

Li Caiyi hummed in a good mood while carrying a plastic bag with three batches of ice creams inside.

Chen Ruolan and Feng Nian had not made up yet, but their relationship was not as prickly as before anymore. As expected, good food always puts you in a good mood. When your mood was good, even your enemy looked more pleasant in your eyes. She thought she did a great job choosing an ice cream parlor as their hang-out place today.

She even brought extra for Li Chunhua, Li Junjie, and Su Suyin. Nothing for Li Jirong, though.

Because he would not be able to stomach it after hearing today's news, anyway.

Li Caiyi won the bet fair and square, which was only the beginning.

When she arrived at her house, a familiar car was parked outside. Li Caiyi groaned in exasperation, knowing well who was the owner of that car.

She suddenly did not want to enter.

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