
Rica Island’s War #9

Earlier the Lawless King had witnessed the changes on the battlefield one after another from the comfort of his home and sent out his two best fighters along with their main army to support those defending the area.

After seeing one of them fall to Liushi, he started to go even more crazy as he slaughtered many of his loyal followers.

He looked over and saw another man that was clearing a path towards one of the places to escape but was met with Jester and Alfred.

He waved his halberd around and caused a lot of destruction but his attempts did not phase Alfred in the slightest as his arm shot forward and grabbed onto the pole of the halberd as his arm was pulled back into place with a strong force.

A tug of war began as the man put up a fierce resistance and held onto his halberd but he was starting to lose as he was pulled forward a little at a time and could not get Alfred to release his grip.

A chance happened as another hand shot out and the halberd disappeared as it appeared in the hands of Jester who stood nearby Alfred.

During that brief moment, Alfred pulled back his arm that held onto the halberd and landed a punch from far away which landed on the undefended chest of the man that had his guard lowered.

Alfred pulled back his arm and threw out another launched punch towards the enemy as he started sending out rapid punches one after another.

Each punch had a very strong force behind it and with his modifications using Wapol Metal and other advanced technology, even a couple of those hits would take down anyone who was a decent fighter but the man still remained standing even after many rapid attacks.

He was heavily damaged but he was still determined to stand up and continue fighting even after being caught off guard and being unable to escape from Alfred's extending and retracting volley of punches.

The man's eyes glinted cruelly as he spat on the ground and removed some wrist and leg wraps on his body.

As they fell to the ground, they hit the ground with a heavy thud. "You.. you can make me actually take this battle seriously. Ahaha. It has been a long time!"

Alfred sighed. "Fool, you think that I am just your opponent?"

Before he even finished speaking there was a change on the battlefield as many daggers and other weapons of different types were stolen from the many people by the man's side that had not yet been hit by Alfred's barrage of punches but all of the weapons soon appeared in the air above them.

While Alfred kept the man busy, Jester continued to steal lots of weapons and threw them up high into the air with all his might.

Jester calmed his breathing as he kept it in a certain rhythm which Alyssia had taught.

Razor Wind breathing style is best suited for those using a sword style or that follow a path of martial arts which have elements of the wind within it that have quick, sharp but also free movements.

Jester's use of different weapons but mostly his use of daggers and knives was what could be called his main specialty above all so the Razor Wind style suited him well and worked well with his current way of fighting.

Upon continuing his breathing pattern, he focussed even more as he let his mind not be distracted by anything and fully made use of his Observation Haki to see his surroundings.

Many types of weapons fell down upon the crowd of people that tried to get close and Alfred started to fight them off using his strong cyborg body and abilities but Jester played a much larger role as he even entered the rainfall of deadly weapons.

An agile and acrobatic dance took place as he narrowly avoided each attack with a huge mocking grin on his face, he stretched out his hand and snatched a weapon then was about to land upon him and thrust it into his enemy before moving on.

In between defeating those near himself, he would throw more into the air to add to the falling weapons that could land anywhere and kill or injure anyone they hit.

It was as if he was back to the days where he was ordered to juggle knives at a very young age by the king but somehow survived but he had turned that experience into his own personal tactic or special move.

Random falling weapons, snatching falling weapons or the nearby weapons from the ground or enemies, throwing weapons into a crowd, manoeuvring through the crowd along with avoiding any attacks from all directions, using the weapons in his hands to slash or stab his enemies and finally the assistance on his own footwork which was inspired by the Shave foot technique which suited his own acrobatic style which had helped him to enter the large crowd of enemies and come out of it unscathed.

Jester was always very talented and strong but he rarely got a chance to fully test himself lately but upon facing off against so many strong warriors under one of the two men under the Lawless King he was able to show what he was capable of.

The man was fighting Alfred barehanded after losing his halberd so he was kept busy and was unable to worry about the damage that Jester was doing to his army.

Many smaller flying wind blades and falling weapons occasionally came from behind or above which further put him in a difficult situation.

The man and Alfred had locked hands as his body had become pale and bloody from the wounds he had suffered while Alfred just looked a little dirty and his clothes were a little messy.

They fought for dominance in power but the strength in Alfred's hands became stronger which started to crush the hands of the man which forced the man to his knees.

In a split second, Jester appeared just like an assassin at the most opportune time and positioning while stepping on their shoulder and stabbed two daggers into the eyes of the man deep enough to kill him.

He removed them and jumped back to avoid a falling weapon and threw the two daggers into the air as he continued to deal with the remaining forces that were approaching the wall.

Some of less trusted people in the Lawless King's forces and allies were sent to deal with the army belonging to those of the capital since they were the smallest detected threat but they were only able to hold on so long as the middle and left side had been swept clear as they pushed forward which lead those on the right belonging to the Lawless King's forces to have many at their back and front.

They had became trapped and were unable to continue to fight so strategically as they fell into disorder and panic before losing the battle completely.

Just as everything seemed to look good for everyone belonging to the capital and White Storm's side, a hulking figure appeared on the battlefield that was much bigger than most others.

Each swing if their arm caused a big shockwave force which showed how much power was within a single attack.

Many eyes turned to the hulking figure and started to become serious as the main people started giving orders.

"Tend to the wounded!"

"Fight from afar and do not get too close!"

"If you can, try to keep a distance or retreat if you do not think you can damage him!"

Every part of the hulking figure seemed to have veins popping outward and every part of the body was full of a large amount of bulky and tough muscle that could even fend off strong sharp and blunt attacks with the addition of bullets and cannon fire.

His physique looked very different from how it had looked before and nobody could be able to recognise him as the Lawless King but he was able to strike fear into the hearts of many that witnessed him up close.

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