

As everyone returned to their own individual duties, Ann was putting the final touches on her new album which was titled as Lily which was inspired by her time on Amazon Lily.

It was based on her experiences within the land of Amazon Lily, its culture of warrior women and the battles between humans and beasts.

The lyrics and music accompanying it were very heroic sounding as it made those listening to it be full of energy.

Most of all, it was an album that had many songs about powerful and inspirational women that would have a positive effect on the world when it came to empowering women.

Most rich or noble family daughters would be strictly raised to suit a certain stereotype for when they were to be married for monetary or political gains so there would be many young females in each island that yearned for power or wished for a different life rather than being a pawn for their family to benefit.

Not many would ever get the chance to step out from their parents or future husbands shadow and live their own lives but the songs would give them some courage to take a step towards improving their life for the better and taking a chance to pursue their dream.

While she was busy with that, Aizah was working on her own album called Light.

Her album had many soft and soothing melodies that reached the hearts of others and healed their broken souls.

Many that were heartbroken, lost loved ones and had suffered various tragedies would listen to the music and feel themselves reminiscing of the past happy memories they may have forgotten and gain courage to move on with their lives.

Pascia continued to attend different islands beauty pageants, modelling jobs and dance performances while most of those within the mercenary group continued to go back to their work there taking some tasks now and again.

Nica, Ashwin, Ein and Tristan went back to their various projects and Yvie joined the lab to work within the Weather Garden and Pop Green Garden.

The newest recruit who was Sunila joined up with Medea and Monera to take tasks within the mercenary group to get more familiar with the world.

Alfred continued to get back to his work as the entertainment group had started recruiting talented costume, stage and prop designers but also story board or comic artists.

While there were some places that host a play around the world, there was a limit to the amount of exposure they could provide for the White Storms artists so Alyssia and Alfred suggested using the talents of storyboard artists or writers to start up a play in some island that is very populated.

It was also beneficial to recruit comic or cartoon artists that had talent so that they could release their own book or series of releases of comic strips.

Xena and Yao were quite the handful and full of energy for new borns but with additional help, Alyssia was able to handle her work load and keep improving herself.

Within her lab, she had many beakers and different shaped glass containers and ingredients of different types in front of herself.

By her side was a bottle of cola and a glass cup full of something that looked the same as what was in the bottle, then there were several other glass cups marked with different names as she tastes the cola before spitting it out and rinsed her mouth as she continued to test the contents of each glass.

After testing the first two she nodded. "Hmm.. it tastes the same so I have got the recipe and methods correct, now for my own variations."

As she continued, she tasted the others and muttered to herself. "Hmm.. this tastes more like diet coke….this one pepsi… dr pepper… sprite…. Irn bru… mountain dew…fanta.."

As she finished sampling each of them she smirked to herself. "God bless you system, you have not let me down!"

Since she had cracked many of the recipes that she could remember from her previous life with the systems assistance, she was able to create many fizzy drinks of many different flavours and colours but even with that she was not satisfied.

She took the small container containing the remains of the Irn Bru along with a glass and mumbled to herself. "Hmm.. should I try energy drinks next.. or should I try alcohol?"

Glass bottled or canned drinks did not seem all that rare within the world of One Piece as she had seen some around but not every item from her previous world would be in the One Piece world too.

Alyssia had been experimenting with her system to see if it was truly possible to create them and she had achieved excellent results as she continued to make lots of different types.

If a factory could be built to produce them then once they became popular drinks, they could be transported to many stores or bought in bulk by people.

As the amount of customers grow, the more the business scope could be expanded.

The same was true for different types of snacks and foods of her previous world that could be brought to life with the systems assistance so long as she had the right knowledge.

Even improving upon the original recipe may be possible to help improve the overall taste or remove any bad ingredients to replace them with better or slightly healthier options.

She moved towards a poorly lit room as she flicked a switch lighting it up.

As she poured herself a drink and drank it slowly, there was a large wall full of images, notes and other documents which were strung together like following a timeline.

Many of the events were what she had remembered from the start of One Piece whether it be from the cannon episodes, filler or movie content.

The first half of the Grand Line did not properly state the time that it took for Luffy and his crew to make the journey from the East Blue to Sabaody before the time skip began so she had to find a way to figure out how to navigate through that to not affect the original flow of the story but also use it to her advantage in some ways.

Her finger went across the timeline and stopped after the notes marked as Arlong Park where a bounty was marked. "When this comes out to the world, I will have a better idea of how far away it is or at least some kind of idea."

Her finger continued along until the next bounty as she continued. "Then there is the second bounty which is most important. I must be prepared for then to set out and reap some benefits for myself."

She continued to look through all of the information from several different arcs in the timeline one after another but just as she reached the end of the Grand Line information that was up on the wall, she started taking it down and tossed it into a bin.

Following that many of the notes and documents were thoroughly destroyed so that they would never be read by another.

Although she was quite open with her trusted people, there were things she kept to herself still and she had developed a habit of destroying anything written down whether it be notes or calculations from her research or the results of her experiments so that they could not be stolen or replicated by others.

The only designs or blueprints that ever passed into others hands were the ones that she had given herself and even those were destroyed after use once they had been used by Ein, Nica, Ashwin, Tristan or Dr Tsukimi to improve their own individual research direction or make something to protect themselves.

Since she had the system to keep every bit of the knowledge properly organised and within the skills related to them, she could either memorise everything or use the system to keep a backup of it.

Compared to paper documents that could easily be stolen, the method of using the system was more secure but for the knowledge about the timeline, it was not exactly related to the skills so she had to memorise some key points and events happening during that time along with certain items, people or creatures being involved during that time.

She was stuck in her laboratory as she made the occasional call to Alfred about not putting too much influence over events in a certain islands which the Worst Generation would soon pass through and to just stick to the usual business.

Even the Water Seven group that were still working at Gallery La were to hand in their notices soon so that they would not get mixed up in the mess there later.

However not after discussing some things and being lost in her research and family life, she got a call with some disturbing or intriguing news.

A little time later, she left as she was picked up by a White Storm affiliated ship and she continued towards an island along with Ann to promote her new album where there would be a couple of difficulties involved.

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