.

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