
Tristan’s new skills

The broker shrugged and then said. "If you can prove your worth then I wish to invest in you. How old are you? What are your specialties? Where do you plan to go next?"

A mysterious smile was on her face as she answered. "The journey is no fun if everyone knows the destination right away. I am sixteen and I mainly focus on leg based martial arts but I do have a little skill using a staff and gun but it is hardly worth mentioning right now but it is more than enough to beat people of their level."

The broker began to make calculations in his mind and weigh the pros and cons then looked at her seriously for a while. "You have impressed me. Give me some time to arrange some things with my connections and I will get the word out about the rules of the challenge. What about the ship? Is it being sold as it is or is it being fixed up before the sale?"

Alyssia looked towards Archie who was now gathering his nails, hammer and some other materials. "He is going to fix the ship up but if possible please hire someone to thoroughly clean the ships insides for me before the auction takes place. Those pirates weren't exactly the most hygienic bunch."

The broker nodded as he was almost ready to leave but couldn't help but ask. "What about the rules?"

Alyssia thought about it for a while and replied. "I think it be best if we set up a prize for challengers. They can pay a small amount if berry to enter and have a chance to win the overall prize money, let's just do it so that whatever they pay is put back into the prize if they lose. The more challengers and losers the higher the prize and more that want to win it. As for the more high stakes version let's just call it the Mixed Martial Arts Wager. I put up something that they may want but they must wager something of equal or similar value to be able to initiate the duel and the winner takes all. There can also be a private betting booth set up for spectators if someone has the patience to do that."

The brokers eyes lit up and he became more sure of himself in his decision. "I will get to work right away. If possible you need to name your ship and get everything ready before people arrive… are weapons allowed or not?"

Alyssia shrugged as she answered. "It doesn't matter. If I have an opponent who uses a weapon then I will use my staff but if not I will fight with purely physical strength."

The broker nodded before waving as he left the ship. "I will spread what you have said to various places and will get several slots for the underground auction for you."

The crew members waved back to him as he disappeared from their view.

Nica looked towards Alyssia and frowned. "Is he going to be a problem or is this something good?"

Alyssia shook her head and sighed. "To be honest I never saw things going in this direction at first.. but it works in my favour so I cannot say no. It will help me meet many hidden talents in the most unlikely places but also let me practice and gain more familiarity with my techniques and work out where my flaws are. Even if it does attract a lot of attention we have much to gain from it and if I can keep winning then we can earn a lot of extra expenses while warning off others with I'll intentions."

Nica nodded after hearing her explanation but then said. "But what you are really saying is… you get to fight to your hearts content and the rest is just a bonus.."

Carrot who was listening to the conversation giggled after hearing Nica's theory while Tristan rolled her eyes and said. "Do we have to participate too?"

Alyssia glared at Nica then at Carrot before answering. "It is up to you if you wish to do something similar."

Carrot's eyes lit up as she yelled. "Ehehe I will join in too!"

Tristan's eyes became firm as she decided. "I will too."

Alyssia thought about it and then said. "Fine.. but you must have a separate cash prize than the one that is used for me. All you need to do is accept the payment, duel and put it into your own cash prize box which will be rewarded to the person who happens to beat you. As for those that wish to attempt to play dirty and try to steal from us…"

She looked towards the thief and assassins nearby and coldly spoke. "They will experience the same as these people will… Tristan I want everything about their life, their crimes and where they have hidden all of their wealth before the time of the auction comes. If they lie… hehe.. hurt them or use your abilities as a doctor to make them talk."

Tristan scowled as she said. "I thought I was here as a ship doctor not an interrogator!"

Alyssia shrugged. "Who else but you knows more about the human body here? Even if you can heal the body, you also know it's weaknesses and most sensitive parts. I trust you are capable of completing the task."

Tristan let out a sign in response and then walked to the prisoners and grabbed one by the back of their clothes to drag them into a room one by one. "Fine."

The one who had been grabbed first was the thief who had visible fear in his eyes as he tried to yell for mercy but it was already too late as he was gagged and dragged into a room.

Tristan appeared in his view and looked down at him while taking out a syringe that contained an unknown liquid. "Captain always has a weird way of looking at things but still.. often times her uniqueness is what makes her and us all find new ways to improve ourselves. Even if the tasks are sometimes a little challenging or not in line with our thoughts and world views.."

Then her eyes turned cold as she looked down at him oppressively. "But towards you… who tried to hurt my captain? I wonder how this solution will turn out this time?"

She injected it into the veins of the thief who began to show confusion, rage, fear and then shock and pain on his face."

Tristan took out a her journal and a quill then dipped in in some ink as she spoke. "I wonder if this experiment will be a success.. I got the ingredients right so let me know how you feel."

She removed the gag on his mouth and then he screamed. "Aaaah argh wha what is.."

Tristan smiled and wrote down something and said. "Good you are still able to communicate and stay awake. The dosage should be right. Good good. Next test."

She took the feathered side of the quill and slowly brought it closer to the man's face and as it came into contact with his skin he began to scream. "Argh no please stop! Aaaah!"

Tristan's eyes lit up as she noticed his change and wrote in her book again. "Patients sensitivity levels have rose to the stage that a simple feather touch could cause them high irritation or pain."

She closed her book and put it aside and held the quill before him getting closer to his skin again. "Tell me everything about you, your crimes and where you have hidden your valuables or I will continue until you spill everything."

The thief looked up and his eyes showed clear hostility towards her and spat in her direction. "If I give that up everything is over for me! Let me go, you evil beasts!"

Tristan looked at his ugly appearance and then sighed. "I was being generous giving you the chance to escape this but it seems that I have no choice."

She lowered the feather towards his skin once again and his screams continued for a while before he eventually spilled every secret that he had kept over the years whether it was murdering, robbing or being involved with other unpleasant activities.

After he had given all he had to give, Tristan gave him the cure and sent him to a place to be a prisoner on the ship for a couple of days to a week.

Then she moved onto the next assassin and then the next who confessed everything more willingly after hearing the screams from outside.

Meanwhile Alyssia who had heard everything couldn't help but shudder after hearing the screams.

Truthfully she did not wish to handle the dirty work and passed it off to Tristan but who would of known she would do so well that it was actually quite frightening.

Her words were genuine about Tristan knowing more about the body than anyone else on the ship but how was she supposed to know that she would suddenly unlock a skill in torturing and information extraction…

From now on she would make sure that she does not get on the bad side of the ships doctor!

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