

Sunila continued. "My eyes come from my father and the story is not that much interesting so I do not know if you wish to hear it."

Alyssia replied as the others behind her gathered to listen in. "I would love to hear it."

Sunila nodded as she began to tell her origins. "During the time that my mother left to find a mate, she came across a man with similar eyes to me and from what my mother told me he was very talented in archery and his known names were the archer king or the king of bows. My mother coveted and admired his talents and hoped to pass that onto her child so she relentlessly pursued him until she finally became pregnant with me. As she was beginning to show signs of conceiving, she separated from him and returned to the island to raise me. As for the rest.. my mother raised me for many years but a couple of years ago she died of a strange fever."

Alyssia rolled her eyes. 'A fever right? You must be joking! Even the most cold hearted woman would develop feelings for someone after a long period of pursuit and time together resulting in some lingering feelings after leaving them. I can imagine that she was able to cut off those feelings for a while until they resurfaced later and caused the so called love sickness that afflicts several members of their tribe. These Kuja Tribe are hopeless…"

The disease often occurs when the Kuja Tribe women fall in love with a man and if they suppress those emotions, it will weaken and cause extreme pain.

Their health will continue to decline and lead to their death, in order to cure the disease the person afflicted with it must accept their emotions and follow their loved one which means leaving Amazon Lily and being unable to return.

Alyssia continued to ponder. 'She must have been fine since she was clueless about love and was focussed on her child which let her continue her life for a long time as she did not realise her true feelings but as her child grew up and resembled her father with the same pair of unique eyes, the longing in her heart and her true feelings were brought out towards the man and with every passing day she must have tried to suppress her feelings and denied her attraction and feelings towards him until the day she died.'

Tristan took out a notebook and a pen as she began asking more detailed questions about the fever that was mentioned.

As she was tilting her head in deep thought, Alyssia snatched them from her and wrote 'Love Sickness' above the notes. "I know that most of you might be unfamiliar to such things since you have been single until now but please at least notice some of the strangeness within the symptoms mentioned."

Even a skilled doctor could misdiagnose such a thing if they did not have knowledge of the cause of a sickness but since Alyssia had known of the original plot and what had happened to Boa Hancock and the empresses before her, she was able to identify the cause.

Tristan widened her eyes. "It can be that deadly? How come I have never heard of it?"

Alyssia came up with an excuse to mask how she could know of such a unique medical case. "It may not be like this in other places but remember that this island is isolated and only women are on the island so they generally have weaker hearts towards the feelings of love of the opposite gender and are brought up as warriors where they may learn to unconsciously suppress their emotions. When they do make contact with the opposite gender and meet their loved one, they cannot help but develop some feelings of affection or love before leaving them after becoming pregnant."

Carrot frowned. "It sounds very painful, will the same happen to us if we fall in love?"

Alyssia laughed as she replied. "I doubt it since you and others have been brought up around other males and have not been brought up like the people of this island. So long as you do not develop the habit of suppressing your true emotions and learn to accept your feelings, you will be fine."

Several of the younger teenage girls within the group secretly wiped the sweat from their brow as they were a little worried about their future encounters with men but were relieved after hearing the explanation.

Alyssia raised her thumb and grinned. "If you can find a good man for yourselves then do not hesitate to accept your feelings, do call me if you may need a little advice."

Tristan glared at her and spoke. "If I remember you have not been in a relationship before so why would I ask you?"

"Cough cough cough!" Alyssia began choking as she was taken aback by the retort. 'Damn you! I will have you know that although I have no partners in this life, I still had relationships in my previous life. If i did not then I could be called aver thirty year old virgin by now if I did not have any experience with men.. okay.. fine, my past relationships may not be the best example to help these kids but at least I can help them with what I remember from the mistakes I made or spotting various red flags in a relationship.'

Alyssia puffed up her chest and she pointed to herself. "Trust me, I will not let you guys down."

Sunila who was silent for some time had broken out into laughter and held her chest as she tried to suppress her laughter with a slightly pained look on her face. "Ahahaha you are all so amusing. Ah.. stop it. It hurts."

Alyssia patted her shoulder to calm her down and comfort her. "Rest up and recover for now and we will deal with the rest. If you need companions to help you better survive, if you are a good fit to the group then I will happily welcome you."

Sunila observed Alyssia and looked at the others calmly trying to see through them before speaking in a slightly hoarse voice. "I will think about it, thank you."

Medea stepped forward and spoke. "Leave the difficult jobs to us so that you can focus on what suits you best. I did see your archery and it was great but you tend to panic and show hesitation when under pressure. I suggest that you stay with us because Alyssia is great at teaching others, I am sure that she can help fix your bad habits and improve your chances of survival."

Yvie stepped forward afterward with a big grin on her face. "Mm.. she was able to help me become like I am today. Without her I would still be a thin and starving little girl that has no strength to defend herself. Now I have become like I am now!"

Tristan spoke as she added her own thoughts. "I grew up with her so I know her more than most and I can say for certain that she is good at looking after and helping others to improve themselves. She may be a little quirky at times but she never has ill intentions towards her friends."

Alyssia may be collecting talents and loyal people around her for her own goals but she did provide a degree of care and protection for those people so most of her close relationships that she had built that began because of her need for people with talents or helping others in various circumstances, they had developed over time and their bonds had become stronger.

Monera stepped forward and spoke. "She saved my life once and I made the decision to join her. Not a large amount of time has passed since but I have not regretted my decision to follow her so far."

Ein coughed. "Me too, my life has transformed greatly because of her. Although this place is not greatly suited to me in many ways, I can understand why she brought me here and why she believes it will help me improve."

One way or another, Alyssia had affected their lives positively and gradually earned their trust so as they each offered their sincere words, Sunila was being broken down a little at a time as she was slowly being recruited into their group.

Sunila fell asleep once again as the others kept guard within the camp near the edge of the forest area.

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