

The following couple of days, Alyssia continued her usual routine with her crew and continued her tinkering and training.

She provided many new possibilities and a set training schedule for her crew members while Medea was left to rest and get used to the state of her body while waiting for her own support equipment to be built.

In the main room of the ship, Alyssia had her eyes closed while sitting in a meditative pose and had her arms in front of herself and her hands were placed near her naval with her thumbs placed opposite each other while her fingers were lightly interlinked underneath, creating a small circular gap between the placement of her hands.

Small white sparks began to flash on the insides of her hands within then circled one after another.

At first they escaped the circle upon being released from her body by slowly she regained control over the white sparks as they slowly began to gather in one central point within the circle.

More and more white sparks were added a little at a time until a small white Electro ball formed.

Tiny flashes of white sparks would occasionally flicker on the outer parts of the white ball as it continued to grow bigger as the time spent creating it increased until it began to look unstable and out of her control.

She began to stop increasing the output of her Electro that had been channelled and immediately put forward all of her efforts into gaining control over the ball.

Sweat formed on her brow as she was deep in concentration and putting in a lot of effort into perfectly controlling the energy ball that was no longer within touching distance from her hands.

She was purely using her control of Electro, her willpower and constant practice to gradually perfect the use of her energy control one step at a time.

This exercise was often done to gradually increase the limit of how much Electro could be compressed together in the shape of a ball but also increase her overall control of the Electro that is usually discharged from her body and goes to waste afterwards because it is no longer under her control after it has left a certain range of her body.

She believes that this is the path in which she can break through her races limitations and teaching methods that the Minks had taught her on how to use her Electro, a new path may open from this which was previously not explored.

Much like Carrot's move named Electro Moon which makes a large ball of Electro, her own was developed to be similar but was formed a greater distance away from her hands to further develop her control over her energy.

Carrots special move is that she charges up a ball of electricity with both hands and slams it into the ground, causing a wide-range blast capable of electrocuting several foes at once while Alyssia's own attack may have a similar application but also help her develop in another direction.

Slowly the compressed energy began to be changed from a sphere into a box square box shape then a pyramid until slowly it began to slowly return closer to her own hand slowly and slowly coat her fingers and then travel up her hand which made it look like a part of a white Electro shaped glove.

Upon reaching the maximum state of control of energy at this time but also being able to bring the energy back to her body after releasing it from her body was a big step forward for her but so was the achievement of being able to control it while it had begun to coat or engulf a small part of her body and spread.

As she had created the glove that covered about a quarter of her hand, she knew that she had reached the limitation in which she could take the technique for now as she still required further practice.

Holding her concentration, she walked out of the room onto the deck and clenched her fist gathering the Electro coating to surround the new shape of her hand then punched towards one of the dummies creating a sudden burst of energy from her fist as it came into contact with it.

The explosive force carried from the engulfed fist carried a lot more power than the usual focussed point Electro attack but also behaved in a different way.

The Electro that was released at a point gathered together around the point and acted like a ball of energy that would break apart and discharge from her body upon having contact with something causing a small explosion or stunning attack and then escape her control afterwards.

However the coating or engulfing of Electro adds layers to the attack which come one after the other as force is applied as the fist is thrown out.

The Electro at the point on collision would attack first, then the other Electro coating further up her fist or arm would follow the force of the arm after the collision, be released and head down her arms towards the point of impact very quickly creating a destructive cannon like blast that continues until the coating has completely been released.

If water was used as an example then the initial impact would hit the target like it had been discharged from a water gun and continue on be released until the trigger was no longer pressed or the water had run out or a different version would use waves as a way to describe how it would probably look.

However the differences with Electro is that the nature of it is to be naturally faster and more destructive than most other elements so once the collision is made, it will travel towards that point much quicker and the task of holding onto the remaining Electro coating or as previously explained as 'trigger no longer pressed', it would be difficult to completely manage how much of her coated Electro would be released upon striking an opponent or object.

It would require much further training and mastery to be able to manage this while in combat but also manage how much Electro she wished to release during an attack whether it was managing how many waves of Electro are released during an attack or at which points she wishes to regain control and stop her remaining Electro from being released from its coated state and still within her control.

This way, when she gained a greater control over her Electro and is able to coat her limbs fully in it, she will be able to store up enough coated Electro on her limbs and release what she needs to while using the Electro in her body to replace the previously used up and missing coating but this required a much greater mastery of the technique.

Another 'Ding!' followed by another went off in her mind after completing the move and she inspected the result of her attack, the force of her punch was not that strong but the force from the Electro that had been released was much more destructive.

She couldn't help but realise that she had just created an even more ridiculous ability compared to her other previous ones that used Electro.

<Ding! New A grade ability has been completed as a result of practicing the Electro manipulation skill to create a ball of Electro, would you like to name this skill?>

[Electro Cannon (A) - Creating a compressed ball of Electro that can be manipulated into different shapes, explode upon contact against something or someone and possibly other functions if greater mastery and control is achieved.]

<Ding! New A grade ability has been completed as a result of practicing Electro manipulation skill to create an Electro body coating skill, would you like to name this skill?>

[Electro-Coat (A) - Creating an Electro coating layer on the body, anything that comes into contact with it will be shocked. Enhances the speed and power of the body part that is coated. Much finer control will allow thicker layers of coating to increase the power or much larger of a range of coating to be applied to the body will increase the stored and controlled amount of Electro coated on the body. Note: This technique has some similarities with Armament Haki Hardening.]

<Ding! New A+ grade ability has been completed as a result of practicing the Electro manipulation skill to create a coating skill and release it upon contact with a surface or as a result of an impact, would you like to name this skill?>

[Electro-Wave (A+) - Releases control of Electro upon striking an object or living being and pushes it towards the point of impact. The closest part of the Electro Coating will head towards the impact point first followed by what is further away until it is stopped either using all of the coating or a part of it. Greater control will allow the release of more precise voltages of Electro and grasp control over the released Electro that has yet to come into contact with the impact point to more efficiently make use of the energy and save some for another attack or purpose. Note: This technique has some similarities with Armament Haki Emission and Internal Destruction depending on how it is used and the mastery over how the energy is controlled or applied.]

After spending much of the earned points, she had earned much more just from this long experiment after being rewarded for finding these possibilities without the systems assistance.

Although the techniques were still immature and difficult to control, the system still recognised them for the potential that they could reach upon being completed.

Right away Alyssia brought up the system screen and began to look at her Electro based techniques that she had previously came up with using the gathering and channelling points on the body and decided to make some room for the new skills while putting to use the old skills specialties.

[Flash Step (S) - Using Flash Step (A-) as the foundation and combining it with flash jump, electro manipulation, electro-coat, electro-wave, climbing, acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing, misdirection and concealment, this allows the user to move at very fast speeds with ghost like movements. The following should be possible upon achieving a higher mastery; After-image creation, air dashing, double jump, invisible speed, wall running and moving behind the target, then striking. Note: Highly compatible with White Leg Style]

[Elecko (S-) - Using Electro Coat (A) as the foundation and combining it with electro manipulation, electro-coat, electro-wave, kanga-heel, kanga-spear, kanga-drop, kanga-round, kanga-tail, this allows the user to use Electro-Coating and Electro-Wave more efficiently when focussed on the lower body, especially the legs and tail. Using the gathering points and electro manipulation, used up or missing energy that had coated the users body previously can be replaced or replenished after releasing an Electro-Wave. [Note: Highly compatible and can be used with White Leg Style and Eight Impact Fist.]

After thinking of a name for this technique, she quickly came to the conclusion that it would be best to to keep things simple and base it off what had been inspired to create it.

The names of Electro and Shunko combined could come out in many combinations but Elecko she liked best.

The new skill used the coating and wave skills but was able to recharge any missing Electro after the use of it and coated parts of her body like she was wearing an extra piece of clothing or armour on her body.

However the skill was somewhat limited by her overall control over how much Electro she could control and how thick or long she could shape the coating on her body without it escaping her range of control resulting in it discharging from her body and wasting of that energy.

Right she could only coat a small part of her fist with one thin layer in the shape of her clenched or open hand to allow attacks using the palm or fist to be coated but it also was possible to be used in a chopping motion and finger or multiple finger attack to be used for poking or scratching attacks.

However now that she had created the Elecko skill, she was able to focus that practice more towards her legs where she had more talent and was most comfortable with the use of various skills.

Although this skill wasn't yet at the stage where she could summon it at will without a great deal of concentration, it was beginning to show great strides forward and improving her control of her Electro and her current skills were becoming more efficiently used without much wasted energy when she used her Electro.

An example would be her Electro Muscle Massage skill which had gained a much finer and precise control over her energy so that she could carefully stimulate the muscles in her body with electricity without going over her limits and harming herself.

She had also practiced this skill on her crew members after she had gained a higher level of control which would prevent her from bringing harm upon them.

She tried teaching the various methods to the other Minks but it seemed as if most of them had limited potential in that area to be able to grasp the meaning behind her teachings.

The one with the most potential was Carrot who had already mastered the ability Electro Moon so she was able to begin learning after grasping the similarities between Alyssia's technique and her own.

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