
Pirate loot

Right as the fight ended and the crew cleaned up the mess that was created, Alyssia stepped towards the side of the ship and looked down to the people below with a provocative look on her face. "Anyone else wish to take up the challenge like these people?"

It was not her being arrogant but she needed to establish her position so that she could make use of the system to gather more fame and points but also warn off anyone who thought it would be a good idea to follow the pirate group who were defeated.

If she took a weak stance more would come later or would try to play some tricks in the dark without knowing the consequences for their actions.

Many had grown used to their criminal lives and only really were careful around their superiors, law enforcement figures or those in power so when a newcomer arrives they make many mistakes offending the wrong type of people.

The more experienced of them have learned to hide in the dark and watch how everything plays out before they make a move like a serpent hiding and waiting for their prey to show weakness.

Now that their crew were unharmed even when outnumbered, they began to pay more attention to Alyssia and her crew members but still remained cautious and waited to see if a chance presents itself.

However they did not expect their next course of actions.

Alyssia held a map in her hands which had been marked with an X and left the crew while running followed by Archie.

Archie was suitable to bring along to carry heavy items and look through the ship for anything of value but Carrot, Tristan and Clifford were most suitable for defending the ship.

The combination of those three were more than enough to handle ordinary humans that only had some fighting experience against ordinary people and other low level pirates or marines at most.

Even the less experienced Clifford and Archie could handle many people on their own thanks to their high agility and beast sense that allows them to adapt to many different situations.

Taking down a mink is not so easy of a task unless dirty tactics are used or the other party is someone with the kind of fame to be known as a supernova or of a similar bounty or strength.

Even if that was true, Alyssia did not feel comfortable leaving the ship alone or with too few of her crew on board as she went elsewhere even on this island because she did not know what hidden forces might be hiding here.

After arriving on the ship, she couldn't help be reveal a look of disgust. "Truly… the pirate life sure is one that was never really explained in great detail. This hygiene problem is really serious.. so much for the glorious life on the seas and looking all flashy like the straw hats."

Archie looked confused and asked. "What do you mean?"

She shrugged in response. "Nothing… just the smell and mess on the ship of these pirates is so bad."

With her beast sense as a passive it was something that was always on but it became more active during combat situations so now that she had stepped on the ship her sense of smell was able to pick up the foul smells of the pirates. "Mould.. urine… smelly feet and body odour urk!"

She turned to Archie and pinched her nose while talking. "Hurry and get this over with. After this you can pay someone to clean the ship so that it looks and smells presentable. We may be able to make some extra berry from the ship if it doesn't have so many faults."

Archie looked a little happy. "Boss can I fix it up a little? I promise I will not put too much of our savings into it!"

She looked towards him and then replied. "Good idea. If it has too many faults they will only lower the price down further so do what you can in the next couple of days."

Archie smiled foolishly. "Thanks boss!"

She sighed in response. "Let's get to work!"

Some time passed and everything was dug out from every corner or place where someone could hide their secret stash and put in a large carrying crate or bag.

Several large bags of jewels, weapons and berries were inside which showed that they had a successful pirate life or were successful in some jobs that they had been given in the past.

She looked over everything carefully before separating them into different categories. "Sell the jewels and weapons. They are useless but keep the few navigation and logbooks and any other books or information that they have collected. What a shame.. they have no devil fruits. I could of sold it for a high price."

Would a small time but quite large sized pirate group have a devil fruit?

Probably not but there was always the small chance that they were lucky enough to encounter it or steal it from someone on their travels so even if the chances were small she would not mind acquiring one.

Many people wanted to own a devil fruit to make themselves powerful without having to put the effort into building their body up through hard work and would pay large amounts for it so it was one of the worlds money making opportunities that paid a large sum of berries besides hunting pirates with a large bounty.

Alyssia already had a mink body type with a superpower like ability called Electro and also a cost effective and situational Sulong form to use but even then she continued to train hard.

With the current advantages that she had and the weaknesses of the minks, she did not wish to add a devil fruit power to her body to create another type of weakness in exchange for a power that may disrupt all of her training and martial arts style that she was developing.

Many devil fruit users tend to develop their fighting style to suit their devil fruit abilities so if she ate one then what she had learned and ingrained into her body would have to be changed once again.

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