
Chapter 29: Pulling Out The Weeds Part 3

POV Ohta

A monster, the things I witnessed the Doctor do today are something I find impossible, the thing you only hear about in novels yet my eyes never lied to me as I watched pure unbridled carnage ensue under his wrath.

It was just like any other day until the 13th division showed up, the same useless people who rode on the coattails of their organizations past glory.

However what was different is that this time they showed up with someone called the 'Doctor' and of course my first words were 'Who?'.

Then a sudden explosion happened prompting me to check, and it was then I was introduced to the man who would bring my gang, that one I had built through constant effort, something I spent countless hours honing, down to the ground in one day.

The 13th division that usually appeared as weak and fragile humans became like rabid zombies on a battlefield and that Doctor was the reason for all of it.

The more I observed, the more the chances of winning weighed less in my gut until I eventually gave up on the thought of challenging him.

Anyone with half a brain who saw a man constantly cut through men like paper while being able to heal himself endlessly would know they were no match, especially compared to me who's only proficient in drinking my life away while neglecting my duties as a father.

So I ran, I listened to my gut which has never led me astray and I ran away, I've been doing it my whole life so doing it right now wouldn't make a difference except this time, I got caught.

Though I still had the edge on him but running away became hard with a hurt leg, however I still had the people who I went through consistent efforts to recruit, only for them to all die.

Then once he finished he told me to choose between two of my subordinates, my response was instantaneous.

Renji or a buff meathead? Is that even a choice? Of course I choose Renji rather than someone I barely even know.

His quirk is powerful however that's it, he's unpredictable, a hothead, and rarely thinks for himself while almost always acting on his instincts.

Then that sociopath claiming to be a Doctor put a spike in both my palms and feet, when I complained he told me he would just heal me whenever I was going to die.

Me and Renji were then dragged into a car, the Doctor didn't care about my injury but instead the seats I was staining with my blood, THE SEATS!

Obviously I became frustrated but that feeling became momentary when he became serious, it was then when I saw where we were driving.

My heart stood still as the Doctor told me his plan, and of course I didn't believe it, I couldn't, until I saw it.

The same thing that happened to my Testsu gang unfolded upon the Rotasu gang, the 13th division proceeded to rush into a barrage of bullets upon the cars coming to a halt.

Blood slowly stained the ground below them however like zombies they rose from what seemed like the dead and continued their push.

I became speechless watching it all unfold, even when the sight of them slowly disappeared the screams never ceased to stop echoing in my ears.

Even the thought of escaping had to be brought up by Renji beside me, however after seeing our state and their capabilities my gut told me not to risk it so I didn't.

Renji didn't listen to me as he tried to wedge himself free and I then saw a spike suddenly impaled itself into the ground a little ways away from the car.

Renji and My eyes turned out the window only to see the Doctor in plain view shaking his head as he muttered one word that we both read from his lips clearly.


I swear I almost shit my pants when this happened, my breath started to slow down as it felt like the oxygen in the car went cold suddenly.

The muscles in my body tightened not even wanting to twitch, I became as still as a stone statue while I quietly bled on the black interior.

The Doctor squinted and gazed at the two of us before finally leaving to resume the attack of the Rotasu gang.

Immediately once he left my view I breathed a sigh of relief instinctively while kicking Renji causing both of use to cringe in pain.

The car remained silent after that as even Renji didn't try to converse with me to quell this awkward atmosphere brought upon by his actions.

This lasted until I saw the leader of the Rotasu gang being dragged against his will along with what I could only assume to be his subordinate.

He finally stopped yapping his mouth once he saw that I was also in the same situation before he figured out what this meant.

The words that were previously endlessly spouting out of his mouth calmed down and after a couple subtle threats by the Doctor he did not dare to talk while the car drove.

The Doctor tried to make conversation with me, however it kind of freaked me out how nonchalant he was being covered in so much blood, and as if reading my mind the Doctor ended the conversation before talking with his associate known as Arashi who kept glaring daggers at me.

He seemed sort of familiar though I didn't think too much of it since I have had several encounters with the Yakuza over the years so I brushed it aside.

We then entered the Ongaku gang territory, I then experienced Deja vu seeing the reaction of the leader of the Rotasu gang seeing us enter another neighboring territory.

After an answer from the Doctor he became stupefied causing me to realize this was the exact same reaction I had.

Then things only got weirder from here, the events played out the same for the Rotasu leader like it did for me as he watched the bloodshed the 13th division inflicted upon the Ongaku gang.

Even at one time the leader tried to make an escape only for him to get the same warning as me along with a mirroring reaction.

At some point my shock turned into boredom as it started to become a little repetitive, and then it hit me.

The Doctor didn't see us as different organizations but instead like a concept, he didn't need to use different tactics because his overwhelming power ensured it would turn out more or less the same way each time.

My speculation was confirmed when he yet again pulled out the leader out of the base while dragging him to the car.

The car started to get too packed so the subordinates were moved to another car, the Ongaku leader remained calm unlike both of us though still had the shock on his face seeing the car travel to the next gang's territory.

The Rotasu started to experience the same Deja vu I did which made me feel really weird before the Doctor smiled at me causing my spine to shiver.

Helplessness engulfed me after seeing the Anshin gang meet the same fate, it felt really degrading seeing us all be treated like a weed.

I worked really hard to succeed in this cruel underworld and yet all my efforts were destroyed by a simple yet deadly plan.

Step 1: Have the Yakuza Charge In

Step 2: The Doctor heals there injuries when one falls

Step 3: Enter the base

Step 4(Assume): The Doctor goes after the boss while the Yakuza takes care of the grunts

Step 5(Assume): Wipes out everyone that doesn't manage to escape

Step 6: Takes the leader along with a single subordinate into the cars for the Oyabun to meet

Step 7: Rinse and Repeat

The car ride remained silent as this time the Anshin gang leader understood earlier than the rest of us as a depressing atmosphere slowly formed in the car.

I mean, we were respective threats in our own right having built up a reputation in the underworld for years only for us to be treated like kids.

To add insult to injury the Doctor took out the spikes seeing our broken will's leaving us even more depressed that restraints weren't even needed anymore.

We all came to a mutual understanding after this but of course as if reading our minds told us even if we worked together to escape it would be useless since he would find us.

Then he went into all the different ways we would be tortured with his quirk to make sure he efficiently broke us mentally and physically.

I even started flinching at the level of detail he described when talking about how he would deal with our skin.

It got to the point where the Rotasu leader threw up making me also a little queasy and this made the Doctor extremely frustrated.

But of course not about what we all heard but instead he complained at how it would be A PAIN TO CLEAN, TO CLEAN!

Then the man known as Arashi calmly explained how to get rid of the vomit stain, and I had no choice but to listen.

First: You would sprinkle baking soda on the vomit stain and leave it there for a couple hours before vacuuming it up.

Second: You would make a solution which would be one part vinegar and one part water, and after mixing you would scrub until the stain comes out.

Third: To get rid of any remaining germs a steamer would be used to make sure the odor wouldn't be too pungent.

Finally: Spray odor eliminator on the place where the stain was located while topping off the car with an air freshener.

Then after explaining each step the Doctor seemed a little relieved until he suddenly stepped out of the car to take care of the last gang known as the Tento gang.

A smell of pungent puke filled the car prompting me to roll down a window as the Rotasu gang apologized.

It became silent after that yet no one dared to leave, especially hearing what he would do all of us.

The gloomy atmosphere didn't help when the last leader was finally subdued, the thing that really set in made me and everyone realize that we had no idea what the Doctor had in store for us next.

The Tento gang leader could be described in a single word, energetic, and even when recognizing us the man didn't shut up the whole car ride.


"You killed all of my men! You fucker-"

"Sanda, please be quiet before I punch your throat and crush your windpipe so you cannot speak anymore." Shin calmly threatened having had enough of this man complaining, his words made Sanda's next words stop in his throat as Shin gazed out the window.

"Do you not understand the position you're in? I just subdued four other leaders of similar size gangs as you and yet you think you can still talk to me with that tone of voice?" A thick bloodlust slowly leaked out of Shin as the people including Arashi became pale.

"I was being courteous, however my patience has been thinning with every word that incessant mouth of yours manages to spit out, so if you value your ability to speak in the future remain quiet for the rest of the car ride, got it?" Shin turned his head showing Sanda a cold smile leaving him only one option, making him nod his head quietly.

"Good, we'll be at the main Yakuza compound in a while so make yourselves comfortable." Shin saw the atmosphere and realized he hadn't stopped releasing his bloodlust.

"Whoops, sorry about that Arashi." Shin hit his forehead and apologized to Arashi who was slightly shivering to the side.

"I-I-I-It's fine Doctor." Arashi sturred a little bit as his teeth clinked together.

Arashi's back had cold sweats feeling Shin's blood lust since usually he never even feels a single trace of him, however after feeling it for the first time he could only describe it in one word, cold.

Deathly cold, a feeling of having your body slowly become numb while a slight prickly sensation traced all over your skin.

'I wonder what Dabi and Atsuhiro are doing?' Shin thought and his brows scrunched immediately once that thought came into his mind seeing a huge blue fire burning in the distance.

'Didn't I say low key?' A vein appeared on Shin's forehead taking out his phone.

Dabi what did you do - Shin


Ovewhirmled - Dabi


I'll be there in 3 minutes - Shin

"Arashi, I'll be back." Shin could tell that something went amidst seeing the clear misspelling in the word 'overwhelmed'.

"What about-"



"Wait! Wai-"




"Spare me-"


Shin started punching the five leaders while knocking them all out in one punch already knowing what Arashi was going to imply.

The first two were easy but after the other three saw this they began to spread throughout the car, however his fist eventually collided with each of their faces whether they wanted it or not.

"I should be back before you arrive at the compound." Shin opened the door under Arashi's hesitant nod.

Shin burst out of the car and into the air under the driver's shock though Arashi reassured him to keep driving.

The car remained silent as Arashi turned his gaze toward Ohta, he slowly unsheathed his sword as a murderous rage formed in his eyes.


"No, the oyabun will condemn him for me." Arashi sighed while reshething his sword.

Meanwhile in the southwest part of the slums

"Fuck!" A huge wave of water crashed down on Dabi who pushed himself back with the force of his flames.


Dabi still managed to get caught in the wave as the water shape formed into a block of water leaving Dabi in the middle trying to hold his breath.

"YOU FUCKING FREAK!" Someone screeched from the side showing a rage filled expression.

Two others also encircled the cube of water holding Dabi, the reason for the man's expression could be seen from the surroundings that showed countless amounts of scorched bodies.

WHile all of this was taking place a raging blue fire roared in the four surroundings encircling them in a ring of blue flames leaving escape to only be desirable.


"Kazou the only reason we were able to entrap him in our water is because he lost focus for a second." A man known as Kei who had a striking resemblance to the man screaming known as Kazou calmly explained.

"He literally wiped out everything we worked so hard for Kei!" The last of the trio known as Kenzo yelled wanting to torture him as well for what he did.

"Do you think I don't know this? I saw everything this fire freak did, it's the reason I don't want to let him out of my construct!" Kei yelled, causing the other triplets to grit their teeth.

"It's better this way, now all he can do is drown." Kei calmly stated giving the others some relief.


The water suddenly exploded all around Dabi who had been waiting for the moment they let their guard down.

Using a large portion of the kinetic energy he had stored from the beating he received from the fighting so far he unleashed it all over his body instead of channeling it into a designated spot.

"Dammit!" Kei yelled trying to form the water around him once more but Dabi didn't hesitate.

Pushing off the ground with the rest of his kinetic energy the ground splintered around his feet before he launched at Kazou.



Dabi didn't let them finish their warning as while he was traveling through the air he managed to gather a small amount of kinetic energy.

Using this he channeled it into his right fist while unleashing it all into Kazou's lower abdomen, flesh and blood exploded outwards upon the impact of such force causing a medium size hole to form in Kazou.

"KAZOU!" Both of them screamed seeing a chunk missing from their brother's body watching him fall to the ground as blood oozed out of the hole.

"Finally FINALLY!" Dabi let out a maniacal laughter igniting both hands in a raging blue flame.


"SHUT UP!" Dabi roared, pointing a hand at both brothers while unleashing his pent up rage at the two.

The remaining triplets responded by activating their quirks, Kei formed a dome of water around himself while Kenzo controlled the water from the surroundings accumulated from their fight and shot it at Dabi to counter the blast.

"I have spent almost an hour fighting you three AN HOUR! FOR A HOUR I HAVE BEEN ALMOST DROWNING! FOR A FUCKING HOUR!" Dabi showed madness in his eyes at how much of a pain in the ass these three had been.

When Dabi arrived at this base he found out they were holding an allwide meeting meaning a lot of the Mizu gang's forces were condensed into this one base.

However even when an all out fight occurred, he still managed to easily obliterate everyone thanks to his new healing quirk.

But then these three came out, the triplets in charge of the Mizu gang who sported all water type quirks started making his life increasingly difficult.

Their combined teamwork was formidable, Dabi had double digit life and death encounters from these three alone and even when he managed to kill all their subordinates they still made his life hell.

"You bastard! YOU DESTROYED OUR GANG!" Kenzo screamed at this freak who had the balls to think he was in the wrong.

"Yeah you're right I did." Dabi showed Kenzo a crazed smile as the flames' potency increased two fold.

"AND NOW I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOUR BROTHER TOO BY BOILING HIM ALIVE!" Dabi's crazed eyes illuminated madness as Kenzo shook in horror.

From this fight Dabi had learned their quirks, Kazou could produce water, Kenzo could manipulate it, and Kei could form perfect constructs made out of water.

These two had been protecting the former Kazou while they were fighting, making life so much more difficult for Dabi.

"STOP!" Kenzo channeled more water around him however before he could use the water floating beside him to attack Dabi all of a sudden the blue flames would increase forcing Kenzo to protect himself instead of aiding his brother.

The flames endlessly shot out of Dabi's hands before clashing directly with the water controlled by Kenzo.

A sizzling sound permuted around the air as steam unleashed under the insane heat giving off by Dabi's flames.

The combined efforts were at a stand still yet Dabi couldn't be more happy at this showing a toothy smile.

On the other side Dabi was staying true to his words as Kei began to feel the heat from the blue flames.

It didn't take long for the water surrounding him to boil, skyrocketing the temperature inside the dome under Kei's horror.

He tried to channel the steam back into the dome however the amount of steam never seemed to decrease.

Kei had to encircle himself since Dabi controlled his flames to encompass all around him instead of going for a head on like Kenzo.

The heat slowly started to boil his skin as Kei could only sit there while experiencing a slow and agonizing death forced upon him by Dabi.


"Talk? I only want to see the look on your face when I take everything away from you before I kill you!" Dabi had totally lost it at this point, it didn't help that these leaders used their members like cannon fodder to weaken his stamina.

Dabi's patience had broken thirty minutes ago, and right now he wanted nothing more to inflict as much pain on Kenzo as possible.

Tears streamed down Kenzo's face hearing the screams of Kei from the dome as he begged Dabi for mercy though it was only music to the latters ears.

The agonizing screams from the dome suddenly dimmed leaving Kenzo breathless knowing he was the last of the Mizu triplets.

"Look LOOK!" Dabi hysterically laughed, releasing the flames revealing the boiled corpse of Kei.

"KEI!" Kenzo wailed and Dabi used this chance to blast Kenzo with a huge force of his flames.

"URGH!" Kenzo grunted as the flames threw him backwards as he tumbled on the ground.

After skidding like a rock across a pond for a while, he laid motionless on the ground until he grabbed the dirt with both fists.

"I'll kill y-"

"So you didn't need my help." A voice resounded from a distance that didn't resemble Dabi's.

Slowly raising his head Kenzo saw Shin shaking his head in disappointment while landing next to Dabi.

"Well, I never said I needed it." Dabi shrugged, calming himself down upon Shin's arrival.

"And the Mizu gang?" Shin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's the last survivor." Dabi pointed as Kenzo's body slowly lifted up on its own.

"Wha-kurk!" Kenzo gazed at his floating body until Shin pulled his throat into his grasp.

Water Manipulation: Users can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas, steam, water vapor, including changing them from one state to others.

Shin raised both eyebrows at this useful quirk, Dabi seeing this went over to grab the dead triplets while dragging them over to him.

"These two also have useful water quirks." Dabi threw the two below Shin's feet, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Also can I borrow that guy for a bit, I'm still a little pissed." Dabi asked and Shin threw Kenzo to the ground.

Hydrokinetic Constructs: The power to create a wide variety of tools, objects, weapons, armor, animals, and even appendages out of water.

Water Generation: Able to generate immense amounts of water out of yourself and thin air.

Shin touched the last of the triplets completely ignoring the screaming of Kenzo as he thought to himself.

'These triplets powers are immense.' Shin didn't understand how these three weren't heroes until he gazed into their memories.

'They're a part of the Inawa organization.' Shin now understood why these three were only mere gang leaders.

Evidently from the two triplets' memories the Inawa has planted this gang and the one Atsuhiro is supposedly taking care of in order to enact a mass takeover when ready.

Essentially they had the smaller gangs cause lots of ruckus to occupy the Yakuza's attention by giving them great deals on trigger while slowly building up these gangs until they were ready to completely take over the whole entire part of the southern slums.

Shin dropped and despawned these two as he pulled out his phone to check up on Atsuhiro to make sure nothing went amidst.

Meanwhile in the southeast part of the slums

"Go on! Reach into the tiger's mouth!" Atsuhiro shouted loudly in anticipation.

Atsuhiro had already turned the useful people in the Suna gang into marbles a while ago and now was using the leftover time to perform for the leftover members.

Instead of going in first Atsuhiro decided to turn all the dangerous individuals that might disrupt his performance into marbles before setting his sights on the gang.

"Please my wife she-"

"I mean if you don't want to participate in the performance then you can play with the others." Atsuhiro gestured to the side of the stage he had set up with a pile of dead bodies stacked on top of each other.

The man standing before Whiskers started to cry, his fellow members who were sitting in the chairs Atsuhiro had set up, all gazed at him in pity though they didn't dare to say anything.

"Alright now reach into whiskers mouth and grab the note while reading out loud-"


Atsuhiro, who was calmly instructing what the man needed to do suddenly felt a buzz in his front pocket.


Any discrepancies I should be aware of? - Shin


Nope! The performance is going on without a hitch! - Atsuhiro


Alright wrap it up in the next 10 minutes - Shin


Such a gracious boss! I thank you for letting me finish my performance! - Atsuhiro



Atsuhiro jerked his head upwards hearing a scream seeing the crying man holding the place where his arm should be.

The blood furiously gushed out of his new wound spraying the stage in a scarlet red color while Whisker's chomped down on the arm.

"DAMMIT WHISKER'S!" Atsuhiro shouted, stomping his foot onto the ground causing Whisker's to drop the arm located in its jaw.

"My arm! My-"


Atsuhiro shot the man in cold blood as he fell limply onto the stage, more of his blood made his way onto the stage though Atsuhiro was more upset at his carefully planned performance going astray.

"Didn't I tell you not to bite down! He was supposed to grab the note then read-you know what nevermind! It's ruined, RUINED!" Atsuhiro shook his head in annoyance as the thugs sitting in the chair shook violently at the sudden mood change.

Whisker's pouted, lowering its head down at the ground not daring to see the mean man's temper tantrum.

"We rehearsed this like ten times! TEN! And you still messed up!" Whisker's flinched at his words while laying on the stage.


Atsuhiro pulled out a marble that held a chair and sat on it while putting both hands on his face. This performance was about to reach its climax and Whisker's ruined it.

He could keep going but he had been building up the guy in his performance until the big reveal where he would have him slowly kill off the rest of the thugs however it didn't matter now.

"Did you guys like it?" Atsuhiro gazed up at the thugs who flinched.

"Oh yeah it was great!"


"5 stars!"

"Your showmanship really blew me away!"

All the thugs immediately flattered Atsuhiro who felt a little relieved that at least the performance wasn't a total failure.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Atsuhiro stood up at the applause while bowing two times pulling out a marble.

"Your words really made me feel better, it means a lot for an entertainer like myself to hear your cheers." Atsuhiro spoke and some thugs let out a relieved sigh.

Some actually had hopes that the psychopath in front of them would let them go however instead he pulled out a tommy gun.

"However none of you can leave here alive." None had a chance to even flinch as a fury of bullets was unloaded into the crowd.

Atsuhiro slowly mowed down his crowd that he had so tirelessly formed, the bullets whistled through the air as blood stained the ground.

No one survived as the formerly clapping crowd was now all lying lifelessly on the ground with a horror filled look plastered on their unwilling faces.


"It could have been so spectacular *Sigh* This is why I prefer not working on a stage with others." Atsuhiro sighed while side eyeing Whiskers who whimpered at his words.

"Well let's clean up."

Atsuhiro went around changing everything he brought today back into marbles including Whisker's much to its dismay before sighing again.

"What a waste."


I had to cut the performance short I'll be there soon - Atsuhiro

He gloomily put the phone back into his pocket while strolling into the distance with a little hop in his step.

Holding out his hand, a lighter appeared as he tossed it to the ground, the flames immediately were caught as a line of fire formed into the Suna's base.


The base exploded yet the flames felt so organized, even going so far as to form a perfect ring enshrouding the raging flames in a clean circle of red flames.

"I wonder what performance I'll see at the Yakuza compound."

20 minutes later

At the main Yakuza compound

Shin had already reconvened with the 13th division caravan while telling Dabi to meet up with Atsuhiro, and upon approaching the compound the five still hadn't awoken, proning Shin to do it himself.

Right now the 13th division, under the shocked gazes of many of the Yakuza members present in the main compound, saw them escorting ten people with five of them being the leaders of the pesky gangs that had been making a stir in their territory as of late.

Countless whispers resounded in the compound as the 13th division proudly walked to the center of an outstretched area with a single chair present.

Arriving at a vast clearing, the 13th division put these men onto their knees while holding them down as more and more Yauza gathered around.

As if waiting for someone no one dared to speak out loudly and instead only quietly whispered at the sudden transpiring events.

Then all attention focused at a nearby door sliding open revealing a man who they held dearly in their hearts.


Authors Note: Experimenting with POV changes, if you would like to see more small POV changes in the future comment which characters you are most interested in getting a POV change.

Sorry about the inconistant updates, I like to write however sometimes a new story will pop into my head and I won't be able to write this stoy until I write the new story out of my head.

Siebogcreators' thoughts
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